Portland Antifa Gets A Surprise When They Open Man’s Car Door
BY Herschel Smith
Uninvited, by the way. Breaking and entering.
Over the weekend, masked antifa in Portland opened a black man’s car door during a violent protest. Watch how he responded to them: pic.twitter.com/p8gNADCkGM
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 13, 2020
Soibois with lisps, every one of them. Using video equipment to encourage their followers when they show a cowering car owner when he gets beaten up, turned to use against anyone who doesn’t cower by telling them, “You’re being videoed.” Hypocrites, every one. Then when the man takes action, they call for more help from fellow rioters, hoping recover from their fright over a man defending himself.
And then there is this: “Is there a lost and found?” Good Lord. Lost and found? Is this grammar school?
What you learn (again) about this crowd is that it is effeminate and frightful. If the cops ever stop protecting the rioters and actually let people deal with them, this would all be over in a day.
But you have to admit. That is an epic leg sweep and takedown. Just epic. Good job, buddy. Nicely done.
This is an embedded tweet. If the video doesn’t work, go to Andy Ngo’s tweet.
On July 14, 2020 at 6:13 am, penses said:
Ngo is one of the best. And his courage is exemplary. At one riot he got pounded with concrete milkshakes and survived, albetit with a serious concussion.
When you hear the female she speaks calmly, with authority and sounds more masculine that her “male” snowflakes.
The driver has some hand-to-hand training. I like the way he didn’t mess around and just took the punk down IMMEDIATELY. No hesitation at all. Just the shock of that move froze the whole crowd.
Good learning vid.
On July 14, 2020 at 7:23 am, Heywood said:
*slow. clap*
On July 14, 2020 at 7:57 am, Nosmo said:
The antifa was really, really lucky he didn’t get a “230 grain hello” when he pulled the door open.
One of them will, someday soon, if they keep doing stuff like that.
On July 14, 2020 at 8:39 am, Chuck said:
He was being nice to the guy. He could have easily ended him right there or many points short of that.
On July 14, 2020 at 9:16 am, Lori G said:
I have 6 Ovcharka dogs, and they do that leg sweep thing on humans when they take them down. They weigh 160 or so, and they just sweep you off your feet by taking your legs out from under you. Then you are on your face or back with a very unpleasant snarl on top of you. It works best when two of them are working together. Even one personal protection dog in the car might deter such efforts.
On July 14, 2020 at 2:10 pm, Chris Mallory said:
Opening the car door, more than breaking and entering, a case could be made that is an attempted carjacking which is also a Federal beef.
On July 14, 2020 at 9:11 pm, Ned said:
The driver appears to be wearing a plate carrier. His body language equals simply not worried about these cucks.
One whiny soy boy starts yelling “we need a bunch of people down here now” in reaction to this guy.
So typical. Only way they can prevail is by swarming.
Driver also seems to be messing with an earbud or a bluetooth/mike setup and perhaps conversing with someone. Could be a LE observer.