Court Rules On Rifle Purchases In Border States
BY Herschel Smith
ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) – A federal appeals court has ruled that gun dealers in New Mexico and southwestern border states must tell authorities if someone buys more than two semi-automatic rifles in five days.
The decision comes after Ron Peterson Firearms of Albuquerque and two other gun shops filed a lawsuit in 2011, challenging a demand letter from the ATF to certain gun shops in New Mexico, Arizona, California and Texas.
The letter was issued as part of an ATF effort to crack down on weapons trafficking to Mexico and specifically targeted the southwest.
The courts affirmed a demand letter that has no basis in law, thus affirming that the ATF can do pretty much anything it wants to do.
Notice too that the stated reason is to target weapons trafficking, an argument I’m sure government lawyers made with a straight face in open court – and the judges let them.
Laughable, it is. And a shame, that the federal government, being the chief weapons trafficker, bullies someone else for its crimes.
On July 30, 2014 at 7:51 am, Paul b said:
I think we need to remove the right for federal officers to be armed. If you work for the faceless fed you need to do it without deadly force at your finger tips.
On July 30, 2014 at 2:17 pm, Bill Daigle said:
Remove any Federal Officers, give it back to the states, we would have found a way to pursue criminals while respecting each states rights. The fed has no respect or concern for states or citizens rights…much like the local law is becoming.