Texan Takes 416 Pound Feral Hog With AR-15
BY Herschel Smith
Remember I recommended hunting hogs to save the environment? In Texas, a man is not only helping the environment, he’s making things safer for himself. From the Longview News-Journal.
A Union Grove man says he bagged the “big daddy” feral hog that was wreaking havoc on his property — all 416 pounds of him.
The Gregg County Game Warden’s office posted photos on Facebook this week showing Joe Clowers’ kill.
“This pig had been terrorizing his property for years — five or six,” said Game Warden Todd Long. “So every time he went hunting, he took a little extra firepower in case it showed up. Well, this time, it showed up.”
Clowers used a .223-caliber AR rifle to kill the pig.
The hog had preyed on the fawns in the area, and Clowers said he always stayed armed when visiting his deer feeders in case the hog in question charged him.
“My property lays between some populated areas, and I try to maintain an environment like a sanctuary or nursery for the deer to raise fawns,” Clowers said.
“He was the big daddy. I called him the ‘bush beast.’ “
This is a big hog to take down with an AR-15. I had wondered first of all where he shot him (was it a head shot?), and second, what ammunition he used?
Did he use standard 55 or 62 grain FMJ rounds, did he use 55 grain soft point rounds, or did he use heavier rounds such as the Hornady 75 grain or Sierra Matchking 77 grain? I suspect there are a lot of folks who would like to know.
I ended up talking to the Upshur County game warden via telephone, and he thought that the hog was taken with a standard round, at which I commented that it must have been with a head shot although I couldn’t tell anything from the pictures. He agreed and said that he believed it was taken with a head shot.
Congratulations to Mr. Clowers. Nice shot. Nice hog.
On October 24, 2017 at 3:17 pm, moe mensale said:
But, but, but…… The AR15 is NOT good for hunting. And if you were stupid enough to try hunting with it, the best you could do is bag a squirrel or a chipmunk or some other large rodent. But NOT a 400 pound beast!
After all, all the experts and pundits and gun grabbers say so. Right?
On October 25, 2017 at 6:43 pm, Dov Sar said:
We just killed two of our mature pigs that we estimate to be 600-700 lbs; they drop easily after one shot with the M-1. Last year we killed our 800 lb boar; same thing. Very tasty, but we never use anything except our M-1 Garand anymore after our first experience attempting to kill a 340 lb boar with a .45 handgun a few years ago. The .45 bullet bounced off his head, making him very upset and even angry, at which point we had to do him with nothing but a knife. Like I said, never again except with the Garand!
On October 27, 2017 at 1:05 pm, John said:
The AR-15 is fine for taking varmints like large hogs and deer as long as it’s properly stoked. IMHO accuracy matters more than any other factor in shooting and that said, most AR barrels on OTC purchased rifles that I’ve shot aren’t all that accurate with ammo over 60 grains due to their slower twist rates.
No matter though, that pig needed to meet its maker and killing him was an act of service to the community