Are The Kurds Preparing To Weapon Up For ISIS? Guess Who Supports Gun Control?
BY Herschel Smith10 years ago
Via Reason, there is this great report from CCTV America:
Since the Islamic State made its push into northern Iraq, questions of safety have emerged. Some Kurds are preparing to leave their jobs and fight with the peshmerga military, while others simply want to arm themselves for protection. They both can go to the same place: a bazaar tucked away outside the city of Erbil.
I don’t know if the Christian community is among those who intend to “weapon up” like I’ve recommended, but it’s good to see at least some of the folk responding like the situation demands.
As a sidebar comment, I see no revolvers, and what I suspect is a lot of 9mm handguns, along with AK and AK-variants (so probably along with availability of 9mm and 7.62X39 ammunition, but no .45, .38, .308, 7.62X51, or 5.56 mm). Why these shooters prefer to have long guns with their butt stocks removed is completely beyond me.
Upon watching this report it occurred to me to do a quick search of ISIS and gun control. Sure enough, this turned up for the rules implemented by ISIS upon capture of new territory.
“No drugs, no alcohol and no cigarettes allowed,” it added.
No public gathering other than those organised by ISIS will be allowed at any stage. No guns will be allowed outside of its ranks.
Statists and totalitarians are the same the world over. Guns for me, but not for thee.
On September 3, 2014 at 8:15 am, TimeHasCome said:
So both Bill Gates and ISIS want gun control , makes sense.
On September 3, 2014 at 9:03 am, Paul B said:
Bill Gates and ISIS want the same things? Safety for themselves and power over every one else.
I would add in ever elected official in the US to the Gates group.
On September 3, 2014 at 9:49 am, Liston Matthews said:
Right out of HItler’s and Stalin’s playbooks.
On September 3, 2014 at 10:26 am, Carl Stevenson said:
“We Americans have set dangerous precedents. We can rest assured that those pushing for gun control have no intention of stopping short of total gun confiscation. At some point, we who cherish liberty must summon the courage of our forefathers and tell America’s tyrants, ‘Give me liberty, or give me death!’ The longer we wait, the greater the ultimate bloodshed.” — Walter E. Williams, Professor of Economics, George Mason University.
On September 3, 2014 at 11:39 am, Gwendolyn said:
Yep…there appears to be a correlation between those people who want gun control and it’s all bad. Hitler,Mao,Stalin,Brady,etc. Ahd nwhat do nyou think will be the reaction of the antigun mommies when groups muzzies show up in malls with real live military grad full automatic AK47/74 s and start killing any and everybody in sight on a Saturday afternoon?
If there is anyone who thinks this won’t happen…….Ha.
On September 3, 2014 at 9:33 pm, BillClintonsShorts17 said:
The antigun mommies will insist that it is YOUR gun which is really to blame.
On September 3, 2014 at 2:08 pm, MattBracken said:
It was ever thus. Tyrants always demand a monopoly on deadly force.
On September 4, 2014 at 8:37 am, Ergo said:
I like the kurds. I was stationed in El Sulymanieh during the war.
On September 4, 2014 at 10:40 am, Joseph P. Martino said:
I guess I can sympathize with the Kurds now, but when I was living in Turkey it was different. The PKK fire-bombed a department store near where I lived. Considerable loss of life, although in part because the store wasn’t “up to code,” a condition frequent in Turkey, were laws aren’t enforced for those who pay enough. What surprised me was that the Turkish government actually caught the terrorists and prosecuted them. I figured they’d get away scot free.