Xin Loi and training

BY WiscoDave
5 years, 12 months ago

A week or so ago Herschel contacted me and said he was going on a trip and asked if I would “like to guest post for him that week” or something like that. I replied that I was both humbled and honored by his request and said yes.

I then told him I have no idea how to do any of this. That didn’t seem a deterrent. We figured it out.

I still don’t know what I’m doing…

Well, a quiet recitation of A. Shepard’s Prayer and here we go.

Ruby Ridge, then Waco.

All we get is Xin Loi.

Countless no-knock SWAT raids with innocents and dogs injured and killed.

All we get is Xin Loi.

People shot dead in the doorway of their home, because…

All we get is Xin Loi.

LaVoy Finicum.

All we get is Xin Loi.

FBICIANSA shredding the Constitution they took an oath to.

All we get is Xin Loi.

Politicians raping this country, both figuratively and literally.

All we get is Xin Loi.

When is our Xin Loi moment?

There are a plethora of trainers out there ready, willing and able to pass on valuable skills that will greatly increase your chances of survival (or at least make a decent accounting) in the struggles that seem to be on the horizon.

Martial skills.

Medical skills.

Communication skills.

Local communities can even offer an education in growing and preserving food.

There is a wealth of knowledge out there. Knowledge to be gained in any price range. For any skill level.

You just have to look around. Urban, suburban or rural. It’s there.

The only thing I haven’t found is a course that tells you when to get out/bunker in. Or, more importantly, when to shoot.

Even Selco will tell you that he doesn’t have the answer to that. Sure, there are signs. Easily visible in hindsight.

But hindsight only helps the living.

In my “youth” I knew a man, a Korean War vet. A big man. Beyond good with a rifle, knife or tomahawk.

He would always say that he would make the first move. We were just to watch. We wouldn’t know when to shoot. He would. By the time we figured it out it would be over.

The Time to Shoot had passed and the Time of Shooting had started.

He’s long dead now. The ferryman has his payment.

I wish I could ask him about the time to shoot. Maybe, just maybe I could learn something.


  1. On July 30, 2018 at 5:39 pm, SGT.BAG said:

    The Captain made a good choice.

    Roger that WISCODAVE.

    It get’s more insane everyday. Tempus Fugit

  2. On July 30, 2018 at 7:56 pm, James said:

    Not a bad start,perhaps to get you though the week a conclave with the wise raccoons is in order?

  3. On July 30, 2018 at 9:34 pm, Fred said:

    And the dogs. The shooting of dogs is about dominance and subjugation. They’ll be shooting born children soon. They’re already ripping out the pre-born, selling the parts and throwing the rest in the trash, funded by Republicans.

    The British had honor. They said that they were coming for the powder and muskets and they sent uniformed men to get them, the war started. The enemies of liberty have learned from this. Communists and Socialists are thieves already and have no honor. And here we are, incrementalism, now with “pro 2A, pro life” Republicans implementing pre-crime Red Flag laws. The confiscations under color of law have already started in several states. These people have no honor, no guts and the State is their god.

    But even so, nobody is going to fight back. Just like Germany, just like the Soviet Union, just like China, Just like Cambodia. For all of America’s bravado it’s a bunch of fat, puffy, doughy, High Fructose addled, digitized frontal lobe, uneducated, comfortable pussies. And instead of doing something about it I suspect that those reading this are mad at me for pointing all this out.

    The good news is that since everybody is either a left wing socialist or a right wing socialist I’ll be able to pretty much point a weapon in any direction. Keeps it simple.

  4. On July 31, 2018 at 1:08 am, skybill said:

    Hi Wisco!!!,
    The last part.. about the old Korean War Vet, who said “He would make the first move!!.. says a lot!! “THE MORAL HIGH GROUND IS HISTORY!!!!” It only exists when the “Other Side” has Morals also!!! It doesn’t take much to figure out that Commie Fascists don’t!! Therefore…. it’s “Jungle Rules!!!” The last time any “Moral High Ground” was held was when Capt. Parker said to his men,”Stand your Ground!!.. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here!!!!” “You know when that was and if anybody reading this doesn’t, may God have mercy on your soul!!!!!!!”
    ‘Something else about “shooting first!!”….just watch this…… says it all… and read up on Sergio Leone’s younger years and you will get an idea!! ….

    Blue skies, Black Death!!!!,

  5. On July 31, 2018 at 7:59 am, ragman said:

    Welcome WISCO! To Fred: why would anyone bust yer chops for telling the truth? Looking fwd to the rest of your posts this week, WISCO.

  6. On July 31, 2018 at 4:39 pm, James said:

    Get those memory sticks folks,tomm. defense distributed in celebration of their court win opens a file library for build your own downloads.yes,I know info out there already but state ag’s having a fit and good to have stuff to mirror across the net for future generations,another reason,BFYTW!

    Wisco,this could be good article material in coming week also if interested.

  7. On August 2, 2018 at 7:20 pm, Scott H. said:

    Helo Wisco. I havent used the term ‘Xin Loi’ since April 68 in Quang Tri. What a take back. Thanks, Scott

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