Sandy Hook Families Call Remington Repugnant In Court Documents

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

Remington filed a motion to withhold certain information concerning its Bushmaster brand of AR-15s, based mainly on the proprietary nature of said information.  For those of us who deal with technical information or trade secrets, this is routine and customary.  It is certainly not out of the ordinary, and the motion could have to do with information Remington wants to keep from being disclosed.  What if they have studied the rifling twist rate to  tweak it to produce a little more stable bullet flight, or studied barrel length to make it effective at longer distances, or whatever.  I don’t know, I’m just making this up as I go because I don’t know what they know after having invested their time and wealth in making a better rifle.  That’s the point, and that’s why Remington wants its information withheld from public disclosure.

Enter the Sandy Hook families again.

The families suing the maker of the AR-15 rifle used by gunman Adam Lanza in the Sandy Hook massacre called a request by Remington Arms to keep company materials secret so that the company keeps its competitive advantage “repugnant,” according to a new filing in the case.

“Remington did not become the country’s leading seller of military weaponry to civilians by accident. It ascended to that position through its calculated marketing and pursuit of profit above all else,” lawyers for the Sandy Hook families wrote in a response objecting to a protective order filed by Remington.

As part of their lawsuit, families of victims have asked Remington to turn over its marketing materials in the belief that they will show that company intentionally marketed its high-powered rifles as “weapons of war” to civilians who had no business owning such guns.

“Plaintiffs lost family members, including children, in the service of that bottom line. Now Remington wants them to do more to protect its profitability,” the motion reads.

So let me translate.  We, the Sandy Hook families, don’t care about your God-given rights to defend yourself and your families the best way you see fit, nor do we care about the fact that in the court of public opinion, we lost and these weapons are entirely legal.

Furthermore, we don’t care that we don’t know what we’re talking about, and that virtually every gun in civilian use has a military application, from shotguns used for room clearing in Now Zad, Afghanistan by the Marines, to Remington 700 bolt action rifles used by Marine snipers in Iraq, nor that virtually every military weapon has a civilian application.

We don’t care about the fact that there isn’t the distinction between the two that we’re claiming, and we don’t care about the fact that weapons truly get tested by the civilian community, who has to spend their own money for the guns and reviews them on blogs and YouTube, rather than the military who has to use what the Pentagon buys for them, nor that vast improvements have been made to military weapon systems by applying civilian-based gun modifications or tactics developed in 3-gun competitions or the gaming community.

Hell, we don’t even care about the fact that there is a federal law against what we’re doing, called the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, and that we’re basically relying on a raving-bitch SJW judge named Barbara Bellis to help us through what would otherwise be dismissed with prejudice.  We don’t care that the weapon used in Sandy Hook was stolen.  No, we don’t care about anything but us.

The real morally reprehensible actions are being taken by the Sandy Hook families, not Remington.  How utterly despicable.


Judge Barbara Bellis Says Sandy Hook Families’ Lawsuit Against Remington Goes Forward

Update On Sandy Hook Families’ Lawsuit Of Remington

Discovery In The Sandy Hook Families Versus Remington Case

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  1. On July 14, 2016 at 6:32 am, Michael Schlechter said:

    Facts are of little import to these people; it’s all about the feeeelings. “Plaintiffs lost family members, including children…”. And therein lies the answer – we’re doing this for the children. This appears to have become the last refuge of demagogues and tyrants. The attorneys involved are clearly playing to emotion, as (to my non-legal mind) they apparently have no factual or legal leg upon which to stand.

  2. On July 14, 2016 at 8:57 am, Fred said:

    “Remington did not become the country’s leading seller of military weaponry to civilians by accident.”
    No, it did not. This is a real threat. I would love to ask them a few simple questions;
    What is capital and from where does it come?
    What is mutually beneficial exchange?
    What is a free market?
    What is a capital market?
    What is a free capital market?
    These are things marxists hate because they can’t control them. It’s always about the control. If the judge allows this argument she fails to grasp one of the simplest of Judaeo-Christian foundations upon which of our entire society built. But, my guess is, she gets it and just hates it because freedom scares imps, goblins, and lessor demons. The rule of law is dead.

  3. On July 14, 2016 at 11:00 am, Archer said:

    Ginsburg doesn’t have to be sorry or apologize. All she has to do is claim she didn’t intend to bash Trump; she was just “extremely careless” with her words.

    Besides, “what difference, at this point, does it make?”

  4. On July 14, 2016 at 11:48 am, Haywood Jablome said:

    I don’t even recognize my country anymore.

  5. On July 14, 2016 at 11:10 am, silver cowboy said:

    One has to wonder how much a “payday” money, celebrity etc.) the lawyers and other “advisors” have promised the families. Wonder how the lawyers expect to be paid? By Remington? and what will happen IF the court rules for Remington and as in other cases rules the Plaintiff (the families) are responsible for Remington’s legal expenses?

  6. On July 14, 2016 at 11:46 am, Haywood Jablome said:

    My compassion over their grief flew the coop long ago. I hope they get counter sued, dragged through the mud and have their lives turned upside down. And I hope the lawyers that took this case rot in hell. Whew…I feel better already.

  7. On July 15, 2016 at 12:40 pm, GMuny said:

    Per their rationale, the victims in Nice should be suing the truck manufacturer…do these people ever listen and comprehend what they are advocating for?

  8. On August 1, 2016 at 8:08 am, Billy Mullins said:

    “Remington [became] the country’s leading seller of military weaponry to civilians … through its calculated marketing and pursuit of profit above all else”

    OK, so the real problem is that Remington management did its job and tried to give a maximum return on investment for the shareholders. WOW! Such criminality! Only collectivists would consider a company being profitable a bad thing. Herschel, every day I see fresh evidence that I have lived too long.

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