Sex Trafficking And Why No Family May Be Immune
It’s a leap worth making; that concealed carriers are always examining surroundings and people, profiling for danger and a thing or person that seems out of place or acting strangely. It’s a natural fit that you would be on the lookout for anything, even a low-threat profile minor in distress. We suppose this can also apply to folks who witness for Jesus Christ in public places or other ministries for Christ as well.
You are not a cop (unless you are). All we’re doing is standard the security sweep and this extra thing; are there any young girls or even boys or adults who oughtn’t to be in that situation or environment? Nobody would blame you for not involving yourself with the police. Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888, gather as much information as you safely can, and let them handle it. Defense of others, and especially the least among us, is the law of God!
Sure, there are high-likelihood areas, and the readership here is generally less likely to be in those places than some demographics, but, leaving our Oligarch pedophile global “leaders” aside for the moment, there is a higher socioeconomic level associated with the prostitution of minors than you might imagine.
The article is not offensive; however tragic the topic may be, read it and watch the video.
I’ll put it somewhat crudely one time, No 13-year-old girl says, hey, maybe I’ll go turn some tricks. They are kidnapped and forced.
Concealed carriers who, as the late, great William Aprill said, possess a “fully-formed mental map of the expected terrain” and heightened sense of awareness can take actions that reduce the chances that the persons they love and care about ever become sex trafficking victims. In addition, we can become quicker to recognize the signs of other person or persons that we do not know become sex trafficked and take actions that may result in getting law enforcement involved and ultimately rescuing the victim or victims that end up with the victim receiving assistance from a crisis services program such as the one offered by Cross Timbers Family Services where the goal is recovery and an opportunity to live a full life. The rest of this article is dedicated to providing readers with at least a partially-formed mental map to what sex trafficking is and is not based upon the above-described panel’s presentation on Human Trafficking.
For some reason, I’m unable to embed this time; here’s the video link URL.
On April 27, 2023 at 11:59 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
The hit 2008 film, “Taken,” starring Liam Neeson as an ex-covert operative Bryan Mills whose daughter is kidnapped by human slavers on a visit to Paris, is fictional of course, but it is based upon fact.
In the story, Mills’ 17-year old daughter, Kim (played by Maggie Grace) and a friend, are “marked” by Albanian Muslims, part of a gang engaged in human trafficking, and then “taken” when their apartment is assaulted. The story concerns how Mills tracks down and ultimately eliminates the kidnappers one-by-one, successfully-rescuing his daughter in the process.
Writer-producer Luc Besson and his team deserve a lot of credit for making this film, a courageous act in such morally-confused times. Particularly in Europe, where works of art perceived as “Islamophobic” may face fines, sanctions and other penalties. Not to mention attacks from offended Muslims themselves.
Many readers are no doubt aware of the widespread practice in many European countries – in particular in the largest cities – of “grooming gangs” preying upon children and young women in particular.
The gangs either strong-arm kidnap their intended victims, or sometimes a more-subtle approach is used whereby the intended target is wooed with fancy gifts, lavish meals, clothes, money, whatever is necessary to win her attention and trust. The victims are then forcibly addicted to narcotics, and turned into prostitutes and sex slaves. The victims are usually female, but prepubescent boys and girls are also targeted.
The vast majority of criminals engaged in this sort of activity are Muslims, typically immigrants from Albania (Europe’s only majority-Muslim nation) or from Africa, the Middle East or other parts of the Islamic world. Under sharia law, the “taking” of infidel women – in particular virgins – is considered permissible. Indeed, such are considered by Muslims as the rightful loot from waging jihad.
Indeed, Mohammed, the prophet of Islam himself, said some 1,400 years ago to his followers prior to a slave-taking raid, “Do you want the Banu-Al-Asfar?” which means in Arabic, “children of the yellow.” That is what the Arabs termed fair-skinned and fair-haired women of Byzantium, which is today SE Europe and Russia. Such woman were highly-prized since light-complexioned females are so rare in the Islamic world. They would fetch a very high price at the slave market or bazaar.
In the film “Taken,” the gang sells virgins to wealthy sheiks and others from the Middle East, in a secretive auction house which deals in the trade – the selling of human beings- right beneath the eyes of the corrupt authorities in the heart of Paris. This, too, is based upon fact.
Wealthy Muslims throughout the Middle East kidnap unsuspected infidel women to be not only sex slaves, but domestics, household workers, and the like – entirely against their will.
Some single woman from the Philippines answers an ad promising a glamorous job in the Arab Middle East, accepts it upon promises of high wages and other perks, and once she arrives, she soon finds out that she is a prisoner subject to the whims and abuses of her “employer” and not free to leave. In other words, she is a slave in everything but name.
An excellent, though horrific, book has been written on the UK grooming scandal, “Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal” by Peter McLoughlin (New English Review 2016). British law-enforcement agencies had known of the problem literally for decades, but – upon orders from above – did nothing to stop the practice in Rotherham and other districts.
Countries like Sweden allow “refugees” and “immigrants” from places like Africa and the Middle East to apply for and receive asylum and financial and social welfare benefits while still in transit to their new home! These Muslims have been taught by their imams (Islamic clerics) how to game the system, and going on welfare immediately in an infidel nation is considered “good jihad” and therefore permissible under sharia. So what do these criminals and cut-throats do with their time? Groom the women and children of their new countrymen, that’s what.
Where are European men in places like Sweden, Germany and the U.K.? Thus far, it seems, emasculated and gelded.
Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin said, a few years ago in response to the Rotherham, U.K. scandal breaking, “A society which will not or cannot protect its children, has no future…” and he was entirely correct.