Communists Are The Same Everywhere

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 5 months ago

News from Russia.

President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the victims on Monday and immediately ordered authorities to tighten up gun regulations.

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Putin had ordered the head of Russia’s National Guard that oversees gun ownership to develop new rules for the type of weapons civilians are permitted to possess. Peskov said the change was needed to address to assault weapons sometimes being improperly classed as hunting rifles.

Russia’s National Guard quickly said it would fulfil Putin’s order to develop the new rules in coordination with other government bodies.

Sounds like something you’d hear from the American communists.


  1. On May 12, 2021 at 6:25 am, Wes said:

    As soon as attribution of the Colonial pipeline (ahem) “hack” dies a bit, the controllers in Mordor will be fanbois of Russia like Bernie is for Sweden. Proper response remains the same. Carry on.

  2. On May 12, 2021 at 12:58 pm, Torcer said:

    Anti-liberty leftists have always called for gun confiscation, while they deny that they are calling for gun confiscation. (75+ but who’s counting?)

    Kamala Harris Choice Creates Most Anti-Gun Presidential Ticket in History

    Yes, President Kamala Harris Really Does Intend to Take Your Guns

    Kamala Harris Brings Gun Confiscation Support to Dem Presidential Ticket

    ‘Bingo’: Biden Says He Is ‘Going To Come’ For Assault Weapons


    WHAT? Joe Biden says he’s going after magazines that can hold multiple bullets

    This is the answer for anytime they deny the obvious, they can dismiss one or two examples but that is a lot harder with the more than 75 listed here.

    2020 Presidential candidates that have advocated gun confiscation. [or any synonyms thereof: mandatory buy back etc, virtual confiscation/permission requirements ]

    Beto O’Rourke
    [Actual and virtual confiscation/governmental permission requirements for an unalienable human right]

    Cory Booker: Cory’s Plan to End the Gun Violence Epidemic
    [virtual confiscation/governmental permission requirements for an unalienable human right]

    Elizabeth Warren
    [Actual combined with virtual confiscation/governmental permission requirements for an unalienable human right]

    Eric Swalwell
    [Actual and virtual confiscation/governmental permission requirements for an unalienable human right]

    Joe Biden: The Biden plan to end our gun violence epidemic
    [virtual confiscation/governmental permission requirements for an unalienable human right]

    Julián Castro
    [virtual confiscation/governmental permission requirements for an unalienable human right]

    Kamala Harris Would Force Gun Owners To Sell Their Assault Weapons To The Government
    [ Forced compensated confiscation ]

    Kirsten Gillibrand suggests support for mandatory buyback of assault weapons
    [Actual confiscation/governmental permission requirements for an unalienable human right].

    Pete Buttigieg
    [virtual confiscation/governmental permission requirements for unalienable human rights].


    [NYT] VA Governor Northam “has not ruled out confiscating assault weapons from gun owners.”

    Behar Advises 2020 Dems: ‘Don’t Tell…Wait Until You Get Elected Then Take Guns Away’.

    Beto O’Rourke claims he hasn’t talked about confiscating guns.

    Dr. RaShall Brackney, Chief of the Charlottesville Police Department [Paraphrasing] “Any weapons that can be used to kill people should be banned”

    March for our lives: A Peace Plan for a Safer America.
    [Demands for compensated confiscation as well as virtual confiscation of all guns in addition to a licensing requirement for an unalienable human right].

    Iowa state Sen. Claire Celsi dictatorial senator threatens to take guns by force if the gun owner wasn’t “nice” to her.

    Democrats have been discussing the same ideas on guns for 25 years. It’s time to change that.
    There should be a Medicare-for-all or Green New Deal for ending gun violence.
    [Virtual and actual gun confiscation, requiring governmental permission for an unalienable human right]

    Barack Obama demanding ‘tougher gun laws’ i.e. gun confiscation

    Nate McMurray YEP. I’M COMING FOR YOUR AR15[Congressional candidate calling for gun confiscation]

    La Times: Banning semiautomatic weapons won’t solve America’s gun problem [Detailing why just getting rid of semi-autos won’t be enough]
    Illinois State Senator Julie Morrison: “Maybe it’ll just be a confiscation and we won’t have to worry about paying the fine.”

