We Need A Strong, Focused And Reformed National Rifle Association

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 8 months ago

Following up his bomb on the NRA BoD, Lt. Col. West updates us and fills in the gaps.

As a Battalion Commander in the 4th Infantry Division, 2d Battalion, 20th Field Artillery, I told my soldiers, before we deployed to Iraq, that the most expendable person in the unit was me. No single individual is more important than the unit they are called upon to serve.

America needs the National Rifle Association in these troublesome times. But our Constitutional Republic needs the NRA focused on its core competencies, its mission: to train and educate this nation on marksmanship and responsible gun ownership, and to ensure we will never be subjects, but armed individuals . . . citizens.

Read the rest here.  Most interesting, however, is what some of the comments say.  This one is rich.

To those of you who seem to be ANTI NRA, Stuff it . If the NRA goes down, TURN IN YOUR GUNS. You people are surely haven’t looked at the other side. OR your out to help the LEFT kill the second . Five million plus two million is a very large number , two million minus five million is to loose the second. This GOA and NRA LIFE member thinks that you should think about what you are doing . Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.

So it sounds as if the author, “Rich Z,” needs a historical primer.  Via Kenny, commenter Skytrooper reminds us where we have been and where we are.

“Before there was an NRA/ILA to fight to protect our rights” — You conveniently “forgot” to mention the fact NRA officials support the BATFE and every current federal anti-gun law.

“the Democrats wove into their DNA the desire to disarm America.” — The two most vehemently anti-RKBA SCOTUS justices, Warren Burger and John Paul Stevens, were appointed by Republicans, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Who created the BATF in 1972 then told journalists there was no anti-gun law he wouldn’t support and how he regarded the private ownership of firearms as an “abomination”? Republican Richard Nixon.

Who signed the Mulford Act in 1967 banning the open carry of loaded firearms in California, endorsed the Brady Bill in 1991 then wrote members of Congress in 1994 urging them to vote for Bill Clinton’s “assault weapon” ban? Republican NRA Life Member Ronald Reagan.

Who voted for GCA-68 when he was a member of Congress, signed an executive order in 1989 banning the importation of many superb semiauto firearms then appointed anti-RKBA liberal David Souter to SCOTUS? Republican NRA Life Member George H.W. Bush.

Who supported the same anti-gun laws as Al Gore and John Kerry and, like Barack Obama, wanted to make Bill Clinton’s “assault weapon” ban a permanent statute in 2004? NRA-endorsed Republican George W. Bush.

Who signed Massachusetts’ “assault weapon” ban into law then touted his zeal for strict gun control? Republican Mitt Romney, NRA’s choice for president in 2012.

Who wrote a book, The America We Deserve, in which he wanted to make it harder for everyone to purchase a firearm, supported “assault weapon” bans, and criticized Republicans who “walk the NRA line?” Who contributed a fortune to liberal anti-gun Democrats, joined with Hillary Clinton in wanting to forbid Americans from being “allowed” to purchase a firearm without any due process of law then directed BATFE officials (without a shred of legal authority) to misconstrue the definition of automatic firearm under NFA-34 to ban “bump stocks”? Republican Donald Trump, NRA’s choice for president in 2016.

Kindly identify a single current Republican member of Congress seeking to repeal any federal anti-gun statute, every one of which is supported by Wayne LaPierre & Company.

“While we know the National Firearms Act” — You mean NFA-34 which NRA officials supported in 1934 and still do today?

“The National Rifle Association was caught off guard by this.” — Oh, please. Once handguns were removed from the original version of NFA-34, the NRA endorsed it. Four years later, top NRA officials endorsed FFA-38.

“I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.” — NRA President Karl T. Frederick, testifying before Congress in favor of the Federal Firearms Act of 1938

“The NRA of 1934 was not the political juggernaut that it is today.” — You mean the “political juggernaut” that did nothing to oppose the 1986 machine gun ban signed into law by Ronald Reagan? You mean the “political juggernaut” that lobbied in 1993 to make the Brady Act more onerous than Sarah Brady sought by having it apply to all firearms sold by FFLs, not just handguns? You mean the “political juggernaut” that did absolutely nothing to oppose the 1996 Lautenberg Amendment which made GCA-68 even more oppressive? You mean the “political juggernaut” which rolled over and played dead when Donald Trump banned “bump stocks”? You mean the “political juggernaut” which routinely endorses anti-RKBA politicians, just so long as they’re Republicans?

“We do not think that any sane American, who calls himself an American, can object to placing into this bill the instrument which killed the president of the United States.” — NRA Executive Vice President Franklin Orth, testifying before Congress in favor of a ban on the mail order sales of firearms (without bothering to explain what possible difference it made whether Lee Harvey Oswald bought his rifle by mail order or at a local sporting goods store)

“The NRA supported The National Firearms Act of 1934 which taxes and requires registration of such firearms as machine guns, sawed-off rifles and sawed-off shotguns. … NRA support of Federal gun legislation did not stop with the earlier Dodd bills. It currently backs several Senate and House bills which, through amendment, would put new teeth into the National and Federal Firearms Acts.” — American Rifleman magazine, March 1968, p. 22

“The measure as a whole [GCA-68] appears to be one that the sportsmen of America can live with.” — NRA Executive Vice President Franklin Orth, 1968

Question: “Are there any anti-gun laws which the NRA supports?”

