Michael Yon On The Immigrant Wave

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 7 months ago

Bad news.

Tomorrow, if all goes well, we will be in the Panamanian jungle with a naked tribe. Literally. We’ve been researching the migration crush here in Colombia. Apparently, 2-4 million Venezuelans have swarmed into Colombia. Nobody know the real numbers.

Other neighborhood countries such as Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, are experiencing similar from Venezuela. And now with Biden policy, they’ll be marching north, joined by migrations from around Asia, Africa, Middle East, Cuba, other Caribbean countries such as Haiti, and also from other South American countries.

As they march north, they will be joined by some Panamanians, and large numbers or Nicaraguans, Salvadorians, Hondurans, and finally Mexicans. And you shall see the flood. It’s coming. It’s building. Our border, relatively open, while American fuel and food prices rocket. At this rate we soon will adopt millions — most speak no lick of English — even while homeless camps swell around America.

This is just an FYSA. I am beyond the frontline. On deep reconnoissance. Deeper still, I have spent considerable years in many of the countries they come from. They need help but we must help them in place — but first we must guard our own wellspring whence we produce the wealth to help. (When oxygen masks drop — pull our own masks first. Otherwise, we become another casualty, another burden.)

Soon, we will need more pedestrian crossing signs in America. This mass migration will not stop at Texas.

Listen to me.

This is serious.

While the New York Times had multiple reporters covering some nobody in England, Michael Yon is taking pictures, interviewing people, studying the human landscape, and issuing real warnings.

Because legacy media sucks, and Michael Yon doesn’t.  Michael is a real journalist and researcher, while the legacy media is nothing more than lies, hysteria and entertainment.

And America will suffer greatly for the theft of an election.


  1. On March 11, 2021 at 11:07 am, George 1 said:

    The immigration weapon has slowly killed America. I mean killed in the true past tense. It is already too late. The Republican luminaries were saying immigration was A-OK for decades. “As long as it was legal immigration”. It is to laugh. The Biden/Harris immigration offensive will be the mop up operation.

    The democrat/republican communists would never have been able to sell their agenda wholesale unless they changed the country demographically into being more open to communism. Mission accomplished.

    Meanwhile many on our side debate things like the secession argument. They say it will never work. OK. Probably not. One of the main detractors says it will instead be: ” A cage match to the death”. OK. A distinction without a difference. Then how do you propose we proceed? Right now we are an outnumbered hated minority whom the PTB will make a serious attempt to disarm in the near future.

  2. On March 11, 2021 at 12:23 pm, Jed Swayze said:

    The controlled demolition takedown will proceed.
    They won’t be very friendly at the Sino-American friendship center.
    Your freedom has been a lie and we are here to liberate you, comrade.
    Locally it has been fundamentally transformed the past 20 years and now you can hardly hear any English in stores.
    Plenty of tribal garb and $100 bills from Uncle Sugar waving around.
    The infrastructure is crumbling under the massive increase of population in former rural route farmland as the city expands outward in every direction like some hungry blob.
    Driving skills vary with many downright dangerous or road hazard level.
    At least the bad orange tweets are no more and we can put up the Hurt Me Elmo doll in the safe space.

  3. On March 11, 2021 at 1:41 pm, SGT.BAG said:

    They wave is not here to integrate but to exterminate.

  4. On March 11, 2021 at 4:32 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    When the history of the time is written, the 1965 passage of the “Immigration and Naturalization Act” – also known as the Hart-Celler Act (Public Law 89-236) – will prove to be a watershed in the make-up of the U.S.

    Prior to the 1965 measure, immigration priority was assigned to would-be immigrants from Europe, in recognition of the uniquely European heritage of our republic. People from other places could still apply, but would not receive as high-a-priority all else being equal.

    Concerns were expressed at the time that the act would fundamentally-alter the historical character of the nation, but proponents of the measure, including Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA), promised that it would not.

    Time has proven the concerns of the skeptics to be prescient, and the soothing reassurances of scam-artists like Kennedy to be the lies and distortions of the truth that they are.

    The Democrats, then as now, were unable to win a clear majority of the electorate by the quality of their ideas and policy proposals. Rather than admit that these might be unpalatable to the public because of being flawed, impractical or immoral, they instead contrived to deceive and cheat the public. If they could not win at the ballot box, they would win via the census.

    How little has changed in the ensuing 55 or so years!

  5. On March 11, 2021 at 8:35 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:


    William Lind – an internationally-known and respected strategic analyst and one of the creators of the “generations of war” model now widely-taught in military-diplomatic circles, has stated that to a nation-state, a large influx of unarmed “refugees” is even more dangerous than an invading army because whereas the latter is clearly-marked and identified as a enemy, and may leave after a time, those “refugees” are likely there to stay. Indeed, in 4GW theory, large masses of people – even if they are not soldiers – are considered de facto armies for their ability to take-and-hold territory.

    In light of this framework, the Islamic diaspora of the Middle East flooding into Europe in recent years, and the massive influx of Mexicans and other “undocumented aliens” into the southern United States since WWII, to name two examples – are in fact seen as the weapons they are. Making them even more-potent, the globalists using them are leveraging the power of weakness to deflect criticism and scrutiny from their efforts. They have turned empathy and compassion into weapons.

  6. On March 11, 2021 at 10:45 pm, George 1 said:

    Immigration is War. Diversity and proximity eventually equal war.

  7. On March 12, 2021 at 1:17 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ George I

    Re: “Immigration is War. Diversity and proximity eventually equal war.”

    Matt Bracken is famous for saying just that… and he’s right. Prior to the death of Yugoslavian President Marshall Tito and until perhaps 1990, the Balkans region of SE Europe was one of the most-diverse to be found on the entire Euro-Asian landmass… before splitting apart into one of the most-vicious and barbaric civil wars in modern history.

  8. On March 12, 2021 at 7:34 pm, Paul B said:

    Bringing them all north will not help.

    Immigration is fine. What we are seeing here is not immigration.

    The people aiding and abetting this will be surprised when it does not work as they have planned.

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