Concerning Islamic Migrants And Dance Of The Ass Clown Troupe In Finland

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 6 months ago

News from Germany:

In a searing indictment of the behaviour of some refugees, the woman said her idealism has been eroded and virtually destroyed.

At first she said was enthusiastic in her role of helping process tens of thousands of migrants arriving in Germany on a weekly basis.

Now, she says she is disillusioned, disheartened and on the verge of quitting due to demands and sexual harrassment (sic).

[ … ]

“Some from an Arab region recently yelled at a colleague of mine: ‘We decapitate you!’.

“Because of these and other things, the police were called to us several times a week.”

She said she has also been horrified by refugees attitudes towards women.

She said: “It is well known that it is mainly single men who come here – about 65 per cent, many less than 25-years-old.

“And some of them do not respect women at all. They accept that we’re there but they don’t take us seriously at all.

“If I tell them or give them a statement, as a woman they barely listen to me, dismiss it as irrelevant and just contact one of our male colleagues.

But beyond the disrespect, insults and decapitation threats, it gets worse.  This is life among the retarded barbarians.

A gang of migrant men sexually assaulted German women at a historic swimming bath, it has been claimed.  Other migrants were caught “emptying their bowels” in the children’s pool and masturbating in a hot tub, according to reports.

But in Finland, the dancing ass clowns know better than the rest of the world what fine men the North African Muslims are.

In the snowy streets of Finland’s cities, black-clad vigilantes are on patrol, to the alarm of the police and many residents. They say they’re there to keep Finnish people safe from what they say is a new and clear threat — the increasing numbers of asylum-seekers.

The rise of the Soldiers of Odin, which claims 500 members, has sparked both concern and ridicule in the Nordic country. Opponents dressed as clowns recently to accompany the ominous-looking men on their patrols.

[ … ]

The Soldiers of Odin say they are unarmed, though Ranta acknowledged he carries pepper spray, which is legal in Finland. They wear black jackets bearing their logo on the back — a mustachioed man wearing a Viking helmet and Finnish flag as a neckerchief.

National Police Commissioner Seppo Kolehmainen said the tenfold increase in asylum requests in 2015 has greatly increased the workload for police officers, including the need to fingerprint applicants, keep order at reception centers and protect them from arson attacks, mostly by drunk Finnish men — not always successfully.

“But we categorically don’t accept any street patrols that have been set up solely against immigrants or asylum-seekers. It’s the duty of the police to keep law and order,” he added.

Last week, a group calling itself the Sisters of Kyllikki, named after a mythological Finnish female figure, began street patrols of their own “to spread love and caring” in the southeastern town of Joensuu, where a week earlier the Soldiers of Odin held an anti-immigrant demonstration.

That group’s fame has spread on Facebook, with patrols planned in at least four other towns.

A troupe of clowns calling themselves the LOLdiers of Odin, in apparent reference to the text messaging abbreviation, LOL, for “laughing out loud,” has gone even further.

Dressed in crazy clothes, including Viking helmets, tin hats, and long flowing gowns, they taunted and mocked the vigilantes on one of their patrols last week in the southern city of Tampere. The clowns sang children’s songs, threw cartwheels and slid down piles of snow along the black-clad men’s route.

Oh dear.  This is pitiable, a sorry setup for disaster.  A few people know the threat, but they have their detractors – the gay dancing street troupe.  The police don’t accept anyone ensuring peace but them, but they will do the bidding of their masters in positions of power, which means they won’t do anything.

Meanwhile, the only ones who see the threat aren’t armed and apparently cannot be legally armed to defend themselves and their families.  All they have is OC spray.

It’s a good thing none of this could ever happen in the good old U.S. of A.  God bless the USA.


  1. On January 25, 2016 at 8:56 am, MattBracken said:

    Yes indeed, thank God via our blessed founding fathers for the BOR and the 2A.

  2. On January 25, 2016 at 10:34 am, Herschel Smith said:

    Which apparently doesn’t apply in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, and maybe Maryland. And of course don’t forget that the Sheriffs in my own home state get to decide if you’re worthy of a pistol permit.

    I can visualize the dancers in Manhattan, Oberlin, Berkeley and other cities.

  3. On January 25, 2016 at 1:58 pm, MattBracken said:

    Well, that’s true.

  4. On January 26, 2016 at 12:07 pm, soldat56 said:

    You forgot Gov. Malloy’s collectivist fiefdom of Ct.

  5. On January 25, 2016 at 11:27 am, Ned Weatherby said:

    Ask the average guy in the USA about the European problems with male Mohammedan/Daesh migrants, and he’ll stumble over his words and ask if you saw how bad the Cardinals sucked last night. They will then talk amongst themselves about who is going to perform what task better for which team next year, and all the buddies will chip right in with their opinion.

    Then ask their opinion about all the Islamic/Daesh refugees coming into this countries, and the subject will again be steered towards football, and now, the Stupidbowl.

    I can easily see what Herschel described above happening here, catching most by surprise, with a big majority unwilling to even weigh in on the problem for fear of being labelled racist.

    I’m thankful I don’t live in a big urban area with a large Mohammedan population. In fact, today where I live the Republican club is presenting a speaker on the dangers of Islam. Like Herschel, I believe the folks in the large cosmopolitanism cities will be placing the nooses around their own necks, and handing their women out to their Islamic masters.

    Of course, that all goes with the blessing of most LEOs…

  6. On January 25, 2016 at 11:32 am, Herschel Smith said:

    Yes, exactly. Or playing fantasy football. I don’t know what that is, but I hear guys playing it. Or talking about what player is best … blah blah blah. Or watching night time sitcoms, or anything but reading or thinking.

  7. On January 25, 2016 at 12:01 pm, UNCLEELMO said:

    Reading anything of substance requires an ability to comprehend.That’s a rare ability these days.
    And why think? It’s much easier to allow those nice people from the government to think for them. Besides, the Super Bowl is in two weeks.

  8. On January 25, 2016 at 7:49 pm, Ned Weatherby said:

    A friend and I were just talking about the fact that neither of us even knows what fantasy football is…

  9. On January 25, 2016 at 7:00 pm, Fred said:

    “…the woman said her idealism has been eroded and virtually destroyed.”

    Good. Welcome to earth. Now, what are you gonna do about?

  10. On January 26, 2016 at 2:05 pm, Damocles said:

    So walking around Johannisbad is a lot like visiting the primate area at the zoo. At least the monkeys in the zoo don’t go trying to decapitate each-other.

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