Horse Injured In Dan Ryan Ride On The Mend In Tinley Park

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

TINLEY PARK, IL — After a wild and dangerous seven-mile ride on Dan Ryan Expressway, NuNu the horse sustained numerous injuries, including bleeding from the left hoof, an injury to the right hoof and saddle sores on the right side of the horse’s body, according to state police.

After an evaluation with Chicago Animal Care and Control, NuNu was transferred to Forest View Farms, 16717 S. Lockwood Ave. in Tinley Park, a farm that has served the south and western suburbs of Chicago for over 60 years, according to its website. Injuries and updates were not specified by the farm.

“NuNu is currently part of a criminal case. The only publicly available information on her health is in the State’s Attorney’s report,” the farm wrote on Facebook. “We also appreciate everyone that reached out to ask about visits, adoption or care packages. NuNu is not receiving guests at this time …

The Dan Ryan ride, which began at 4:20 p.m. Sept. 21 at the 47th Street exit, ended after the rider, later identified as Adam Hollingsworth, exited the expressway at 95th Street and was taken into custody by state troopers. Another man, Darron Luster, was also charged after he refused to relinquish control of the horse over to troopers after Hollingsworth was taken into custody, police said.

Hollingsworth was initially charged with reckless conduct, disobeying a police officer and criminal trespass to state supported property, Illinois State Police said, and later also charged with aggravated animal cruelty, a felony.

Luster was arrested and charged with obstructing officers and resisting arrest, according to police. Both men were taken to Chicago Police District 5 headquarters.

State police received several reports of Hollingsworth on the expressway and troopers arrived on the scene at 71st St., where they found Hollingsworth surrounded by motorcycles. Troopers ordered Hollingsworth to exit the expressway, which he refused to do before police finally got him to exit the expressway at 95th St., where he was arrested.

This is a criminal investigation because he is a criminal and guilty of animal abuse.

The most surprising thing about this report is found in a link at the article to a Facebook report on the horse.

What an amazingly crazy weekend! We have a brand-new appreciation for the term “going viral,” and cannot thank you enough for all the supportive comments, messages and calls. This photo is of Chloe, one of NuNu’s new barn mates who would like to thank you!

When NuNu’s GoFundMe went up late Friday night, the expectation was it might generate enough money to pay for some extra care that goes above and beyond anything the farm might be reimbursed for while she is the custody of CACC, being housed at FVF. (One example of this is teeth floating.) The original $5000 goal was, in our opinion, hugely aspirational. WELL, we were absolutely blown-away by your generosity.

As the fund exceeded the $10,000 mark, it was decided to stop accepting donations for NuNu at this time. To be very clear – she will need specialized care for the rest of her life, and the money already raised will go for that. Once the court case has come to its end, there might be additional fundraising efforts for her long-term care.

For those asking to see the vet’s reports to “prove” her injuries, NuNu is currently part of a criminal case. The only publicly available information on her health is in the State’s Attorney’s report. We also appreciate everyone that reached out to ask about visits, adoption or care packages. NuNu is not receiving guests at this time …

You read that right.  Some jerk, or in the case, jerks, are asking for a report to “prove” the extent of the horse’s injuries.

I had initially figured that the people demanding such reports were just imbeciles, and was prepared to rehearse what I had said earlier on this.

True horsemen know how to care for horses.  I am a horseman.  You teach them, train them, ring ride them, teach them voice commands and leg commands and reign commands, brush them, bath them, feed them, keep them in well-constructed stalls, clean their stalls, medicate them, shoe them, and get them seen by professional Ferriers.  This man is an actor – he is no horseman.

The mayor of Chicago is a thug.  The man who did this to this animal is a thug.  He rode the horse without shoes along roadways until the horse was lame and injured beyond repair.  The hooves were probably cracked and not trimmed before the ride, and the horse should never have been taken on this ride.

And by the way, Hollywood movies that show horses galloping endlessly are stupid, fake, farcical, and lies.  Riding horses that way will kill them.  You don’t gallop horses for hours on end.  No one does that.  Horses can cantor, lope and trot.  They can gallop for very short distances.  Not long distances.  They will come up lame, their hearts will explode, they will break bones.  They will exhaust, they will die of dehydration.

The man who did this to an animal is wicked.  I know this because I once trained quarter horses.  And because I wouldn’t do this to an animal.

And then I was prepared to point out that I would trust the initial report of a Ferrier in lieu of a vet any day (not to disparage vets).  Ferriers see and doctor horses literally every day.  It could be followed up with a formal report from a vet.

But that’s not the point.  It dawned on me that the people demanding to see a report don’t care about any of that.  They just want to see a criminal exonerated, as long as the criminal is doing the work of the progressive state.

It’s the same way criminals associated with Antifa and BLM are being treated in Portland and Seattle – as long as they tear down the system, it doesn’t matter who gets hurt or how badly.  They are to be freed to do it again.

The people demanding to see a report on the horse’s health are awful, terrible people.  The good man cares about the life of his beast, and the bad man does not.  And the people who do not care about beasts won’t care about you or your family either.  Never forget that.

As for those among us who care but do not know, I will repeat myself, as I have stated about police officers who indiscriminately shoot dogs.  Give me five minutes with any dog and I’ll almost always get the dog to play with me in the backyard.  There is never any excuse for shooting dogs, and if police raids are a root cause of that, then end them.

If you don’t know and understand how animals work, think and play, how to communicate with them through voice inflection, timbre, voice commands, and touch, if you don’t know at least a little about doctoring animals, if you don’t know anything about the care and feeding of animals, then your father was a failure in your life, and you can tell him I said so.

Spend some quality time volunteering at a local farm or ranch feeding horses and cattle, doctoring farm animals, raising dogs, chickens and goats, cleaning stalls, and feeding animals.  It will be time better spent than spending it with humans, and it will teach you something about life, including the value of hard work.

Report via WiscoDave.


  1. On October 1, 2020 at 3:23 am, Bonny said:

    Thank you for your informative and enlightening post. It answered a good many questions which arose after the very brief initial news report I heard.

  2. On October 1, 2020 at 8:06 am, Fred said:

    Thanks for circling back to this, Sir. A small bright spot in a dimming world.

  3. On October 1, 2020 at 9:28 am, Stefan said:

    Proverbs 12:10 KJVS
    A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

    That person should receive a thorough bastinado, and be required to walk home with no further charges. Btw, Darth Vader and Genghis Khan were evil pussies, and sooner rather than later I’ll be arrested, if I think about the blatant pedophile grooming gangs at the bus central stop, and the white coated priests of Baal aborting babies at the local “hospital”, for just two examples of evildoing worthy of sword and fire. Not in that order.

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