Patrick Leahy And Bill Nelson Push For Searchable Firearms Database

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 2 months ago


Democratic senators are pressing to modernize the tools federal law enforcement officers can use to trace firearms.

Sens. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and Bill Nelson, D-Fla., introduced a bill that would require the federal government to set up a searchable electronic database that includes information tracing the production, shipment and sale of firearms.

Information about firearms is currently recorded and maintained by authorities, but current law prohibits that information from being accessed through a digital database.

In order to trace a firearm now, law enforcement must look through records manually, sorting through physical files that include microfilm and handwritten notes.

According to Leahy, there are currently 800 million paper records held at the West Virginia facility.

In other words, an approved, legal, unrestricted gun registry, one of the touchstones of statism.

A year ago I would have scoffed at this and its small chance of passing.  Today not so much, neither from the perspective of Congress nor the POTUS.

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  1. On May 28, 2018 at 3:25 am, DAN III said:

    Leahy. No surprise there. Courtesy of the statists of Vermont. The enemy is not Leahy and his ilk. The enemy are the communists who keep scum like Leahy and Nelson in power.

  2. On May 28, 2018 at 5:52 am, Heywood said:

    I am not convinced this doesn’t already exist….

  3. On May 28, 2018 at 7:13 am, Frank Clarke said:

    Well, good thing we have Republican control of both houses and the White House, huh?


  4. On May 28, 2018 at 8:53 am, ragman said:

    No real choice in Florida this year. Nelson is a known idiot and Scott recently revealed himself to be a gun confiscater too.

  5. On May 28, 2018 at 9:21 am, Fred said:

    I want to be crystal clear. I’m NOT advocating arson.

  6. On May 28, 2018 at 9:48 am, revjen45 said:

    “I am not convinced this doesn’t already exist….”
    There is no reason to believe it doesn’t.

    There is no reason to believe a word you hear from any .gov entity, and every reason to regard everything they say as false until proven to be true.

    It’s no surprise that the party of sedition and treason is out to get Americans’ guns. The only reason to vote is so when the time comes you can shoot with a good conscience.

  7. On May 28, 2018 at 1:23 pm, ExpatNJ said:

    Bill Nelson (D-FL) is no friend of the common people. He is firmly in the pocket of the ‘Community Associations Institute’,, which represents and defends restrictive covenants and HOA’s which deny property owners their Right to fully use and enjoy their property as they see fit. Most people who live in FL wish he were out of office. So, how does he keep getting re-elected? Google “The Villages” in Florida, and you’ll find out.

    This is yet another example of Disarmists being in lockstep with Corporations to target The People’s arms: ya’ can’t fight TPTB with sticks and stones …

  8. On May 28, 2018 at 7:02 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    How about this for an idea? A citizen-searchable database on the associations (legit and otherwise) elected representatives such as Leahy

  9. On May 28, 2018 at 7:07 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    Re: “How about this for an idea? A citizen-searchable database on the associations (legit and otherwise) elected representatives such as Leahy”

    Inadvertent entry, my apologies.

    How about this for an idea? A citizen-searchable database on the associations (legit and otherwise) of elected representatives such as Leahy and Nelson, as well as a list of campaign donors? As well as data on their FA ownership, possession of CCW permits, and other relevant similar information? Transparency is good, right, and what’s good for the proverbial goose is good for the gander. Oh, and if FAs are bad then we the people fully-expect that you and yours, Senators, will be surrendering your taxpayer-funded armed security details at the earliest opportunity. Remember, it’s for the children….

  10. On May 29, 2018 at 9:10 am, Gryphon said:

    There already is a “Searchable Database” of Firearms Owners- the ‘Background Check’ system is conducted via Internet – easily Intercepted and Archived.

    The ‘Financial system’ (those (((banksters))) who Hate You) Archives everything that You Purchase through (((their))) computers. Extraction of Data regarding Firearms, Accessories (sights, scopes, mags) and Ammo can be accomplished with simple Data-Mining Tools.

