Hornady Drops The Shot Mandate

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 9 months ago

So, they did, but not without some weasel words to be able to deny they ever made the mandate in the first place.  This isn’t a very good look for Hornady, but at least they backed down.

For what it’s worth, as of this writing, I still haven’t gotten a response to my note to Steve Hornady.


  1. On October 29, 2021 at 5:29 am, George said:

    People need to remember, and with their wallets, that regardless of their reversal, in light of a total lack of a government mandate, they TRIED to screw their employees and put their lives in jeopardy in order to bend over to some very, very bad people.

  2. On October 29, 2021 at 5:43 am, Russell G. said:

    Didn’t watch (Utube ban) but many of the comment sites mentioned that they are *.mil contractors, so, there ya have it….maybe. But, nothing is written in the Fed register by the commies in charge, and it is essentially a grand bluff to all businesses. Many CEOs are willing to go along, some are not.

    HDY does make good projectiles, and they have been giving us massive inventory (where’s my 6mm stuff, HDY?) during this garbage, so I’m not going to bitch at them for an extorted business action. Now, if Nosler would just get their shit together, as well as SIE, we could get some really good loads going.

  3. On October 29, 2021 at 6:51 am, Fred said:

    Hornady management is a big ugly mess. This whole episode (so far) is very bad.

    Their world view is that of pro mandate. It wasn’t just a biz decision. How do we know this, because at first they doubled down and are now lying. All indicators of a wicked and sinful heart.

    I’m glad I don’t work there. Managers at odds with their customer’s traditional American values attempting to force a medical decision and then LYING to their employees face about it. Yuk. These are the kind of people I avoid. Sin is very damaging. It’ll ruin your reputation and your business if your not careful.

    It’s also not very manly, this refusing to own your mistake. Yes, I’m very glad indeed that I don’t work there. Liars and weasels.

    Ananias and his wife (Acts 5) we’re not struck down for the financial (business) decision they made, but for lying about it.

  4. On October 29, 2021 at 9:18 am, TRX said:

    So they join Ruger, S&W, Colt, Springfield Armory, Rock River Arms, HS Precision, an others on the dirtbag list.

    Ruger: supported “assault weapon ban” in 1994

    S&W: supported trigger locks, “smart guns”, and enhanced background checks, 1999

    Colt Industries: announced they weren’t going to sell AR-15s to civilians any more, 2019

    HS Precision: selected Lon Horiuchi as their spokesman, 2008

    Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms: supported Illinois SB1657, which would require special licensing and restrictions on gun makers in Illinois, *except* for them, 2018

    also on the enemies list:

    Guns & Ammo: printed pro-gun-control editorial, 2013 (Metcalfe)

    RECOIL Magazine, printed pro-gun-control editorial, 2012 (Tsai)

  5. On October 29, 2021 at 9:52 am, POd American said:

    If this ammo company would have stated up front that they are refusing to supply bullets or ammo to any entity bowing to this false narrative they would have 100+ percent support from the public to buy all that they can produce. Instead, they chose Satan and revealed their true selves. They deserve all the bad publicity and it’s consequences. I for one will never knowingly support them or their products again. F the bastards.

  6. On October 29, 2021 at 9:59 am, Sisu said:

    A related opinion piece/analysis of which the Hornady debacle could have been an anecdote.

    Regardless, a good read. If you choose not to follow the link, let me suggest this excerpt:

    “I am reminded of a story I read when I was a child about a conversation between an ancient Roman General and a Roman Senator. The senator tells the general that something needed to be done about separating and delineating the slave class from the free Roman citizens because often they all looked alike and were sometimes dressed alike. The senator suggested that the slaves be forced to wear black arm bands so they could be easily identified. The general disagreed, pointing out that if the slaves were given the arm bands they would finally see how many of them there were, and realizing the sheer size of their population the slaves might then be encouraged to revolt against the empire.”


  7. On October 29, 2021 at 12:50 pm, The Old Freedom Fighter said:

    There is an old saying that became a hit song awhile back & goes like this. “It’s a little too late to do the right thing now.” As George said,” they tried to screw their employees…..” Just remember, even if you did get the jab, you still could be fired for whatever reason. On top of that, there’s no liability on the part of the employer if you suffer the side effects or even die.
    Just stay prepared!

  8. On October 29, 2021 at 1:00 pm, Archer said:

    @Sisu: That ancient Roman anecdote describes what’s known as a “preference cascade”. Similar things led up to the American Revolution, and we see it in modern times, as well.

    Humans tend to adjust their behavior to match what’s expected of them, what they’re told they should do. Indeed, much old Soviet and current Chinese propaganda emphasizes such “groupthink”.

    It’s all designed to make dissenters feel isolated and alone, and most people go along with it. But the reason it’s pushed so hard is that the regimes know the dissenters are not alone — far from it. The regimes also know that if the dissenters ever learned just how many others feel the same way, the regime likely wouldn’t last long, and so they put a lot of resources and energy in keeping people in the dark. At the same time, the regime very severely and publicly punishes a few dissenters, as an example to discourage such thoughts and behaviors.

    But suppose some event causes everyone to learn that a critical mass of their neighbors feel the same way. Suppose there is that collective “A-ha!” moment. This is the beginning of the “preference cascade”. In a very short time, that critical mass of dissenters will find allies, organize themselves, and mobilize their resistance with their newfound brothers and sisters, and the only way the regime survives is by unleashing violence and brutality — at a level of which only a government is capable — on its own people.

    It’s that exact scenario the Roman General was trying to avoid: the preference cascade of slaves learning just how numerous — and therefore powerful — they really are.

    It doesn’t just affect governments, either. Facebook is feeling it, too; whistle-blowing insiders are revealing just how privacy-invading and mental-health-destroying their business practices are, and a critical mass of younger people are leaving or avoiding it. The notion that “Everyone is on Facebook” is fading quickly, and Mark Zuckerberg’s desperation to maintain relevance is palpable. He doesn’t have a monopoly of violence like a government regime, but he does have an army of lawyers, and the “law-fare” is heating up.

  9. On October 29, 2021 at 1:20 pm, Archer said:

    @The Old Freedom Fighter: There’s no liability at all, when it comes to the jabs.

    The pharma companies are immune (no pun intended), as are the government officials, business executives, and employers mandating the shots.

    If you get the jab, you’re on your own when it comes to side-effects and/or adverse reactions.

    The worst part is, many states, counties, and employers aren’t allowing medical exception, which means even if the adverse reactions are foreseen — say, if you have a known allergy to one or more ingredients — you’re nevertheless required to take at least one dose to “prove” your allergy, and the pharma companies, government officials, business execs, and employers aren’t liable. Treatment for your allergic reaction is on you. You could die from anaphylactic reaction that you told them would happen, and they STILL bear zero responsibility.

    That fact cannot be emphasized enough: You. Are. On. Your. Own.

    I’m not going to tell anyone to not get the jabs. That’s their choice, and I freely acknowledge that many people’s individual risk/benefit calculus will find in favor of the shots (I personally know several, and I understand and support their decision). However, I will not keep quiet when it comes to the media silence about risks and lack of liability on the part of the manufacturers or mandate enforcers. People deserve to know the very-real risks associated with these experimental drugs.

  10. On October 29, 2021 at 5:27 pm, DAOF said:

    This is all well and good, take it or dont, but we are adults, minus the bots, and the whole point of this experiment was to force the shot. Military dont seem to have a choice and the next big roll out is 5-11 year olds. Your local school principal, superintendent of schools and school board will not help you. They are part of the push. Yes even in “live free or die” states, you are on your own. Ask me how I know…

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