Where we stand depends upon who has the guns

1 year, 11 months ago


This essay is excellent. It lays out the current state of the Fundamental Transformation of America. If you don’t read and understand this information, you might as well turn in your firearms and report to the tribunal.

The writing in places is taught; you will have to slow down to see the totality of the points. The part about guns is elementary for the readers at TCJ, so don’t stop reading with those few paragraphs.

We don’t want war, you don’t want war, and even the Left doesn’t want war; they want you not to fight back. America is in the midst of a genuine full-blown Communist Revolution. The busyness and information overload are features keeping you distracted.

We do disagree about how solid the local police are. The Left wants total police power, of course. They are well on their way to getting it.

Read the whole thing.


  1. On August 3, 2022 at 9:27 pm, Bill Buppert said:

    The police state and its mass informant apparatus is the lifeblood for the smooth functioning of a police state. No politician can harm a single man absent the capability of the coproaches to cajole, harass, fine, kidnap, cage, maim and kill depending on the level of the resistance of the resistant and non-compliant to the designs of the politicians.

    It’s no more complicated than that.

    Isn’t it the least bit curious that EVERYTHING the government supremacists wish to do MUST be at the point of the gun through the threat of potential and actual violence, whether literal or figurative?

  2. On August 3, 2022 at 9:40 pm, PGF said:

    Yes. No amount of “just wanting to be left alone” will suffice. That’s why attendance will be mandatory.

  3. On August 3, 2022 at 10:11 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    “Every Communist must grasp the truth, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party…” Mao Zedong (1927)

    How much plainer does it have to become in order for people to understand what they are dealing with in the communists?

    If it wasn’t for the Muslims unsurpassed record of bloodletting over the last 1,400 years, Mao and the Chinese Communists would rank as history’s most-prolific mass-murderers. Estimates vary according to how historians and other scholars break down the data, but some specialists place the death toll during Mao’s long reign of terror as high as seventy-million deaths. Via both cold-blooded executions, as well as via indirect methods such as famine and mass starvation.

    It is now common knowledge that Bill Ayers of the notorious “Weather Underground” direct-action/terror group of the 1960s-1970s was Barack Obama’s first political mentor and today remains his life-long friend. Ayers and his confederates spoke openly in group meetings about the communist revolution they intended to create in the U.S. and the probable necessity of liquidating as many as twenty million Americans too-resistant to communist indoctrination to be salvaged in re-education camps.

    This is known today because the F.B.I. had an informer inside the Weather Underground, the late Larry Grothwohl, who was present at such sessions.

    The history of the 20th century is, in many ways, a record of bloodstained tyranny carried out by communists and Marxist revolutionaries around the world, in Russia/USSR, Castro’s Cuba, Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, Uganda under Amin, Pol Pot in Cambodia, and many others.

    Communism is, at its core, fundamentally at-odds with the laws of nature and of human society. It doesn’t work, has never worked and will never work, which is why its adherents invariably resort to force to impose it. Which brings us full-circle back to Mao’s statement about power growing from the barrel of a gun.

    Many skeptics, when confronted with such damning evidence of communism’s deadly record, reply that it “can’t happen here,” or that critics who discuss such things are “alarmist.”

    Sticking one’s head in the sand to avoid an unpleasant reality will not make that reality go away.

    Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize winner Ellie Wiesel was once asked to distill the essence of what he had learned in the WWII concentration camps into a single sentence… after thinking for a moment, he replied “If someone says they want to kill you, believe them…”

  4. On August 4, 2022 at 6:03 am, Latigo Morgan said:

    Those with the guns make the rules.

    That should be amended to say, “Those with the guns, and the willingness to use them, make the rules.”

  5. On August 4, 2022 at 9:07 am, George 1 said:

    Combine Communist Revolutionaries with the cult of the Global depopulationists and now you have something.

    As far as the police it is obvious that with few exceptions they are completely onboard. The article says: “They won’t do what DC tells them.” Ha. It is to laugh. The covid nonsense should have dispelled any illusions of that.

  6. On August 4, 2022 at 9:26 am, PGF said:

    @George 1, if the desire to control others is the signal pathology of the wicked, and it is, then it only follows that soon after, the evil of their heart’s desire toward killing is revealed. The vilest outward indicator of wickedness is the longing to harm the innocent, including animals.

    If somebody says they want to kill you, believe them.

  7. On August 4, 2022 at 2:29 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ George I

    Re: “As far as the police it is obvious that with few exceptions they are completely onboard. The article says: “They won’t do what DC tells them.” Ha. It is to laugh. The covid nonsense should have dispelled any illusions of that.”

    That’s what the “Defund the Police” movement is really all about, namely mopping up the last remaining pockets of constitutional law-enforcement remaining in the country, so that a new national police force – read “secret police” – can be created to take its place.

    The trend isn’t anything like close to ironclad, but in general, as one moves from larger to smaller police departments, from federal to local, and from urban to rural, they tend to act in a more-restrained and reasonable manner and stay within the bounds of civilized behavior and the Constitution/Bill of Rights.

    The communists don’t “hate the cops”…. they hate “cops” they don’t control and whose ideology is suspect vis-a-vis Marxism. On the other hand, they positively love the police when they are part of the regime and work to enforce its ideology and policies. Think NKVD/KGB and you’re on the right track.

  8. On August 4, 2022 at 7:48 pm, George1 said:

    An interesting development in Germany that is related. As of October 1st the German Military and the German Police will basically merge. I guess they know what is coming.

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