Ruger Anti-Gun Shareholders More Powerful Than We Suspected?
BY Herschel Smith
A group of nuns and other faith-based investors won a shareholder vote at Sturm Ruger & Co. requiring one of the nation’s largest gun-makers to prepare a report about the risks of its business.
Ruger’s CEO, Christopher Killoy, said at the company’s annual meeting on Wednesday that the company will comply and prepare the report. “Shareholders have spoken,” he said.
But, he added, the winning proposal “cannot force us to change our business,” and “cannot change what Ruger is about and what we stand for.”
Well, they apparently had enough shareholder power to force this action, which is not good. I’ll tell you what. Corporate Ruger had better evaluate massive share buys in the near future in order to prevent even worse things from happening.
On May 10, 2018 at 7:50 am, Fred said:
Can you smell that? A group of nuns and ‘faith-based’ investors own shares of a company that they disagree with on moral grounds. This is why everybody scoffs at Christians and the American church is dead.
On May 10, 2018 at 9:38 am, Backwoods Engineer said:
“A group of nuns and ‘faith-based’ investors own shares of a company that they disagree with on moral grounds. This is why everybody scoffs at Christians and the American church is dead.”
The American church is not dead. Many of us still follow Christ. The problem with Catholicism and the mainline Protestant churches are that they are eaten up with cultural Marxism and pacifism. Christ was not a wimp. Christ enjoined his disciples to arm themselves against evil, and Christ himself cleared the place with a whip to stop the desecration of the Temple.
On May 10, 2018 at 10:05 am, moe mensale said:
“…and the American church is dead.”
As an institution it isn’t dead but it certainly has lost the vibrancy it once had and “Pope Francis” certainly hasn’t done anything to further the Gospel.
Christianity, on an individual basis, is quite alive.
On May 10, 2018 at 10:44 am, Fred said:
“…eaten up with cultural Marxism and pacifism…” This is pretty much the nail on the head. And, is what I meant because there is no such thing as ‘the American Church…which I should have capitalized.
The American Church is dead. There.
On May 10, 2018 at 10:51 am, Fred said:
Our gracious host put it much better elsewhere;
“…if men believed the Bible and were held accountable by their small group Christian communities. They aren’t held accountable because they have no small group Christian communities. They have no small group Christian communities because they don’t believe in God. They don’t believe in God because American Christians are lazy, anemic, powerless, and no longer practice the faith they say they have.” – HS