Chicago’s “Census Cowboy” Caused Needless Pain And Suffering Of His Horse

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 10 months ago


The horse ridden for 7.5 miles on the Dan Ryan Expressway during an impromptu protest Monday by a man known as the “Dreadhead Cowboy” would not have survived without immediate treatment and may still be euthanized, according to Cook County prosecutors, who said the treatment of the horse was the equivalent of forcing an 80-year-old woman run a full marathon.

Adam Hollingsworth, 33, was held on $25,000 bond during a court appearance Wednesday after he was charged with a felony count of aggravated cruelty to an animal, as well as misdemeanor counts of reckless conduct, trespassing and other traffic offenses. He must pay 10% of that amount, $2,500, to be released from jail.

Hollingsworth has also been dubbed the “Census Cowboy” for his work with Mayor Lori Lightfoot to boost census participation in Chicago. He said he rode the horse on the expressway during rush hour in support of the #KidsLivesMatter movement — an initiative that aims to raise awareness and motivate residents to fill out the census to help communities receive better funding.

But Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney Kevin Deboni said the horse was ill-equipped for this ride and was run almost to death.

Hollingsworth allegedly rode the horse onto the Dan Ryan at the 35th Street feeder ramp at around 4:30 p.m. Deboni said the horse spent most of the ride galloping, but it did not have on proper shoes for the pavement, which caused bleeding and “extensive damage” to its health.

Listen to me.  Listen to me.

Needless pain and suffering.  People who live according to God’s law don’t cause it to humans or animals.  The hunter cares about the ethical kill, and eats what he kills, or kills in self defense or defense of family, home and hearth.  He doesn’t trophy hunt, or kill for the sport of it.

True horsemen know how to care for horses.  I am a horseman.  You teach them, train them, ring ride them, teach them voice commands and leg commands and reign commands, brush them, bath them, feed them, keep them in well-constructed stalls, clean their stalls, medicate them, shoe them, and get them seen by professional Ferriers.  This man is an actor – he is no horseman.

The mayor of Chicago is a thug.  The man who did this to this animal is a thug.  He rode the horse without shoes along roadways until the horse was lame and injured beyond repair.  The hooves were probably cracked and not trimmed before the ride, and the horse should never have been taken on this ride.

And by the way, Hollywood movies that show horses galloping endlessly are stupid, fake, farcical, and lies.  Riding horses that way will kill them.  You don’t gallop horses for hours on end.  No one does that.  Horses can cantor, lope and trot.  They can gallop for very short distances.  Not long distances.  They will come up lame, their hearts will explode, they will break bones.  They will exhaust, they will die of dehydration.

The man who did this to an animal is wicked.  I know this because I once trained quarter horses.  And because I wouldn’t do this to an animal.



  1. On September 25, 2020 at 2:07 am, Duke Norfolk said:

    Your point about Hollywood is particularly cogent. Almost everybody’s (false) understanding of the world (past and present) is formed by movies and TV (with a side fake news; and fiction writing). Combine that with the corruption of history and science in academia and we (again, almost everybody) don’t really know much of anything other than what we personally do in life.

    And that has terrible consequences.

    Of course in this case these people don’t really care about such things as they profess to care about; it’s just about power and personal advancement.

  2. On September 25, 2020 at 4:56 am, Matt Bracken said:

    It’s a great example, as Duke said above, of peoples false concepts of reality being formed by Hollywood. This is why we are being forced to put women into ground infantry combat, for example. 120# women beat up 200# men in movies and on TV every day, so let’s send them to the next Normandy or Iwo Jima. God help us.

  3. On September 25, 2020 at 5:37 am, Robert said:

    Hollywood and school are the two main sources of what we “know.”
    These two avenues of brain washing and deprograming were used to conquer us as a People.


    My children know all about a little Jewish girl named Ann Frank. They could even tell me about her first menstrual period in an attic.

    When I asked them about Sam Adams?
    Two gave me blank stares and the other two only knew a few pieces of general information.

