Riots In South Africa And Rooftop Defenders

BY Herschel Smith
3 years ago

From two reddit/Firearms threads, I thought this was worth recapitulating.

Armed civilians defending their territory from rioters in South Africa after former president Jacob Zuma was imprisoned for corruption from Firearms

Chatsworth, armed homeowners on balcony while rioters try to get in

Verulam, KZN, armed civilians driving off rioters

Residents guarding mall from looters

Residents guarding shops in Woodlands

Civilians on Simbithi road, mob approaching

Civilians on Simbithi road, turns violent

Had the disarmament folks currently ruling SA had their way, these folks would have had nothing to help them defend family, home, hearth or possessions.  The police are running scared.


  1. On July 12, 2021 at 9:34 pm, 41mag said:

    Reminds me of the pics from Katrina. Glad there’s no police chief saying “nobodies gonna have guns, we’re gonna disarm everyone”.

  2. On July 13, 2021 at 12:36 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    Traditional Americans should study well and heed the recent history of the nations of South Africa and the former Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)and the lessons therein, for if the present communist leadership in the U.S. get their way, those destinations are what they have in store for the United States as well.

    In other words, they mean to do here what they did there, only on a much larger scale – but with a few changes to the program.

    In theory, the extension of the political franchise to all races of South Africans and Rhodesians was supposed to mean that all were equal under the law, that apartheid and similar systems would be consigned to the dustbin of history.

    That is not what actually happened, in either place. Instead of ushering in a long-promised era of racial harmony, peace, prosperity and tranquility, the changes in both nations arguably worsened the lot of all, whether black or white, native African or European. Rhodesia, before becoming Zimbabwe, was once known as the “bread basket of Africa,” because she was one of the few food-exporting nations on that continent.

    Today, people are starving in Zimbabwe and the country must import food sufficient to feed its own population. This happened because the Marxist regime of dictator Robert Mugabe told black Zimbabweans that they could take whatever they wished – including farms, ranches, and other property – owned by their fellow Zimbabweans who happened to be of European ancestry.

    Never mind the fact that many of these people were born in Africa and were just as African as any dark-skinned person born there. Or the fact that these landowners, farmers and ranchers had farmed, ranched and otherwise made productive use of the land for generations,whereas the blacks seizing these assets had virtually no knowledge of how to do these things.

    It is all well-and-good to utter lofty-sounding platitudes about racial and ethnic harmony, but those don’t pay the rent or feed your hungry children. In the real world, how does it serve the interests of anyone, of any race or tribe, to starve where before there had been plenty of food raised and grown in their country?

    Allowing the unqualified, the uneducated and the unskilled – of any race or nationality – to seize these precious resources and squander them is literally madness, but that’s where the Zimbabweans find themselves. Of course, stories of this kind have been buried beneath the self-congratulatory bleatings of the western Marxists, who are responsible for this unfortunate state of affairs in the first place.

    Events haven’t been quite as bad in South Africa, if reports are accurate, but that is only because the nation managed to avoid a generations-long civil conflict& Marxist insurgency of the kind which tore apart their former neighbor.

    Those farmers and ranchers who remain in Zimbabwe – and those in South Africa as well – have taken to arming themselves heavily in the hopes of being able to beat off raiders and plunderers looking to throw them off of their lands, at gunpoint if needs be.

    There has also been a great deal of bloodshed, most of it unreported or under-reported in the West – some of in remote rural areas, some of in the cities and ghettos. How ugly is it? Looking up the practice of “necklacing” – putting one or more tires around the neck of a bound and helpless individual, dousing him with gasoline, and then setting it alight.

    Just as with every place else it has been tried, communism has been an utter failure in both places, leading – quite predictably to anyone who knows the bloodstained history of Marxism – to poverty, strife, violence, bloodshed, starvation, economic depression, joblessness, and the destruction of whatever first-world living standards were there.

