Burnette Chapel Church Shooting In Tennessee

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 10 months ago

Washington Post:

NASHVILLE — A gunman wearing a ski mask stormed into a Nashville-area church on Sunday, shooting seven people, including the pastor, before attacking a church usher who ultimately subdued him with a personal weapon, Nashville police said.

The shooting — which left a 39-year-old woman dead — occurred shortly before noon at Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, Tenn., about 12 miles southeast of downtown Nashville. Police identified the shooter as Emanuel Kidega Samson, 25, of Tennessee, a Sudanese native who they said is a legal resident of the United States and apparently had attended worship services at the church in recent years. Police said Samson will be charged with murder and attempted murder.

Don Aaron, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department, said Samson drove up to the church and shot and killed a woman who was standing near her vehicle in the parking lot. The shooter — who police said was armed with two handguns — then entered the church through a rear door, shooting and wounding six people inside.

At some point, the gunman also pistol-whipped a church usher, causing “significant injuries” to the man, Aaron said. The usher, 22-year-old Robert “Caleb” Engle, confronted the gunman, police said, and during a struggle, Samson was wounded by a shot from his own gun. The usher then ran to his car and retrieved a handgun, police said.

Aaron said the usher ensured the gunman did not make any more movements until officers arrived. “It would appear he was not expecting to encounter a brave individual like the church usher,” Aaron said.

Police Chief Steve Anderson praised Engle for intervening: “We believe he is the hero today.”

Authorities on Sunday did not release a motive for the Antioch attack. But in a statement, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Nashville said it had opened a federal civil rights investigation.

“The FBI will collect all available facts and evidence,” said David W. Boling, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office. “As this is an ongoing investigation we are not able to comment further at this time.”

If I was the Sheriff I would have told the FBI to get the hell out of my jurisdiction and never come back or else they’ll face immediate arrest by my deputies.  But I’m not, and he won’t.

This is all very sad, and I’ve pointed out before that in church you are in the most vulnerable position you’ll likely ever face.  Your attention is focused in one place, likely with your back to the sole points of ingress and egress, you’re pinned in by physical features and people, you’re sitting (most of the time), and there is a significant volume of sound occurring that would mask any threats.

Don’t ever go to a worship service unarmed.  Don’t ever do that.  Please.  I don’t.  One of the saddest parts of the report involves the usher who had to go to his car to retrieve his handgun.  I don’t know the details and they may have been blessed in this particular instance that more people didn’t die.

It could have been that going to fisticuffs with the shooter stopped the gun fight and thus no more people died.  In that case, it was indeed a blessing.  It may not have occurred that way on another day, and it may not occur that way in your church.  The shooter should have been met with guns in his face as soon as he presented his weapon.  Going to the car to retrieve your gun isn’t the way to keep your family or friends safe.

Keep your head on a swivel and hand ready to present.

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  1. On September 25, 2017 at 7:47 am, Fred said:

    What evidence have we that a 25 years old Sudanese male can function in a high trust society? What, are they doing here? They don’t actually want to be here. If they did they wouldn’t keep trying turn this place into the shithole they just left.

    Your church needs a security plan. Your gun out in the car is not a plan.

  2. On September 25, 2017 at 8:40 am, Fred said:

    Via WRSA


  3. On September 25, 2017 at 9:26 am, Michael said:

    Here in Utah, the law is written such that churches can prohibit firearms if they jump through the correct legal hoops.

    Unfortunately, the church of which I am a member has done just that and prohibits firearms in its houses of worship. I have said more than once to others, including my wife, that if some nut-case were to come in and shoot up the place, the church would be staring a huge lawsuit in the face.

    So far, I have not carried at church because of the law (well, I did before the law took effect), but I am sorely tempted to do so.

  4. On September 25, 2017 at 9:42 am, Herschel Smith said:


    Solution: Find another church. One that honors the fact that men and women are made in God’s image.

  5. On September 25, 2017 at 10:06 am, DAN III said:

    Michael @ 0926,

    Better to be tried by twelve than carried by six.

  6. On September 25, 2017 at 1:16 pm, Fred said:

    Fear! From where does the spirit of come? Evil is where. Why would you submit to the suggestion of a disarmed congregation except for fear. Somebody or something @Michael, has gotten ahold of your pastor. Could be leaders with devilish intent or it could be wolves or it could be the author of deception.

    Christ will MAKE you free. He did not set us free but he can make us free. Everything, EVERYTHING else will attempt to enslave. You must hang on to Christ like your life depends on it because it does. Nobody that has been made free by the Holy Righteous Redeemer should ever submit to the spirit of fear. Fear is a lie of the devil. Men made free do not disarm.

  7. On September 25, 2017 at 4:47 pm, George said:

    You said: “What evidence have we that a 25 years old Sudanese male can function in a high trust society? What, are they doing here? ”

    – No evidence that such people can function here, of course. But they are being brought in as a result of companies such as Tyson Foods (at least in Tennessee) lobbying for cheap labor.

    Ann Corcorran covers this issue at her website very well:


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