This Should Terrify Every American: DOJ Harasses Citizens for Exercising Their First Amendment Rights [UPDATED]
Eagle Forum is a very small non-profit in Alabama. It only has one full-time employee and a second, part-time employee. Virtually all of its work on issues of interest to its members is done by volunteers. It is the quintessential, uniquely American grassroots membership organization that French historian Alexis de Tocqueville lauded in Democracy in America.
As the Eagle Forum’s motion to quash the government subpoena says, one of the issues its members have been concerned over is “gender-altering medical treatment to minors” and the “permanent and adverse effects of such medical procedures on those minors.” Those serious, lifelong effects deeply concern many physicians and parents.
Members of the Eagle Forum made their worries known by doing things every American has an absolute right to do: they spoke out, made speeches, organized meetings, talked to other residents and organizations in the state, and contacted their elected state representatives. In other words, they exercised their constitutional rights to engage in “freedom of speech,” to “peaceably assemble,” and “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” They also exercised their right to associate, recognized by the Supreme Court as implicit under the Fourteenth Amendment.
None of these activities should trigger stalking by Justice Department lawyers. So how has this come about?
Earlier this year, the Alabama legislature passed the Alabama Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act, which became effective on May 8. It bans puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and surgery to alter the biological sex of a minor. A huge number of left-wing advocacy organizations immediately sued the state, and the U.S. Justice Department intervened in the lawsuit, echoing their claims that the new Alabama law violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
The Eagle Forum is not a party to the lawsuit. Yet the Justice Department has served what is referred to as a third-party subpoena on the Eagle Forum. This subpoena outrageously demands that the Eagle Forum and its members turn over all:
- information and communications it has or engaged in over the law and any predecessor bills;
- materials that were considered by the Forum connected to the legislation or any draft or model bills;
- documents concerning the Forum’s “legislative or policy goals, initiatives, and/or strategies relating to medical care or treatment of transgender minors, or minors with gender dysphoria”;
- communications with—and testimony, letters, reports, etc., sent to—state legislators or their staff; and any other government agencies and officials in Alabama over the legislation;
- communications with any other nongovernmental organizations over the legislation;
- internal minutes and records of meetings, polling and public opinion data, video presentations and speeches, newsletters and emails, and social media postings related to the legislation.
In other words, the Justice Department wants to turn the Eagle Forum inside out, forcing it to turn over its records on everything it does. This would let government lawyers paw through and scrutinize everything, including privileged communications and even personal discussions and communications with other private citizens and nonprofit organizations.
There an update to the story at the source. H/T Instapundit
On September 21, 2022 at 6:39 pm, Dan said:
Just more lawfare by the criminal left. When you OWN the DOJ/FBI and about 90% of the sitting Federal Judges why wouldn’t you use them to wage war on any and all opposing your agenda.
On September 21, 2022 at 8:35 pm, J said:
Turn it all work product over to an attorney and claim attorney-client privilege and then tell them to pound sand or something like that…
On September 22, 2022 at 5:33 am, Joe Blow said:
The USSA is not a country of laws anymore. You can argue what tipped the scale, or when the camels back was broken, but you cannot stand here today and say we are a lawful nation.
That cuts both ways, folks, that cuts both ways. If they’re not going to follow the laws they wrote, why would you?
We’re all underground now, time to start acting like it.
On September 22, 2022 at 6:51 am, Matt said:
I would simply refuse. If they want to play ( physical force and violence) we can play. They won’t like the results.
Recently, I have been rhetorically asking people to think about whether or not they would even submit before a leftist “court” and recognize it as even being valid to prosecute / persecute you?
On September 22, 2022 at 8:02 am, June J said:
Another straw on the poor overloaded camel. How much more can his back hold before breaking?
On September 22, 2022 at 12:25 pm, Redman said:
As June J says, one spark can ignite the pile. But good Gravy, how many more sparks are needed?
On September 22, 2022 at 7:02 pm, Ron Bass said:
The left is very aggressive and skilled at using all their assets in the non kinetic asymmetric war that they have been waging against us for the last 60 years.
Our skill lies in being prepared for a future kinetic battle. this is very important if we were not prepared things might be a lot worse. But we need to engage in the current conflict more aggressively. Eagle forum is doing an excellent job in this instance.
The left is now crossing the line in the sand and violating all our e Constitution rights every chance they can get. Ask the Jan 6 prisoners in solitary confinement and subject to frequent beatings by black prison guards.
We need to up our game. We have large numbers.We need to use them. 12,000 people in an arena listening to Orange man is a good thing. But those 15,000 need to be led to do more and respond to the left directly.