Answer: “The NRA fully supports the Gun Control Act of 1968.” — NRA-ILA head Tanya Metaksa, speaking before the National Press Club (televised on C-SPAN2) on 16 May 1995

Question (from CNN’s Larry King): “Does the NRA want to abolish the BATF?”

Answer: “Not only does the NRA not want to abolish the BATF, the NRA doesn’t want to restrict the BATF in any way.” — NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, appearing on CNN on 18 May 1995

“We think it’s reasonable to support the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act. … We think it’s reasonable to expect full enforcement of federal firearms laws by the federal government.” — NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, Congressional testimony, 27 May 1999, hearing before 106th Congress, House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime

“I did think we ought to extend the assault weapons ban” — George W. Bush, 13 October 2004; NRA’s choice for president in 2000 and 2004

“We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts. I support them. I won’t chip away at them. I believe that they help protect us and provide for our safety.” — Mitt Romney, 2002; NRA’s choice for president in 2012

“Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts. These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.” — Mitt Romney; NRA’s choice for president in 2012

“I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. … The Republicans walk the NRA line and refuse even limited restrictions.” — Donald Trump (from his book The America We Deserve); NRA’s choice for president in 2016

That about sums it up, and also explains why Mr. West is having to do what he’s doing.


  1. On May 20, 2019 at 10:01 pm, DAN III said:


    Do gun owners need the corrupt National Rifle Association ? I say NO ! I still remember LaPierre giving the rabid anti-firearm Harry Reid $5,000 from the NRA coffers.

    Ask yourself what good are the 535 CONgressweasels of the United States CONgress ? There is your answer regarding the NRA ! Both are corrupt and essentially worthless. Neither group during it’s existence, has defended the United States Constitution let alone the 2d Amendment.

    My suggestion to readers is to Internet search for NRA IRS Form 990. When you read where all the “reported” money goes you will have little doubt the organization does little more than line the pockets of a dozen or so selected people.

  2. On May 21, 2019 at 6:45 am, Jack said:

    I’m with Col. West on this one.

    The NRA has a very valid mission. That it strayed from this mission is no reason for excommunication.

    The NRA has been and continues to be at the forefront of the legal battles preventing the statists, communists, and gun controllers from eroding the 2A.

    I have and will continue to support the NRA for that reason alone.

    I will also use my voice and vote to help Col. West reform and refocus the NRA on its core mission.

  3. On May 21, 2019 at 10:36 am, NOG said:

    Jack, please think about this. The NRA has LEGALLY made it impossible to reform itself from the inside. The only way to change it is to withhold support. THEN when it collapses into nothing (and the jackals move on to their next grift) can it be re built into what it needs to be. Think a abusive husband jailed for repeatedly beating his wife. She just keeps bailing him out because he earns money to support the family. Nothing changed until a law was passed that took the charging out of her hands. Wifey did NOTHING to stop the abuse. Your belief mirrors hers, no? Nothing is going to change until the ones controlling the NRA have nothing to steal. Then all of us who have left the NRA can return. Or true Second Amendment supporters will join GOA and it will become what the NRA should be.
    The Fudd group will never join a Second Amendment group until they realize “they don’t need that high powered sniper rifle or deadly shotgun” means them. That will happen right after our rifles and “high cap pistols” are banned. I am amazed the lack of critical thinking skills displayed by the Fudds. Respectfully, Nutty Old Geezer

  4. On May 21, 2019 at 11:02 am, Fred said:

    Chris Cox calls for federally funded Red Flag weapons seizures. https://youtu.be/7sNiklO506A

    I will never forget what the NRA did to Louisiana. They had one of the clearest and most concise pro firearms statements of any state constitution. There was zero doubt in the plain language as to who could have a gun, anybody, any time, any where. Frankly, it was a much better statement than the 2A itself. But, the NRA introduced an endorsed amendment that added the slightest bit of equivocation offering room for legislation which had been forbidden by the language. The ballot showed only the new amendment, which on it’s face appeared to be pretty good, but when read side by side with the then current section of the state constitution, any sound mind would ask, why do we need a change. Anyway, this was in ’12 I think, and as soon as it passed, you guessed it, the state legislature ended constitutional carry and implemented a permitting system and began to heavily regulate where and when, and how guns could be used and possessed, and by whom. I had joined the NRA that year, and never re-joined or sent another dime. It was OBVIOUS that the NRA were traitors and pro government saboteurs of freedom. Ever since, in everything they do, I look for the lie, sadly, I always find it.

    Choice-supportive bias is a real thing, and I’m convinced that many NRA members have it, or are actual traitors because that the NRA is so very OBVIOUSLY not pro 2A, no other reasonable explanation could exist. The members who provide steadfast meanderings about how the NRA is marginally good are a laughing stock in the face of logic and fact.

    And yes, I do want to destroy the NRA, just like Everytown, as I want all gun control organizations destroyed under the Civil Rights laws of United States, and if the government won’t defend our civil rights from the NRA then a constant call for it’s destruction is indeed warranted.

    “Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:”

  5. On May 23, 2019 at 12:39 pm, Sanders said:

    I don’t want the NRA destroyed. I want it fixed.

  6. On May 23, 2019 at 1:39 pm, Fred said:

    What do you mean you want it fixed? Its purpose has been gun control for a century now. It functioning as designed. It’s not broken.

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