Dumb As A Bag Of Rocks
BY Herschel Smith
WeaponsMan admits to being dumb as a bag of rocks over some relatively minor factual error that they later corrected. For the record, I don’t think WeaponsMan is dumb as a bag of rocks, but this catapults me into my next topic. They are also discussing stolen valor.
At one time I had an e-mail argument with one Uncle Jimbo who writes at Black Five. He actually wrote words down (and copied many other people) threatening to kick me in the balls and do other things to me (only a real genius writes down threats and sends it out to multiple people so the threat is well documented). Mind you, not that I was worried, especially about him. I can take care of myself. But the subject was interesting – it was over Stanley McChrystal. Regular readers who have been with me a while know exactly what I think of Stanley McChrystal.
He is an ignoramus who got promoted far beyond what his moral fiber and intellectual capability could bear. Oh, and by the way, he thinks you shouldn’t be allowed to have guns, as you will recall. Well, Uncle Jimbo took issue with my dislike of McChrystal, as well as my friendship with Michael Yon, and the idiot wanted to perform an internet “intervention” of Michael (as if anyone actually needed any of this).
This is all actually going somewhere, so hold on. Now enter the boys from This Ain’t Hell (who are also stolen valor intensive bloggers). Because of the name of this blog, one of them began dropping comments on various posts about me being involved in “stolen valor,” as if I was advertizing myself as a captain of anything except this blog.
The name of the blog was selected long ago in a far away place, and since Captain’s Quarters was already taken, we settled on Captain’s Journal. The About page is clear about that. I was tempted to become embroiled in a tete- a-tete, starting with “can you read?” No seriously, can you read past a second grade level? You don’t have to be able to digest Alvin Plantinga or Nicholas Wolterstorff to be able to click on over to the about page and take a minute to read it.
But I didn’t, and ignored the idiotic posted comments from this simpleton and deleted them. In the mean time, read all you wish about stolen valor – these folks and others focus on such things, and it ain’t my bag. If you say something and then later correct it when better data becomes available, that proves you are able to learn and you’re not threatened by the good editing commenters can bring. You’re not dumb as a bag of rocks. If you insist on something stupid in spite of the evidence like the boys at This Ain’t Hell did, yea, that does make you about as dumb as a bag of rocks. It actually makes me wonder about everything else they’ve written.
As for Stanley McChrystal, I hope he is forever haunted by the memories of those who perished at Ganjgal (like the relatives of those very men who commented on this post). And I hope the ring knockers from government military schools who used his ROE guidance to deny good men support that awful day live regretful lives, always shamed by what they did. They should be.
In summary, idiots will be idiots (at least the ones who don’t know how to read), and Stanley McChrystal is no better a man than he was yesterday or years ago.
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