Remington To S.C.?
BY Herschel Smith
A New York firearms company should move to South Carolina because the Southern state is more sympathetic to gun rights, according to an Upstate congressman.
Republican Rep. Jeff Duncan of Laurens is urging the parent company of Remington Arms to move its Ilion, N.Y., plant to South Carolina to avoid “enemies” of the Second Amendment.
“In South Carolina, we believe in the right to keep and bear arms,” Duncan wrote to the chief executive officer of the Freedom Group, a North Carolina company with firearms divisions in 14 states and more than 3,000 employees.
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He said he’s also encouraging South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to contact gun-manufacturing facilities in other states where gun control legislation is likely.
But dislodging Remington from New York may be an uphill battle. The company’s history there goes back nearly two centuries, according to its website.
And the Republican congressman who represents Ilion says he’ll fight to keep the Remington plant where it is. The plant employs more than 1,000 people.
“Generations of expertise is in the DNA of all those who work for Remington and live in upstate New York,” Rep. Richard Hanna, R-N.Y., said Tuesday. “The Ilion plant remains highly competitive and its workers and the community are committed to the success of Remington. I look forward to working with New York state leaders to see that Remington stays here for generations to come and thrives right where it began almost 200 years ago.”
This isn’t enough. Governor Haley is going to have to get deeply involved if she wants this industry in S.C. As for Remington, it doesn’t matter that they have been in New York for two centuries. The South is better. The employees may gripe and moan, but given a few months, they’ll see the benefit themselves. Their griping won’t last long.
On February 10, 2013 at 3:42 pm, Brooks said:
Several months ago, when Remington first announced their intentions to re-locate. Due to the tyrannical oppression of the state in which they’re now in.
I immediately emailed Gov. Niki Hailey, urging her to extend South Carolina hospitality, and encourage the oppressed manufacturer to come here.
I did receive a nice reply from her chief of staff, saying they would look into it.
I encourage EVERYONE to get involved, some how, and let’s make this a reality !
It could only become a win-win situation for all. We get jobs in S.C., Remington
receives a wonderful location to continue their craft. And of course, Gov. Hailey
will receive Kudos from the citizens.
Let’s Make This Happen !
On February 12, 2013 at 4:31 am, Flashman said:
100% of the ammunition that Remington makes within the United States is manufactured at Lonoke, Arkansas, just minutes away from Little Rock on I-40. Would love to have them put all their operations in our right-to-work state.