Development Of Weapons Technology In U.S. Lags World Because Of Gun Control
BY Herschel Smith
WRSA likes this machine gun (details here). My experience (attempting to exchange email among other things) is that H&K has a rather elitist attitude. Furthermore, like so many firearms manufacturers, they make many of their weapons systems only for military and law enforcement.
Okay, nice machine gun. But here is a fact which bears mentioning. American engineering is second to none. Things like open bolt versus closed bolt, mechanisms to cool the gun, head spacing, spring constants, gas operation design, component materials (among many others) are all variables that can be used by entrepreneurial engineers and gunsmiths to design a better weapon.
Do you want to know why that doesn’t happen in America? There is no incentive. The largest gun market in America is civilian, and as you know the manufacture and sale of newly designed or built fully automatic weapons has been illegal to anyone except LEOs since the abomination called the Hughes Amendment.
William J. Hughes was a democrat from New Jersey in case you were wondering.
On March 31, 2014 at 1:15 pm, Paul B said:
I do wish we had autos. right now you need to raid a police cruiser and that can end badly.
On March 31, 2014 at 6:07 pm, William Baker said:
But I thought the second amendment in the bill of powers, er….rights, guaranteed the government all the full autos they wanted, hayuk.
On March 31, 2014 at 6:24 pm, TexTopCat said:
Select fire would be nice, full auto runs through ammo too fast.
On April 3, 2014 at 4:07 pm, Firehand said:
I’ve also read that, even after jumping through all the hoops to get the required permits, trying to develop a new auto puts you at so much risk of being screwed over by ATF that most companies flat will NOT even try.
On H&K, just in case you’ve never read it,