Trouble In Green Beret Land?
BY Herschel Smith
In October 2017, one instructor asked his students to show up for physical training the Thursday before a four-day weekend. When only three students showed up out of 40, he called another mandatory training session that weekend. Two hours later, he was fired.
Poor babies. I feel so sorry for them. I’m glad the USMC wouldn’t have done anything so wicked to my son when he was in the fleet.
Maybe we could have the officers and NCOs arrange for catered meals, back rubs and lacy underwear for them all?
On March 12, 2019 at 6:30 am, ragman said:
Not to mention red high heels and pregnancy sensitivity training for the “men”. This country has become a pussified version of its former self.
On March 12, 2019 at 8:28 am, Duke Norfolk said:
“one instructor asked his students”
Asked his students? Indicative of the problem.
Has anybody checked to see if this General Sonntag actually has testicles? And is producing testosterone? Because he sure does sound like a woman.
On March 12, 2019 at 11:16 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Duke Norfolk
“Has anybody checked to see if this General Sonntag actually has testicles? And is producing testosterone? Because he sure does sound like a woman.”
During wartime, especially if it is a major conflict calling upon the full resources of the nation, actual warriors stand a decent chance of being promoted and attaining enough rank to do some good – that is, once the perfumed princes and political hacks have lost some battles and gotten some of our soldiers needlessly killed.
However, in peacetime or during a low-intensity conflict, the normal rules still apply – “Dogs and soldiers keep off the grass,” and “Warriors interfere with the smooth functioning of the peacetime military.”
Men like George Patton and Chesty Puller are essential during wartime, but as soon as peace breaks out, the bureaucrats-in-uniform move quickly to restore the status quo ante bellum – and the warriors are against cast out, assigned to obscure posts, or quietly retired when no one is looking.
The gulf between full Colonel (Navy Captain) and Brigadier General (Rear-Admiral Lower Half) is vast – no one joins the ranks of general/flag officers without the “advice and consent” of Congress – which means that all general officers are and must be, by definition, political creatures. General
Sonntag is simply a Green Beret version of the perfumed prince, circa 2019. A bit fitter than the run-of-the-mill overfed Pentagon brass hat, and having more decorations on his uniform than most, but otherwise indistinguishable from a legion of other time-servers, billet-holders and mediocrities now staffing the upper echelons of the U.S. armed forces. A contemptible creature, a yes-man with no real convictions whatsoever – other than those his political handlers give to him.
The real heroes of this sad story are those who are fighting the uphill battle to keep Special Forces “special” – and not just another repository for near-do-wells, single pregnant moms and the like.