Bird Flu In The News
BY Herschel Smith2 years, 5 months ago
Are you a bit puzzled reading articles like this discussing the affect of Avian flu on wild ducks and geese? Do you understand yet why you can’t find chicken at the store? Listen to this.
There are two schools of thought on things like this. One school says, “Well, it’s been a mighty strange several years now, hasn’t it? A bat got AIDS and passed the virus on to humans in a market which all the world got, they had something called Agenda 21 where the richest men on earth plus health professionals and former military generals talked about pandemics just before all of this hit, there is mass migration from South of the border which threatens to crash the American system, the masked the servant class for two years, war is happening in Eurasia, and now they’re saying C19 was just a rehearsal and the real pandemic is coming which will kill half of the world. Guess we need to continue to listen to the experts.”
Then there is the other school of thought that says, “Something very foul is afoot.”
On April 10, 2022 at 9:57 pm, George1 said:
When the elites tell you that they want a world with about 500,000,000 people, the other 6.5 billion should pay attention.
On April 11, 2022 at 1:34 am, BRVTVS said:
This agenda to stop people from raising poultry is a Devil’s Doctrine. See 1 Timothy 4:1-5.
On April 11, 2022 at 5:52 am, JSR said:
Something very fowl, indeed.
But seriously, thanks for sharing. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Humankind becoming modern, enlightened, woke, emancipated, (pick your descriptor) does not change the human condition.
On April 11, 2022 at 7:41 am, Fred said:
None of this helps me, as I’m currently suffering from a “spring” cold, a coronavirus. But don’t tell DHS, as I’d prefer not to get SWATed for having a head cold. Oh, the misery, *sniffle cough* poor poor me.
I distinctly remember being told that “we” would have flying cars and jet packs. But I also remember being told that, one day, we would cure the common cold. But it seems that evil seems to be spreading, so we have decided to kill everybody by using cold viruses instead.
On April 11, 2022 at 8:32 am, ragman said:
The next pandemic could very well be starvation. Our elites best be careful, extreme hunger has led to revolution. Even the normies will get cranked up when they can’t feed their children.
On April 11, 2022 at 10:38 pm, Daniel Smith said:
And then the other school of thought ( the only licensed and qualified individuals even to speak about wildlife diseases and epidemics and how incredibly insane and difficult they are to manage and how it affects our food supply). But yea, let’s listen to toe joe and fuck face who says it’s all a master secret ninja plan, a plan that’s been going on since before I was born. Tell me, what’s the end game of this plan?
On April 11, 2022 at 10:48 pm, Daniel Smith said:
If what you’re saying is true, then what about CWD? That’s finally arrived in NC…… you know, the disease that originated in Texas due to herd management practices. But I’m sure that’s the liberals and democrats trying to kill us all and take control