    Here in the U.S.A., Team Biden and company plan for us a variation on the old apartheid system, i.e., a racial caste system or society based upon one’s status in the left/communist taxonomy of victim-hood. Those racial and other identity groups now privileged by the left will rule over anyone judged to have been an “oppressor” or guilty of “white privilege,” whatever the heck that is! People of European ancestry, a.k.a. whites, will be at the bottom, especially the males. It is an open question if leftist/communist true-believers who also have pale skin will be granted an exemption or not. TBD.

    By the way, that the above is being planned is no longer speculation or inference. In the aftermath of the George Floyd incident, a number of Democrat-controlled strongholds, such as NY State, prominent leftists & the usual suspects have called for the formation of “Truth and Reconciliation Commissions,” TRC for short – which is even precisely the same language as was used in South Africa.
    There’s little doubt they’re running off of the same playbook.

  3. On July 13, 2021 at 10:53 am, Bradlley A Graham said:

    Nobody is coming to save you.
    Everything is your responsibility.
    Save who needs to be saved.
    Dispose of those that need to be disposed of.
    Always be working.

    Your greatest threats are in a 5 mile radius. Pan accordingly.

  4. On July 13, 2021 at 11:41 am, Jack Lawson said:

    Africans looting because of what the white man did to them…

    OH! They can’t use that excuse any longer… they’ve been running the country as a Communist Government for three decades.

    “My children and I are starving! So, let’s go loot an electronics store!”

    “TIS… This Is Africa.

    I often wonder what happened to the thousands (and I mean thousands) of State Of The Art, South African purchased, British built Centurion tanks sitting under canopies next to the 1st Battalion parachute school I went to.

    The good leaders must have sold them to provide food for their people.

    Communist Social Justice.

    Jack Lawson
    Honorary Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada
    Author of “The Slaver’s Wheel”, “A Failure of Civility,” “And We Hide From The Devil,” “Civil Defense Manual” and “In Defense.”

    As one member of our Commando wrote in later years: “That country (Rhodesia) has cast a long shadow over our lives, has it not?”
    As one struggles to endure the daily mundane of life, I realize he is right. He wrote on…
    “Rhodesia is a woman whose name is forever written upon our hearts – against whom no earthly flesh and blood of female can ever compete. We shed our blood, sweat, tears and the blood of others answering her siren call. Now that the winds and the rains have washed away the stench of the rotting corpses, we remember only the flair of our youth as we jousted lockstep with an opponent equally as determined to rid the world of us, as we him.”
    “Anoma – Anoma – Anoma!” Swahili for “I am a poor man – I am a poor man – I am a poor man!”
    “But I am a rich man and she (Rhodesia) has made me so. We loved her like no other. Oh, how I miss her and my friends so!”
    What amazing words, from yet another one of the guys in my Commando who appeared so ignorant that I didn’t think he knew how to read, let alone capture the spirit of then with such eloquent words.

  5. On July 13, 2021 at 12:14 pm, luke2236 said:

    Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you America…

  6. On July 13, 2021 at 3:26 pm, iggynatz said:

    Incredibly poor marksmanship. ONE competent with a 10/22 could have done much better.

    Perhaps we’ll have that opportunity, here.

  7. On July 14, 2021 at 8:51 pm, PubliusII said:

    Old saying, nonetheless true: Africa wins again.

  8. On July 15, 2021 at 12:23 pm, Fred said:

    Also, this is not entirely along racial lines it would appear. Some of it is about civilization, yes or no?
    And, I would expect foreign fighters to be imported to ramp up the festivities, or at least crates of AKs ‘falling into the wrong hands.’

  9. On July 15, 2021 at 1:38 pm, Done. said:

    Not racial, with plenty of Whites, Chinese and Indians in the mix.
    Zuma and Ramaphosa are just opposing global grifters.

  10. On July 15, 2021 at 2:54 pm, Fred said:

    I confess to not knowing the dynamics of the racial elements there, I’m only looking at skin. I would say, that we in America have our own disagreements between and among white commies and the normal whites who just want to mind their own bees wax and be left alone. While the blacks here are also happy to make tribal war on each other over money, turf, and “credibility.” The Spanish speakers here would be more cohesive in an all out war for the States, I would venture.

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