    ‘Goosebumps’! CNN’s Baldwin, Camerota Cheer Hogg Family, Push Mass Gun Confiscation

    Syracuse.COM: 20 years after Columbine: ‘Guns are the problem. Guns need to go.’ (Commentary)

    Bernie Sanders: We must follow New Zealand’s lead.. ban the sale and distribution of assault weapons

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Ban bump stocks, semiautos, & high cap mags designed to kill people


    Washington Monthly: A Real Long-Term Solution to Gun Violence [Forced nationalisation the arms industry, compensated confiscation]

    Harper’s Bazaar: Why We Need to Ban Assault Rifles

    Mother Jones: Ban All Semiautomatic Firearms

    stltoday.COM: The gun ban that worked [Virtual gun confiscation – the demand to require governmental permission to possess an unalienable human right]

    The Guardian: ‘Why does anyone need a gun?’: Toronto shooting prompts calls for handgun ban

    Esquire: Okay, Now I Actually Do Want To Take Your Guns

    Ban assault weapons, buy them back, go after resisters: Ex-prosecutor in Congress

    Vox: Why an assault weapons ban can’t address America’s gun problem

    Emma González [March for our Lives]: Removing the assault and semi-automatic weapons from our Civilian society, instituting thorough background checks and mandatory waiting periods (and raising the buying age and banning the production of high-capacity magazines) are the ways to stop shootings in America.

    The Charlotte News: Ban military-style assault weapons for the sake of our children

    Vox: What no politician wants to admit about gun control “taking a huge number of guns away from a huge number of gun owners”

    NAACP President OPINION: Gun Safety Is about Freedom [Australian style gun confiscation – making gun owners an offer they can’t refuse ]

    Maine Voices: Yes, we want to take away your guns

    Mercury News – Eugene Robinson Robinson: Arming teachers is absurd — ban military-style assault rifles

    The Star: Want to end gun violence Mr. President? Get rid of guns

    La Times: No one becomes a mass shooter without a mass-shooting gun

    It’s Too Late. You’ve Lost Your Guns.


    Splinter news: BAN GUNS

    Redhawks Online: Guns must go

    Boston Globe: Hand over your weapons

    News-Press – USA Today Editorial Board: Renew ban on military-style assault weapons

    Dan Pfeiffer: What to Bring to the Gun Fight [national gun registry, Tracking and limiting purchases of ammunition and a national gun buyback program]

    Eugene Robinson: Gun control should include buyback program like Australia’s

    Washington Post Editorial Board Calls on Trump to Pass Gun Control: ‘End This American Carnage’ [Members of The Washington Post Editorial Board]

    The Week: Ban guns

    Plan A Magazine: Ban Guns. Amend the Constitution.

    (CNN) Sachs: Ban semiautomatic assault weapons and save lives

    Prospect magazine: Dear America: it’s time to grow up and ban guns


    Huffington Post: Domestic Disarmament, Not ‘Gun Control’

    Washington Post – Eugene Robinson: Assault weapons must be banned in America

    W. Kamau Bell [CNN]: I want Obama to take away your guns

    Huffington post: Can’t We Just Put the Damn Guns Down?

    Anderson Cooper:”Speaking only for myself, watching Obama get repeatedly accused of wanting to take people’s guns away makes me sort of wish he’d just do something to earn that accusation. May as well!”

    The Daily Beast: President Obama Isn’t Taking People’s Guns—But Maybe He Should.


    New Republic: It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them.

    The New York Times: End the Gun Epidemic in America [First Front Page Editorial In 95 Years] This editorial published on A1 in the Dec. 5 edition of The New York Times. It is the first time an editorial has appeared on the front page since 1920.

    The Daily Beast: Yes, They Want to Take Your Guns Away

    Hillary Clinton: “In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program.”…..“I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level”

    Vox: Becoming a gun-free society would be hard. But we should still try.

    Daily Kos: Effective Gun Control – A National Semi-Auto Ban

    Washington Post: A gun-free society

    Obama: “We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours — Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it.”

    Tallahassee Democrat – Stop the insanity: Ban guns


    Obama: A couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting similar to Columbine or Newtown. And Australia just said, well, that’s it — we’re not seeing that again. And basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws.

    La Times: You say gun control doesn’t work? Fine. Let’s ban guns altogether.


    Huffington Post: Gun Control? We Need Domestic Disarmament


    Daily Kos: How to Ban Guns: A step by step, long term process

    Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo: “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option — keep your gun but permit it.”

    Detroit Metro Times: Ban all guns, now

    Opinionator – New York Times: Why Gun ‘Control’ Is Not Enough

    House Dem: ‘Turn in your guns’

    Eugene Robinson: First, Get Rid of the Guns

    Economist The gun control that works: no guns

    Huffington Post: Get Rid of the Damn Guns

    Yes conservatives, we want to take away your guns…


    Arizona Daily Star: Reinstate ban on military-style assault weapons


    La Times – Taming the Monster: Get Rid of the Guns

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