Leon Panetta Jumps Off The Deep End

BY Herschel Smith
12 years, 2 months ago

Well, I never agreed with his advocacy for troops cutbacks, I don’t like his positions on Iraq or Afghanistan, and I couldn’t have gotten along with Mr. Obama long enough to have every been in his shoes.  But this time Panetta has really jumped off the deep end.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta declared global warming a national security threat yesterday during a speech before an environmentalist group in Washington, D.C.

“The area of climate change has a dramatic impact on national security,” Panetta told the Environmental Defense Fund last night. “Rising sea levels, severe droughts, the melting of the polar caps, the more frequent and devastating natural disasters all raise demand for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.”

I had been wondering about Panetta’s position on the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle, or the F-22 versus the (what will be ill-fated) F-35, maintaining the same number of carrier groups in the future (which I support – actually, I support increasing the number), and so on.

Instead, we find out that his thoughts as Secretary of Defense are running to anthropogenic global warming and the soon-to-be-manifest disasters.  Sigh.  It’s sort of like finding out that that man down the street with whom you talk from time to time believes that the U.S. destroyed the world trade center, right after aliens kidnapped him and held him hostage for ten years on the planet Lazon II.


  1. On May 7, 2012 at 10:14 am, Rich Buckley said:

    Penetta is laying the groundwork for a 2-decade old secret government mission started by the salesmanship of Dr. Edward Teller, which mission is about to become public and “anthroprogenic” provides the best-fit cover story.

    “Best fit-cover story” is the operating phrase. Entangled within “anthroprogenic” are many other objectives of such complexity that most people just do not believe, as all of the entangled projects are true to some extent that satisfy highly sensitive cause and effect analysis.

    The scenarios and programs are to be released to the public in stages only as the need to explain what’s really going on is too obvious to ignore any longer.

    If you cut the onion in half rather than peel it open a layer at a time you can see the truth buried so deep inside at the center it may never have to be reached and told. If it were told before it was obvious to all, you wouldn’t believe it anyway. You don’t have a need to know. Government will not come clean on it voluntarily … ever.

    The first layer of the onion when peeled back will be, yes, chemtrails are necessary to help cool the Earth. We are trying to build a protective Dyson sphere with aluminum, barium and strontium aerial sprays to protect Earth. These include many subpart levels of denials including the US Airforce “control the weather by 2025 mission”

    The second level of union skin when pealed back is what Dr. Teller knew: particalized metallics placed into the atmosphere then energized with 1000 megawatt microwave transmitters enables directed energy beams that can reach anywhere on Earth with assistance from repeater stations. The key are the metallics and microwaves. This combination creates energized plasma which is now a modified form of still breathable atmosphere…. Ideas and science discovered by Nicola Tesla (spelling), and confiscated by the FBI on his death Jan 8, 1943.

    The third level of disclosure will always be denied … At the core of the onion and if you can’t figure out what that is by now, that is exactly what is being counted on. It goes beyond belief unless….

    Level one on the onion is being peeled open, Penetta’s security classification like President’s Jimmy Carter’s and Bill Clinton isn’t high enough (yet) for the level at the core. With any luck, the grace of God, he will never need to know the core of the onion and neither will the rest of us.

    There are many other entangled Programs within the onion but that’s the way it is for now. The first layer is being peeled open.

  2. On May 7, 2012 at 10:20 am, Herschel Smith said:

    I cannot come up with an explanation for this rant, Rich. Are you being serious, or is this sardonic? Please tell me you’re making funny?

    And poor Leon is a kook as best as I can determine. Please don’t place yourself in the same category as him.

  3. On May 7, 2012 at 2:04 pm, Warbucks said:

    Kooky? Yes, it does sound kooky. It appears to be my cross to bear right at the moment and face the ridicule and debunking I must face.

    But my statement about “energy beams” is misleading because it’s poorly worded. It should read more as: multiple applications: (a) A wide geographic area, earth penetrating microwave causing piezoelectric electrical discharges, often underground along young earth crusts where crystal formations are most frequently found and react to the transmitted energy piezoelectricly, frequently on the edges of tectonic plates. This in turn triggers earth quakes with surprising predictability. (b) There are other atmospheric uses to these microwave transmitters as well including the instantaneous creation of “server” weather in moisture bearing air. (c) The wave lengths can also be modulated for deep water penetration for communication in our submarine feet.

    My brother the patent attorney puts it this way when I show him all the patents on this science…. “all kinds and junk science get’s patented” and
    “Why do you have to disturb me in my comfort zone?” …. to which we both stare across the local vineyards, pop open a bottle of our world class local wine and go into our 1000-yard stare.

  4. On May 7, 2012 at 3:35 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Stop please.

  5. On May 8, 2012 at 10:57 am, Jean said:

    Since we are on the subject of “Green Stuff”. Do you remember when some the senior Army leadership were talking about Green FOBs and decreasing the use fossil energy, greener Army, carbon footprint….blah,blah,blah. Its nutso talk.
    FOB/COPs/VPBs- places to rearm/refit between combat missions. No one in world gives a crap about the eniviroment or global warming, except the nut jobs living in LALA land and misinformed leaders.
    Wrong focus, like chasing non existent domestic terrorists in the 1990’s while QA built up a shadow army and world wide capability. Wonderful.

  6. On May 10, 2012 at 8:07 am, TS Alfabet said:

    All of this would seem like an unbelievable farce except that the world has witnessed same, self-destructive, delusional behavior in the 1920’s and 30’s.

    I am amazed at how cyclical history can be after reading Winston Churchill’s account of events prior to the outbreak of WWII in “The Gathering Storm.” Churchill had the most unfortunate task of being one of the lone voices of reason, constantly warning Britain and France about disarming and the rising dangers of Hitler. He was routinely mocked and shunned for the better part of 20 years until his every warning came to bitter fruition.

    So here we have Panetta and Obama and Biden and the whole clown troop chasing after “global warming” and green energy and pretending that the fight against militant islam is over and Russia is our friend and China just wants to trade honestly and Iran just wants the U.S. to stop provoking it all the time. It is the same sort of madness that gripped the Versailles powers (including the U.S.) after WWI.

    Sometimes it just sucks to be right.

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