    Unless you have NEVER purchased Arms and Ammunition through these Searchable Sources, YOU ARE ON A LIST AS AN ENEMY OF THE STATE.

    Prepare Accordingly.

  11. On May 29, 2018 at 9:19 am, H said:

    There already is a “Searchable Database” of Firearms Owners- the ‘Background Check’ system is conducted via Internet – easily Intercepted and Archived.

    Not unless the people running it want that, the protections between computers communicating can be iron clad. This is best explained by a metaphor from a friend of mine who’s been a big name in computer security for decades, he likens it to storing data in a cardboard box in a random alley, putting it in an armored car, which then delivers it quite securely to a park bench. The problems will be at the end points.

    Oh, yeah, the government has promised us per the law that they don’t keep NICS records for long, aside of course from denials….

  12. On May 29, 2018 at 1:41 pm, millard fillmore said:

    The only thing I know about Bill Nelson is that he used his congressional power to boot someone off a shuttle mission,someone who had a useful purpose on that mission,so he could go for a ride on the shuttle.The person he bumped ended up on the Jan. 28th 1986 Challenger launch.I haven’t listened to a word he’s said since.

  13. On May 29, 2018 at 6:34 pm, Gryphon said:

    H- What I meant by that Comment is that ALL Communications ARE being Intercepted and Recorded by the “NSA” one of the non-constitutional parts of the Corporation known as “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”. I have spent a lot of Time reading what Mr. Snowden revealed of the Technical Details of how this ‘agency’ Intercepts, Records, and Data-Mines Everything possible a dozen different ways.

    I shall have to Differ with You on the concept that …”the protections between computers communicating can be iron clad.” This is patently Untrue when the Enemy of the People has Complete Control of the Communications Network, as the USSA currently does. It is only a few Keystrokes for an “nsa analist” to Send this type of Collated Data to any other ‘law enforcement’ agency. Don’t Think for a Minute that there does Not Exist such a Database, ready for Use in Identifying Patriots (oops, I meant “Enemies of the State”)

    Get the Picture? Get More Ammo, This Week.

  14. On May 29, 2018 at 7:00 pm, H said:

    I shall have to Differ with You on the concept that …”the protections between computers communicating can be iron clad.” This is patently Untrue when the Enemy of the People has Complete Control of the Communications Network, as the USSA currently does.

    Again, if they don’t have control of at least one of the two computers involved, they can’t know what said between the two of them, unless they’re much better at breaking codes than is believed possible, or the civilian cryptography community is much worse than believed. Now, they can certainly record that such a communication occurred, and traffic analysis based on this can tell them a lot, although that a gun store did a NICS transaction is of very limited utility.

  15. On May 30, 2018 at 6:51 am, V65Magnafan said:

    Canada: Total gun and legal owner registration for decades. 1/10 the population of The U.S., but the registry still cost billions–the Conservative gov dropped the long-gun registry but kept the restricted (mostly handguns) registry. However, of course, criminals are not in the system. U.S. media will not report it, but start checking the Toronto news media–frequent gang shootings–with guns not in the system. So, the liberal federal gov is pushing even more restrictions–on legal gun owners. New bill: no reference to gangs or crime–dozens of mentions of “registry”, “registration”. It’s easy to go after the good guys.

  16. On May 31, 2018 at 12:58 am, DefiantFreeman said:

    Thru don’t need control of an endpoint, just control of a CA (certificate authority) that generated one of the SSL certificates used to establish communications. This goes a lot deeper than you might think, and companies you may have trusted are forced to participate.

  17. On May 31, 2018 at 7:51 am, H said:

    DefiantFreeman: indeed, this is something I started studying in 1979 (sic), the PKI infrastructure in practice is … not so good, e.g, see how Symantec, with a huge fraction of important certificates granted including some of my financial institutions, it being cast out into the wilderness for just cause. But it’s under the power of the NICS or others to use a quality CA and at minimum seriously mitigate that threat.

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