A Bleak Assessment

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 6 months ago

Matt Bracken offers up these possibilities.

1. The Left being stopped kinetically, as in Chile in 1973. This is not possible in 2021, because the military is fully cucked, “woke,” and tilting hard-Left. Battlefield warriors are being replaced by social justice warriors. Americans holding traditional conservative values are being intentionally driven out of the military. This is the true purpose of forcing the Left’s trans insanity into the military, transforming it into a hard-Left organization whose leaders and troops consider the Constitution and Bill of Rights to be obsolete parchments penned by white racist slave owners. Don’t look to the military to stop the current slide into Communism, they will be fully on board with it.
2. An eventual full-out Communist victory leading to a Stalinist “deep winter” end state like Cuba or North Korea. This is unlikely because A. the conservative Right is too well armed, and too well trained in military special operations to be defeated kinetically, and B. the federal government is too weak, with an American economic implosion looming as trillions of digital fiat dollars are created out of thin air.
 3. Economic implosion leading to a collapse of federal power, a breakdown in food and fuel distribution, leading to a civil war that will resemble Weimar Germany colliding with Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda at the same time. This new civil war, unprecedented in its horrors, might eventually lead to some type of pyrrhic conservative victory, but only on top of the ashes of the American constitutional republic, and at an enormous cost in lives lost and property destroyed.

That’s an extremely bleak assessment.  But it does appear that a massive realignment is taking place with the dropping of Facebook, Twitter, etc., and migration towards other platforms.  It’s even happening with Amazon.  This post by James Wesley Rawles is telling.

In addition to quitting the Amazon Associates program, I will also cancel my own Amazon Prime membership (now $119 per year), cancel my Amazon account, and stop making any new blog links to Amazon products. And I’ll try to come up with a script that will automatically rip out the thousands of Amazon links that are in SurvivalBlog’s database. (We now have more than 31,000 archived articles, columns, and letters.)

I encourage you to read the rest of his article.  This is a big deal for him – this means turning away money.

Also make sure to read the comments (at this reading there are 202 comments).  This is occurring everywhere.  It may or may not be enough to affect Amazon.  I doubt it.  But what it does do is show that given an information war, a mass migration is occurring within that domain.

The two sides have self-identified, and there is no turning back.


  1. On January 27, 2021 at 11:47 pm, Fred said:

    What are the tools God uses to impose Judgement? I’ve mention this many times here. Nobody can know for sure but certain types of serious life ending ongoing events over time are very likely.

  2. On January 28, 2021 at 1:53 am, Hudson H Luce said:

    If you look at who actually *produces* the food and fuels, and distributes it, I think you’ll find very few “hard Left” people. What the “hard Left” produce is mostly words or “culture”. And they produce politics and “management” – but very little that the country can’t do without. I doubt that the “hard Left” will be able to survive very long on “culture”, politics, and “management” if everyone else – the sane part of the population – refuses to go along with them and play their games. In reality, they’re a dependent and parasitical class of people. The people who produce and get things done are also the people who can figure out how to work together to produce and get things done, because they already have to do so anyway. In places where those people are in the majority, I don’t see much chaos erupting. In places where they’re in the minority, I think Mr Bracken’s scenarios are a lot more likely.

  3. On January 28, 2021 at 5:41 am, joe blow said:

    JWR said he is losing over 30k annually in amazon commish.
    DO NOT LINK TO YOUTUBE VIDEOS, use DuckDuckGo, your presence on googles platforms is what generates their income.

  4. On January 28, 2021 at 8:47 am, Ned said:

    joe blow – Yeah – about DuckDuckGo – it’s run by Democrats: https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_employer=duckduckgo&two_year_transaction_period=2020&min_date=01%2F01%2F2019&max_date=12%2F31%2F2020

    Try something else like StartPage or this: https://restoreprivacy.com/private-search-engine/

  5. On January 28, 2021 at 8:51 am, Ned said:

    Continued: From Metager search engine in Germany:

    “Did you know that according to the Patriot Act, all internet servers and search engines physically located in the jurisdiction of the United States are obligated to disclose any information to the intelligence services? Your personal data is at risk even if the servers and search engines don’t store any information: it is sufficient if the intelligence agencies read and store everything at the internet point of connection. All MetaGer servers are located in Germany.”

    Startpage results are from Google, and so results are censored. I’ll probably be switching to MetaGer.

  6. On January 28, 2021 at 10:16 am, Ned2 said:

    I think Rawles has the better take.
    I do not believe we will win this war with guns. We will win it with technology.
    Maybe the right has finally woken up and wants to fight back. Good, it’s about time.

    We can effectively “cancel” the left by doing our own demonetizing, banning, ridiculing etc, but the real victory will happen when we electronically hack them to death.
    We need to put aside our principals and fight this the way the left has been fighting this since the internet was invented.

    A good friend in IT noted that some of the following may occur:
    Sabotage of networks.
    Manipulation of data.
    Hacks into government systems.
    The list goes on and on.

    If this does get to the street, as Matt noted, most of the military will simply do what they’re told, as will Law Enforcement. We will be wiped out. It’s time to adopt other means to achieve our goals.

  7. On January 28, 2021 at 11:25 am, Paul B said:

    I have tried to cancel my prime account many times.

    I have also told them to tell me before renewing

    They have and will do neither. If you order anything from them they will use the last card you had and renew.

    I do sill get books and other things so I let it slide. But beware they will keep you the fold if they can. It is not like they obey any laws anyway.

  8. On January 28, 2021 at 6:00 pm, Frank Clarke said:

    If there is another civil war, this one between the Reds and the Blues, the outcome is easy to predict:

    (a) the Reds are going win. It’s not even theoretically possible for small enclaved cities to overwhelm the heartland, but it is possible for the heartland to cut the cities off from food, water, and electricity. Game over.

    (b) the heartland is going to want to secede. They’ll cut the blue districts loose because conquering them is counter-productive.

    (c) Blue America will turn into a third-world country. Red America will strictly control its border with Blue America. There will not be an ‘illegal immigrant problem’.

    (d) Within a few years at most, those blue areas will bid to be annexed simply because the government model they use is unsustainable without inexpensive supplies coming in from red areas. The blue model requires the red model far more than the red requires the blue.

    Bring it.

  9. On January 29, 2021 at 2:49 pm, scott s. said:

    If I use Amazon I buy a gift card in the grocery store and load it to my account, so they don’t have any credit card from me. I also use the “smile” option but in reality I have no idea if my designated charity actually gets anything from them. Unfortunately in Hawaii so many on-line vendors won’t ship here or charge exorbitant rates.

  10. On January 29, 2021 at 3:01 pm, viper said:

    we got the military on our side ….for now….don’t get too carried away with the fear porn

  11. On January 29, 2021 at 3:04 pm, viper said:

    also…..as much as I respect Matt for his military experience….he’s been wrong on a lot of things…..as they say,,,”stay calm(I’m trying myself) and carry on”…..but stay frosty…

  12. On January 31, 2021 at 5:32 pm, bobdog said:

    I’ll take what’s behind door number three, Alex…

  13. On February 1, 2021 at 10:28 am, Sanders said:

    As for the warfighters in #1, they didn’t all just go away…..just sayin’.

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