    Ultimately my fault. I have sacrificed a lot to send all of them to a private Christian school in an attempt to avoid the intense public school propaganda.

    That is why (they) get to pull down statues. (They) won, by creating OUR story for us through Hollywood, TV, books, and schools.

  4. On September 25, 2020 at 9:16 am, blake said:

    It puzzles me that any grown adult would think a horse can be ridden the way this guy ran his horse.

    As a kid, I thought horse chases in Westerns were cool, but, by the time I was in my mid-twenties, I realized one couldn’t run horses at all like that.

    I would say that most people I knew, at that time, knew better by their mid twenties, but, a lot of the people I worked with were farm boys, so, they’d always known better.

    But, to Mr. Bracken’s point, we’ve reached a period of time where people think the fantasy of a movie is reality.

  5. On September 25, 2020 at 9:23 am, Herschel Smith said:

    And never forget. People who will countenance cruelty to animals, will do so for cruelty to humans as well.

  6. On September 25, 2020 at 9:31 am, PaulB said:

    Movies are to blame for a lot of false knowledge.

    It is known a man on a bike can cover more ground than a man on a horse. It is why the relays for the pony express were never more than ten miles apart. But that is glossed over in most movies.

    Guy should be saddled and goaded to run seven miles on bare feet. See how he likes it.

  7. On September 25, 2020 at 9:52 am, J J said:

    People who are cruel to animals should be treated cruelly….flog the skin off his back.

  8. On September 25, 2020 at 10:47 am, Frank Clarke said:

    The point about movies being mistaken for reality has long been recognized. In the 50s, a man named Wolfgang Langeweiss wrote a how-to book for novice aviators called “Stick and Rudder”. In the book, as an aside, he blamed John Wayne for many GA air crashes because every time JW flew a plane in the movies it was “push the stick to go down; pull the stick to go up”, and this is one of the best ways to kill yourself with an airplane.

  9. On September 25, 2020 at 11:08 am, Ned said:

    No doubt some leftist turd like LeBron James will put up the bail money.

  10. On September 25, 2020 at 11:59 am, WiscoDave said:

    Looks like a lot of leftists. He has a go fund me set up. Almost $87000 already raised.
    GFM seems ok with animal abuse. Conservatives, not so much.
    (Hope link works)

  11. On September 25, 2020 at 12:21 pm, BRVTVS said:


    Are you saying they learned this trash in the so-called Christian school? It doesn’t surprise me considering the state of today’s churches, but still unsettling to hear.

  12. On September 25, 2020 at 12:36 pm, Fred said:

    Horses, like other four legged prey, have burst speed for avoiding predators and can run for a short while to remove from an area. Horses can run more than most but still, they are similar to others in that they walk and browse for sustenance everywhere they go, when not taken under dominion for use.

  13. On September 25, 2020 at 9:16 pm, Ned said:

    There’s apparently now a GoFundMe account for this douchebag.

  14. On September 25, 2020 at 11:44 pm, Ned2 said:

    The horse may be euthanized.

    Quote: “Deboni said that Hollingsworth had posted a Facebook video on June 11 “saying he’s going to ride his horse til it dies.” The horse’s heart rate was pounding at twice its normal speed, and its eyes had been dilated to the point of looking “like cartoon eyes,” Deboni mentioned.

    CWB Chicago reported that NuNu would have died had it not been given medical attention. Deboni shared with Cook County Judge David Navarro that NuNu “will never be deemed suitable to ride again, and euthanasia may be utilized for humane reasons due to the suffering the animal will likely endure for the rest of its life.”

    This scumbag should be dragged along the same stretch of highway at 75 miles an hour, and then salted.

  15. On September 25, 2020 at 11:50 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    “The horse’s heart rate was pounding at twice its normal speed …”

    Like I said. If you ride a horse that way, their heart will explode.

    I know that because I’m a horseman. This guys is an asshole.

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