What Was That About Not Needing A High Capacity Magazine?
BY Herschel Smith
In Do We Have A Constitutional Right To Own An AR?, I noted 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-man home invasions that had occurred all over America in the span of just a few days. In recent news:
In Louisiana, a 4-man home invasion.
In Clemson, S.C., a 4-man home invasion.
In Akron, Ohio, a 4-man home invasion.
In Longwood, Florida, a 2-man home invasion.
In York, Pa., a 3-man home invasion.
In Independence, Mo, an 11-man home invasion leading to three deaths.
In Oklahoma, a 3-man home invasion.
In Knoxville, Tn., a 2-man home invasion.
In Tucson, Arizona, a 3-man home invasion.
In Arkansas, a 3-man home invasion.
In Rockford, Ill, a 3-man home invasion.
In Georgia, a 2-man home invasion.
In Texas, a 2-man home invasion with three family members shot.
In Philadelphia, a 2-man home invasion.
Man beaten and intentionally burned in home invasion in Laurel, Montana.
In N.C., a 2-man home invasion.
In Grantville, Pa., a 4-man home invasion.
In St. Petersburg, a 2-man home invasion.
In Georgia, a 2-man home invasion.
When a violent crime is intended, the criminals are increasingly teaming up into multiple-man crews to perpetrate their evil. Thanks, but I think I’ll keep my high capacity magazines.
On December 14, 2012 at 1:05 pm, Burk said:
Gosh- a 11-person home invasion? Was this some innocent mom and pop in suburbia with a picket fence? Ah, no. It was a drug war where the house had metamphetamine that the invaders wanted to steal. And they were all related. Something tells me that ARs ar not the solution, here, or anywhere else, really. How about that Connecticut elementary school shooting today.. should children be concealed carrying as well? Is that going to make us all safer?
On December 14, 2012 at 1:36 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Well, there’s some indication that the Clemson student who died as a result of that home invasion was a victim of a drug crime as well (home invasion looking for roommates, or something like that, based on other reports). He was still innocent.
That’s not really the point. The next time you have to call the police for some reason or another, use a stopwatch and write in and tell me about their response time.
On December 15, 2012 at 10:36 am, Jean said:
On December 18, 2012 at 2:46 pm, GunRights4US said:
I want just as much firepower available to me as the bad guys or the government might bring. Oh wait – that’s redundant isn’t it?
On December 19, 2012 at 12:20 pm, DonM said:
The point is, criminals or government thugs travel in packs. The smallest minority is the individual who may have to act without warning against evil doers who have planned their raid and even perhaps rehearsed it.
The large capacity magazine means I don’t have to sleep in my web gear. The large capacity magazine means that the evil doers don’t get to rush me as I reload.
The large capacity magazine is harder to make reliable. The operating spring has to be matched to the magazine spring, and that is harder to accomplish with a large capacity magazine. Crazy people, or lazy criminals (esp. the repeat variety) who can’t openly practice, don’t have as much opportunity to test, analyze and fix failures, and hence go to their date with destiny with a magazine that is not tuned to the operating system. Jared Louchner had a high capacity magazine, and his gun jammed, giving a licenced CCW citizen a chance to stop him.
On December 19, 2012 at 12:33 pm, epobirs said:
There is a very critical issue at stake here. The Left has made an art form of nibbling away at our liberties in little tiny bites. Rather than go for their ultimate goal immediately, they’ll move towards it in little steps that alter the definition of ‘normal’ incrementally until one day the Right finds itself defending a position once considered far left against a far, far left position.
Just as Obama thinks he gets to tell you when you’ve made enough money, he also want to tell when you have enough ammo. That number will get smaller and smaller as time goes on and most people will forget that it was not originally the government’s business to impose a limit.
There is an old adage that the way to boil a frog is by gradually turning up the heat. Throw a frog in already boiling water and it will jump out, recognizing the immediate threat. But start off with warm water and bring it to a boil slowly, in that circumstance the frog will never be too uncomfortable at any one moment to object.
Every imposition of a government imposed limit is an invitation to tighten that limit in the future.