Pit Bull Saves Owner From Being Mauled By Bear
BY Herschel Smith
A few takeaways from this.
It’s difficult for me to tell, but I think this was a black bear.
Next, she said she deployed her bear spray and it was completely ineffective. Yea, I’ll bet.
Retreating, she stumbled backwards and fell down. This is a bad position to be in when the bear jumps on you.
The dog intervened, and was badly mauled, but still lives and looks good. Dogs are man’s best friend. Get yourself one or more. Also, notice that the bear went after her, not the dog. It only went after the dog when the dog intervened.
Finally, she should be carrying a large bore handgun. If I’m out and about in the South, I never go into the bush without a firearm. There are bears, Coyotes, snakes and two-legged threats, as well as feral hogs. This holds doubly true for the Northwest. If you go “walking” or “jogging” in the bush without a big bore handgun, you’re asking for what happens next.
On August 17, 2023 at 10:38 pm, scott s. said:
Dunno. Love dogs, but this week so many stories about people in Lahaina Maui fire going back to get their dogs.
On August 18, 2023 at 4:40 am, jrg said:
Well, maybe ‘asking for what happens next’ is a bit harsh, but deciding to go out helpless in the wilds where predators are present is a very bad idea. Certainly a case of consequences.
This appears to be a case where the dog’s owner was protected by her pet. Dogs are often like that – selfless when danger threatens their owner. Hell, even those chiquaqua ‘purse dogs’ can become quite snippy.
On August 18, 2023 at 6:56 am, Nosmo said:
Maybe I’m missing something but it looks like the dog performed mostly as a sacrificial offering. Not that doing so was not useful, but the deal I have with my dogs is one of mutual protection, and I’m expected to hold up my end of the bargain, since I have the opposable thumbs and all.
I’m wondering how many dollars went into all the tats and what percentage of a large caliber firearm that would have covered. A used 12 gauge pump and slugs can be had fairly inexpensively, even a used lever action .30-30, would have been useful.
But I guess the noise would have disturbed the blissful serenity of Gaia….
On August 18, 2023 at 5:29 pm, foot in the forest said:
She started the tape telling you she lives in Canuckistan. NO GUNS FORE HER
On August 18, 2023 at 9:12 pm, Longbow said:
It sounded to me like the young woman saved the dog from being mauled. The headline is inverted.
On August 20, 2023 at 1:27 am, Dan said:
This person lives in BC….which means no guns for her. She had bear spray…which was essentially worthless. If a bear wants you it’s going to ignore anything that doesn’t kill it.
A dog is pretty much worthless against a bear…or a mountain lion. You need at least three of four so they can work in pack formation. A pack of dogs IS good at dealing with large predators. Hopefully this person learns from this experience…and either stops hiking in bear country or ignores the criminal laws that prevent her from being adequately armed.
On August 20, 2023 at 10:48 am, pyrrhus said:
It must have been a black bear…A grizzly would have killed the dog without difficulty…
On August 20, 2023 at 10:51 am, pyrrhus said:
Yes, small black bear…I have seen much bigger ones in Alaska…