ATF Reverses Position On Shouldering Of Pistol Stabilizer Brace
BY Herschel Smith
SB Tactical™, inventors and manufacturers of the Pistol Stabilizing Brace®, is excited to announce that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) has issued SB Tactical a reversal letter containing a sensible clarification of the Bureau’s position on the lawful use of SB Tactical braces.
The new clarification of opinion letter states, “an NFA firearm has not necessarily been made when the device is not reconfigured for use as a shoulder stock – even if the attached firearm happens to be fired from the shoulder. To the extent that the January 2015 Open Letter implied or has been construed to hold that incidental, sporadic, or situational “use” of an arm-brace (in its original approved configuration) equipped firearm from a firing position at or near the shoulder was sufficient to constitute “redesign,” such interpretations are incorrect and not consistent with ATF’s interpretation of the statute or the manner in which it has historically been enforced.”
SB Tactical, along with the law offices of Mark Barnes & Associates, have worked tirelessly for more than two years to correct what they believed to be an inaccurate interpretation of “redesign,” related to the Pistol Stabilizing Brace. “It has always been our belief that the addition of our Pistol Stabilizing Brace benefits shooters, both disabled and able-bodied, and that neither strapping it to your arm nor shouldering a brace equipped pistol would constitute ‘redesign’ of a pistol to a NFA firearm”, said Alex Bosco, inventor, founder and CEO of SB Tactical.
Good. As I’ve observed before, when your life or the life of a loved ones is in danger, how you choose to present and deploy your weapons should be up to you depending upon the circumstances and your need of the moment.
Furthermore, this is good news with regards to range time. No one at a range will be able to tell you that practice with a firearm like this shouldered to fire is unlawful use of the firearm. You should train the way you intend to use your weapons, and if one possible use of a particular weapon is to shoulder the end of the buffer tube, then so be it.
The ATF isn’t defending your home, and didn’t take an oath to protect, provide for and honor your spouse. You did. No one wants to run afoul of unnecessary and ridiculous rules and needlessly cause trouble in the course of his preparations and training.
On April 25, 2017 at 2:09 am, Dan said:
BATFEces is currently running scared due to the Trumpening.
They want us to forget that for YEARS they ran roughshod over
our rights because they had a green light from those in power
to do so. Now they are pretending to be on the side of good
when in fact they are just desperately seeking to cover their ass.
On April 25, 2017 at 5:31 am, DAN III said:
Mr. Smith,
Thanks for posting this information. If not for following your blog I wouldn’t be aware of this latest epiphany from the BATFE scoundrels.
Thank you again for your posted info.