Afteraction Reports From Charlottesville, Seattle And Durham

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 11 months ago

This is as good an afteraction report as you’ll find anywhere on what happened at Charlottesville, Virginia.  This is an afteraction report from Seattle, and this is a report from Durham.

DURHAM, N.C. (WNCN) – A crowd of protesters gathered outside the old Durham County courthouse on Main Street Monday evening in opposition to a Confederate monument in front of the government building.

Around 7:10 p.m. a woman using a ladder climbed the statue of a Confederate soldier and attached a rope around the statue.

Moments later, the crowd pulled on the rope and the statue fell.  One man quickly ran up and spat on the statue and several others began kicking it.

Durham police later said they monitored the protests to make sure they were “safe” but did not interfere with the statue toppling because it happened on county property.

“Because this incident occurred on county property, where county law enforcement officials were staffed, no arrests were made by DPD officers,” Durham Police spokesman Wil Glenn said in a statement.

Durham County Sheriff’s deputies videotaped the statue being brought down — but didn’t stop it from happening.

After toppling the statue, the protesters started marching. They blocked traffic with authorities trying to stay ahead of them. The protesters made their way down East Main Street to the site of the new Durham Police Department.

Watch the video.  I suspect that when all is said and done, it will be learned that fat girl and metrosexual boy were paid protesters funded by George Soros because they are too stupid to find work any other way.

We already know that many, if not most of the protesters at Charlottesville, were in the employ of Soros, and one was clearly a high level DNC operative.

Attempts to blame guns and open carry fell flat today given that there was no violence perpetrated by anyone except Antifa.  I said very little about what McAuliffe said about the event, except to quote him.

You saw the militia walking down the street, you would have thought they were an army,” he added. “I was just talking to the State Police upstairs; they had better equipment than our State Police had,” he said, referring to the militia members. “And yet not a shot was fired, zero property damage.”

To which I said, “Good for you.  Good job, boys.”  Read between the lines here.  McAuliffe is clearly a shill, and I’ve always thought of him as a rather dense one at that.  He wanted to blame the right, and wanted to blame guns more than anything else.

But he couldn’t, and he knew it.  He knew that as soon as he did so, he would be proven wrong by all of the video, afteraction reports and eyewitness accounts, some by the very police he told to stand down.  He couldn’t blame the militia and had to stipulate that there was no property damage.

People damage – well, that’s another story.  The various militia groups who marched that day did a great job showing restraint, and frankly I would have preferred to see more aggression.  I would have preferred to see at least the use of bear spray on the Antifa rioters.  So if each and every militia member wasn’t carrying and didn’t deploy bear spray on an Antifa rioter, I don’t understand why.

Furthermore, when someone like that attacks you, your life is in danger, regardless of the kinds of weapons employed.  Fists can kill.  Sooner or later, guns will have to be used in the defense of life and property.  As Matt Bracken says, there will be shooting.  Carbines, up until now unloaded and for show, will be aimed, and triggers will be pulled.  You know it’s going to happen sooner or later.

These are the beginning stages of the great American split, and let’s pray that it is only a split into multiple countries instead of a civil war.

I will detail my thoughts on Robert E. Lee later.  I am not as big of a fan of his leadership as many, and see him and his horrible tactical decisions at Gettysburg as one of the primary reasons for the loss of the South in the war between the states.  The point of all of this is not what I or you think about Lee, it’s what we think about the erasure of our heritage.

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  1. On August 15, 2017 at 9:09 am, Deborah Harvey said:

    what countries do you see being formed?
    the traitors are peppered all over the country like metastasizing cancer cells.
    don’t see how we can be rid of them.
    the South is infested, too.
    corruption in high places.
    i pray for the president for his safety because ‘they’ would kill him right now if they felt they could get away with it.
    soon they will be at the point where they feel they can move in for the final chapter.
    trying to think of my family’s safety but see no peace in our future.

  2. On August 15, 2017 at 8:29 pm, Randolph Scott said:

    “soon they will be at the point where they feel they can move in for the final chapter”, Deborah, it is at this point you will have two choices.
    1) Do nothing and let ‘them’ run over you and your family, most likey slavery for the women and execution for the males.
    2) Bring out your weapons and kill every son-of-a-bitch that is against you and your family. I mean kill every damned one of them no matter where they are from or what they are wearing. They either believe in your right to life and peace or you will deliver to them to their grave.

    You may very well end up giving up your life for your family’s but will die knowing that Jesus is your salvation and that you defended your family to the best of your ability. Then again,,, you may live to fight another day as well. I hope so for many of us but I too feel that this fight is being pushed on us by the MSM.

    I dearly hope the MSM pays the biggest and dearest price of all.

  3. On August 16, 2017 at 12:31 am, Deborah Harvey said:

    i suppose when the time comes we will be able to see clearly who the enemy are.
    right now i don’t have that knowledge other than some of the obvious government members.
    may God give s wisdom and courage and bless our efforts.

  4. On August 16, 2017 at 11:42 am, Pat Hines said:

    “I will detail my thoughts on Robert E. Lee later. I am not as big of a fan of his leadership as many, and see him and his horrible tactical decisions at Gettysburg as one of the primary reasons for the loss of the South in the war between the states. The point of all of this is not what I or you think about Lee, it’s what we think about the erasure of our heritage.”

    Like you, I think Lee was a mediocre tactician. His real tactical expert was Thomas Jackson, who was dead. Lee let his dislike for Longstreet, who was an expert in defending fixed positions, colour his judgement, with the disaster we all know only too well.

    I was at Charlottesville and know the truth.

    We saw just one battle in the war for white genocide, we won this battle, but there will be more, soon, too.

  5. On August 16, 2017 at 4:03 pm, Chuck said:

    Maybe it is time to start removing monuments to the communist MLK. The communists lost the cold war so according to the leftists, free speech doesn’t cover defending them.

  6. On August 16, 2017 at 4:28 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    And changing the names of roads. Every city in America has a MLK Blvd.

  7. On August 16, 2017 at 4:43 pm, Henry said:

    And if you find yourself here…

    …well, just make you you never do.

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