Selco On Gun Rights

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 7 months ago

Via WiscoDave, this observation from Selco:

I see here something which is much more dangerous than the fear of communism.

It is how people react to news or new laws about any weapon limitation. It’s how they talk about what the majority of them are planning to do.

Government at its core has the urge to control people in whatever way they can.  If you are more armed that means you are less controllable.

But if you are acting in a way that you are screaming from the rooftops how you “will defend your right to have (whatever) weapon (contrary) to the newest law” and how you’ll “be proud to own i, and to show it”  you eventually are not doing yourself any favors.

Do you really think that when the time comes that the government will send two pale clerks to search your home looking for whatever weapon?


Here is how it might actually go down. This is one possible scenario:

First, you’ll be labeled as a terrorist, some weird guy who wants to overthrow the government. Maybe your photo will be posted somewhere stating that you are very sick, and that you pose a danger to society.

If you are a member of some group, let’s say a prepper group, you all will be labeled as terrorists first, and through the media, you can be portrayed as a domestic terror cell, to the point that your next door neighbor will help police to get you.

Do not underestimate the power of the government machine. You may truly be a fighter for constitutional rights and a real patriot, but in 3 days you can become a crazy terrorist that citizens will actually hunt down and shoot like a mad dog.

The point here is there is no point of publicly “yelling” about what you own and what are your rights to own.

Of course, you need to own weapons that you think it makes sense to own.

But why does everybody else need to know that, including government and government services?

The 2nd Amendment is very cool, and I like it very much, but here is the ugly truth:

It works only if the government wants it to work.

One day, when the government does not want it to work anymore it will be out of order, illegal, or even terrorist to practice it.

Sorry, it is not your inalienable right. The government lets you THINK  it is your inalienable right.

Here are two quick observations from me, not complete by an stretch and with many blanks that could be filled in, and then I have to be off to other things because of the busy season.

First of all, I’ve always believed that a wise man is measured in his words and tailors them for his audience, especially the words he speaks in public or writes for public consumption.  That’s all I’ll say about that.

Second, ownership of the means of self defense is certainly an unalienable right because it comes from God, not the state.  We’ve been through this many times before so there is no reason to rehearse it again now, but the constitution is a covenant between men.  The more important covenant is between God and man, and when man breaks it, he is in for trouble.

Preventing men from properly defending themselves, home, family and hearth is wicked, once again, because the right (and duty) come from God and His immutable nature, not mankind, government or any document.

That Selco doesn’t understand that taints his analysis, hollows it out and makes it vacuous.


  1. On December 24, 2018 at 11:29 am, Fred said:

    THE WEAPONS SEIZURES HAVE ALREADY STARTED. It IS happening RIGHT NOW. I don’t know how old this writing is but it’s wrong. This is a story of what might happen by a respected person but what might happen is no longer relevant. The commies have learned and adapted and so must you. You’re CRAZY, is how they ARE doing it RIGHT NOW. Examples; police in Florida are actively soliciting for neighbor and family and coworker to turn on each other and report people who ‘MIGHT be a danger’. THOUSANDS have had their guns taken in California. ATF has a new gun snitch app to protect the children from you, an unquantifiable and unqualified and unmeasurable “crazy” person. How far is America down the Othering road to mass round ups? Way further than you know unless you’ve understood the commies. Please don’t realize too late that ‘crazy’ will finally mean anybody who is, Other by way of not declaring government to be their god. While Selco’s work is invaluable and I thank God for it, we live here, now.

    As far as keeping my mouth shut, NO! I, we, you, have an obligation to God and our posterity to demand to be left free and, about this Selco is right, not because government will listen or even care, but here is where it matters; because God is listening and God cares that you afford your self-declared enemy the opportunity to not be hostile. I met with my newly elected freshman congressman and a new state rep to Nashville last week. I, Fred Tippens, real name, no shame, no grey man horse manure, told them, schooled them, in front of God and several dozen somewhat dismayed people about Red Flag weapons seizures. This while you’re waiting for the flag to go up, IT’S ALREADY UP! Your president just doubled down in his White House School Safety Report which recommends you, dear crazy person, have your guns taken, at gun point, from which one must assume that your death is an acceptable loss in the war on guns (but only you crazy people so it’s OK).

    Oh do hide and keep your mouth shut because the devil wouldn’t want you to be tagged a crazy person. /sarc The father of lies is trying to keep you safe. /sarc

    “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.”

    And when you cannot because they won’t let you…? You kill them. Written right here, real name and all. There is a higher law.

    America is a nation of Godless cowards.

    “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

    While these words spoken by our LORD apply directly as they seem; that being stoned or crucified or beheaded for the sake of the your brethren in the Gospel has not a greater love, the Bible precept is soundly applied to defense with arms, and indeed applied to all self-sacrifice for your tribe and for your children’s future as well. I don’t value my life as a slave more than yours as freemen. Evil wants you to slink, and cower, accept false shame, to hide and to seek the false comfort of it’s darkness. Don’t be a coward because in cowardliness lies the real shame.

    In God’s economy, the more that you live by His enemies standards the MORE LIKELY you are to encounter further evil! Read that again, and again, search your bible, and read it again. Evil, by government or otherwise, wants you to stand, or preferably hide, anywhere but boldly on truth. Evil NEVER relents, and like it’s human agents, it can’t be appeased. If you stand on truth, God is with you, always and all ways.

    While I’ve threatened no real person here, be sure, I will defend myself.

    Christ is my King.

  2. On December 24, 2018 at 11:34 am, Ed said:

    Apologies for being off topic… I enjoy and regularly check your column… but I thought you and your readers might want to see this:

  3. On December 24, 2018 at 1:48 pm, Heywood said:

    Have a blessed Christmas, Herschel.

  4. On December 24, 2018 at 11:10 pm, conrad said:

    “As long as the people think they are free, that’s all that counts.”
    Hillary Clinton

  5. On December 24, 2018 at 11:16 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    @Heywood, Thanks. And to you too sir.

  6. On December 25, 2018 at 9:04 am, joe said:

    i think some of you missed what selco said…doesn’t matter if it’s a God given right or not…what he was saying is lay low and when the time is right, use what you have to fight the injustice…bragging about it in every forum about how many guns you have doesn’t do anyone any good…and what he said is true…your neighbor who surfs child porn will turn you in in a heartbeat to save himself…Merry Christmas peeps

  7. On December 27, 2018 at 6:50 pm, Gryphon said:

    “Selco” is a euroPeon from a Fragment of a Nation that has Always restricted Firearms Ownership. His only meaningful point here is about being careful of Bragging about intent to Disobey (non-Constitutional) “Gun Laws” before things go Kinetic. He does Not Understand the mindset of Patriots in the U.S. who Oppose, while fully Understanding, the Creeping bolshevik Tyranny that has been happening for the better part of a Century. His ‘claim to fame’ was Surviving the breakup (led by ‘NATO’ and the US government) of an insignificant Country that Never had much World Influence, nor any great History of Individual Freedom.

    I don’t see peons from Europe as having much in the way of Advice for Americans and the Unique Situation in History that We are a Part of….
    An Estimated 390 MILLION Guns in Private Hands, in a Huge Nation with a “government” seemingly Hel-Bent on Total Kontrol of the Citizens has Never been Experienced before, and once the ‘Games Begin’, there is No Precedent for an Outcome. Other than Blood. Lots and Lots of Blood.

    We Need More Ammo.

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