Ammunition Revival
BY Herschel Smith
Two years ago I investigated ammunition shortages in the U.S. At the time many stores and gun ranges were rationing everything from .22 LR to 9mm to .223 Rem. ammunition. The shortage became so severe that rumors spread over Internet that the federal government was buying up ammo to purposely cause the shortages. There was so much paranoia that many ammo makers felt compelled to look into it and then publish explanations. Also, the National Rifle Association (NRA) investigated and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for gun, ammo, and related businesses, looked into the reasons for the shortages. They all came to the conclusion that consumer demand—fueled by record high gun sales—was behind the shortages.
Since then, this strong demand has been fueling a transformation of the ammunition industry—and much of this manufacturing growth is taking place in America.
Last week, for example, Advanced Munitions International (AMI) announced it will build a new ammo-making plant in Maryville, Tenn., that will employee about 600 people. This is a $553 million development project that is expected to be completed in late 2018.
Tennessee’s Governor Bill Haslam said, “This is an industry leader creating jobs that require a highly skilled workforce and it’s the kind of company that makes it obvious we’re moving toward a simple goal for Tennessee: becoming the number-one location in the Southeast for high-quality jobs.”
There is actually so much growth in the ammo industry right now that Jim Shepherd, editor and publisher of the Shooting Wire, wrote, “In the past few days, we’ve seen the announcement of a massive ammunition project in Tennessee, and the industry’s been titillated by Hornady’s ‘hint’ that they’re about to announce something really significant. And those are on top of the announcements that Browning is going to be offering a full ammo line, Ruger’s now offering a technologically advanced line of ammo in the common personal-defense calibers, and Sig Sauer’s now shipping their expanding lines of ammo.”
This might be the only time I ever do this, but I would like to thank Mr. Obama for aiding in the financial health of the gun and in this particular case, ammunition industry. We couldn’t have done this without you.
On November 23, 2015 at 3:21 pm, Archer said:
Yesterday, I saw .22LR on the local Wally World shelf for the first time in recent memory, alongside more than one or two boxes/brands of 9mm and a full stock of .223.
After months and months of ammunition factories working fully-staffed, triple-shift, 24/7 at full-capacity to try and fill the demand, we finally have ammo sitting on the shelves long enough to be witnessed.
I hope for the AMI’s sake that the demand is still around in 2018, and the EPA hasn’t cracked down on production for their use of lead and copper. It’d be crappy to not get a return on investment for that kind of expansion.
On November 23, 2015 at 3:57 pm, Fred said:
I agree. It wouldn’t be good to see the market turn shaky right when they are ramping up. Guess I’ll go buy me some ammo!
On November 23, 2015 at 3:39 pm, Fred said:
I would like to welcome AMI to East Hillbilly Tennessee. I would also like to shamelessly plug their ammo. It’s Awesome!!! (never actually shot any but hey we’re gonna be neighbors.)
On November 23, 2015 at 3:39 pm, boogyoogyoogy said:
Yeah, Ok, I believe them…. Bullsh*t.
I don’t believe them because I can add and subtract and understand manufacturing and production.
On November 23, 2015 at 3:43 pm, Phil Ossiferz Stone said:
We don’t need more premium-grade self defense and hunting ammunition. We need more cheap shooting fodder that isn’t from Russia. All our Alinskyite oligarchs need to do is pretend to get annoyed at Putin and cheap shooting fodder becomes a historical anomaly. And the New Normal will be that shooting in America, as in Europe, becomes a sport of the wealthy. It is already happening here in Califailia, where they have successfully outlawed lead ammunition for hunting.
On November 23, 2015 at 4:46 pm, UNCLEELMO said:
Don’t forget, as of January 2017 all lead ammunition will be illegal in the Sunshine State.
This law was crafted by the same firearms experts that are concerned about Ghost Guns that have the ‘bility with a 30 caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within a half a second… a thirty magazine clip in half a second.