The Men Who Won The Battle Of King’s Mountain

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

Twice now I have hiked the battlefield trail on King’s Mountain (as well as miles of other trails in that park) with my children, even though my children were grown when I did it.  It’s always educational to remember what once was and what used to be.  On Monday I hiked this trail with my beautiful daughter, Devon.

I have seen many homeschoolers on the trail with parents, reading literature and learning real American history, when men were free, rather than the fabricated crap and lies they learn in public schools that passes for history, taught by the collectivist lemmings.  I have never seen a public school class there.

One placard in particular has always caught my attention.

This distinguished race of men are more savage than the Indians, and possess every one of their vices, but not one of their virtues.  I have known … these fellows (to) travel 200 miles through the woods never keeping any road or path, guided by the sun by day, and the stars by night, to kill a particular person of the opposite party (George Hanger, British officer formerly attached to Ferguson’s provincial corps).


Would we win the war of independence today?  Do such men exist, who would travel 200 miles through woods, day and night, to engage fellow countrymen in a battle for freedom?

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  1. On October 21, 2015 at 4:42 am, sdharms said:

    my ancestor shoed horses for the revolutionaries for the Battle of Kings Mtn. And I am proud of him.

  2. On October 21, 2015 at 4:57 am, fedup said:

    These men and the men that fought for the cause were magnificent “mighty men of valor”. What a shame to realize that now we have “men” that carry purses and can’t cross a room to change the channel on a TV without they back hurting. May God forgive us for the whips we have become.

  3. On October 21, 2015 at 5:47 am, Warpig said:

    My daughter’s class recently visited the Alamance battlefield. The onsite historical society has a short video production of the conflict, and presents it just right. Those farmers were pushed too far by the corrupt colonial government, eerily similar today. They were hard men, fighting every day to survive.

    No, she’s not in a public school.

  4. On October 21, 2015 at 5:51 am, MattBracken said:

    (I always loved Shelby’s speech.)

    The Patriot militia was able to surround the mountain without the Loyalists being aware of their presence. They were organized into 8 groups of 100 to 150 men. Before they went forward, Colonel Isaac Shelby gave them this order:

    When we encounter the enemy, don’t wait for the word of command. Let each one of you be your own officer, and do the very best you can, taking every care you can of yourselves, and availing yourselves of every advantage that chance may throw in your way. If in the woods, shelter yourselves, and give them Indian play; advance from tree to tree, pressing the enemy and killing and disabling all you can. Your officers will shrink from no danger-they will be constantly with you, and the moment the enemy give way, be on the alert, and strictly obey orders.1

    With this order, the Patriots went forward with a yell. They caught the Loyalists completely by surprise, but they were able to form before they were overrun. The Patriots used the cover of trees and rocks on the mountainside, and shot down many of their opponents. Finally Ferguson ordered a bayonet charge, to drive the Patriots back. They surged forward, and drove the Patriots back, but as soon as they returned from the charge the Patriots returned again, using cover and picking off the Tories.

  5. On October 21, 2015 at 12:19 pm, Isaac Shelby Baker said:

    I’m named for my GG grandfather, who in his time was named for the great Isaac Shelby…

  6. On October 21, 2015 at 8:26 am, xtphreak said:

    The Overmountain Men stayed @ an ancestor’s place above Woodlawn, Cathey’s Fort, on the way to kick a$$ @ Kings Mt.

  7. On October 21, 2015 at 9:54 am, mcknife said:

    The answer to the caption is YES!

  8. On October 21, 2015 at 10:12 am, FedUpWithWelfareStates said:

    “…distinguished race of men are more savage than the Indians, and possess every one of their vices, but not one of their virtues.” Very proud to be a descendant of this fine race of Men, who pushed the envelope, breaking the British chains of Indentured Servitude. Yes, we are still here, running the ridges, valleys & hollers all along Appalachia. So, if this country continues to go the way it is & loses its moral constitutional compass completely, then listen closely to the night sounds outside your traitorous door, as it might just be Revolutionaries, dressed as Backwoodsmen coming to deliver YOUR Day of Reckoning…

  9. On October 21, 2015 at 6:25 pm, Seerightthere! said:

    Yes, we are still here.

  10. On October 21, 2015 at 10:55 pm, SunwolfNC said:

    “Would we win the war of independence today? Do such men exist, who
    would travel 200 miles through woods, day and night, to engage fellow
    countrymen in a battle for freedom?”
    – Yes.
    Would there be enough? I don’t know…but I hope.

    //thinking about where to take my girl this weekend. Was thinking Love Valley, but now I want to go to Gfather Mtn…

  11. On October 22, 2015 at 7:54 am, SargintRock said:

    I stagger inwardly when I see the U.S. Army today, teaching that Washington and Jefferson were Terrorists and would not be welcome in today’s Army! Get the real News at
    De Oppresso Liber!

  12. On October 22, 2015 at 12:09 pm, Keg said:

    Many of these men, from what is now TN, only fought in this one battle. They were already back home by the time Gen. Washington had news of the victory. Ferguson stirred them up when he put out the word that if they were not loyal to the king, he was going to pay a visit to them to keep them in line. I guess they showed him. This also shows the meaning of “militia”. As with Kings Mountain many of the battles included men from the region that would bring their rifles and fight alongside the regular Continental Army. Then they went back home to tend to their farms and family.

  13. On October 23, 2015 at 6:12 pm, AreJones, the fool? said:

    Even though he was a Democratic senator from Virginia, James Webb’s book “Born Fighting” had a wonderful account of this battle. I just used excerpts in my 8th grade Social Studies class.
    Also worth learning about is the “first battle of the Revolution” when 2000 Patriots squared off with 1500 Redcoats in 1770 at the Battle of Alamance Creek (much bigger conflict than the puny Boston Massacre those Yankee textbook writers love to promote).

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