This Thing’s About To Have Me For Lunch
BY Herschel Smith
Chernosky realized that the bear was now between him and the cell phone in his room, so he couldn’t call for help. But he knew he had to try to coax the bear toward the door where it had walked in unannounced (yes, bears can actually open doors and cars).
Chernosky said he calmly talked to the bear, ushering it away from the stairs to where his kids were sleeping. According to the National Park Service (NPS), once a bear has noticed you, it’s important to talk to it so the bear can identify you as a human. Remember, humans are not their typical food choice. You should also make yourself look as large as possible, and back away sideways.
This method worked for Chernosky—initially. “The bear slowly backed away and opened the garage door. It went into the garage and the door shut behind it. I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the problem was solved,” he says. After waiting a few minutes, Chernosky cautiously opened the door to the garage and hit the button to open the garage door so the bear could go outside.
“The garage door spooked it, and it ran back toward where I was standing. I ran down the hall and hid in the corner, and it came back inside,” he continues. “I couldn’t see it because it was so dark, so I came back to the hallway to look, and when I came around, I realized it was standing right in front of me. It was a total shock to the both of us.”
The 400-pound black bear instantly hit Chernosky in the head so hard that it spun him around in a full circle. “It felt like a brick smacking you in the side of the head and instantly tore the skin off my forehead, my right eye, and sliced my ear in half. I was bleeding immediately and crawled back behind the counter thinking, ‘This thing’s about to have me for lunch,'” he says.
I guess the thing I don’t get is this. Why would you hear someone or something trashing your home, and go out to meet that someone or something without a gun?
On July 28, 2020 at 7:50 am, Fred said:
“Why would you hear someone or something trashing your home, and go out to meet that someone or something without a gun?”
Because community engagement works so well, dontchya know.
He waited…Waited…WAITED.
On July 28, 2020 at 8:21 am, craig said:
“The Ohio native, who had recently relocated to Aspen, CO…”
A quick name search indicates he’s an attorney (specializing in ‘lemon laws’). 90% probability he’s a typical gun-controlling rich Democrat. 100% probability he never gave a moment’s thought to the safety implications of moving away from an upscale city life to live in nature amongst bears and mountain lions.
On July 28, 2020 at 9:45 am, Paul said:
He lives in Aspen, that’s all you need to say, after that you know he is a Democrat and a gun control advocate.
On July 28, 2020 at 9:49 am, Herschel Smith said:
Maybe he won’t be after this experience. Or is he remains one, he probably deserves what happens to him.
On July 28, 2020 at 3:32 pm, Bad_Brad said:
” Remember, humans are not their typical food choice.”
What a Libtard. Bears, and Mountain lions are a problem because nobody hunts them anymore. They use to run both with dogs and now that’s illegal in most states. It served a purpose. I live in Northern California in a rural county> We’ve got Bay Area transplant pouring in. It’s just a matter of time before one of these clowns gets attacked. Or even more likely, one of their kids gets attacked. Tahoe is a train wreck with bears. And the hippies up there protect the crap out of them.
On July 28, 2020 at 7:41 pm, sirlancelot said:
454 Casull – don’t leave home without it
On July 28, 2020 at 8:50 pm, Penetty said:
You’re asking where his guns were and I’m wondering why he dosen’t have any deadbolts.