Destroying The U.S. Military

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 9 months ago

What a sad state of affairs.  Diversity in the military will never be readiness for anything but failure.

God has rules for war and for military service (I won’t rehearse those now, but you can refer to R. J. Rushdoony, “Institutes of Biblical Law”), but they aren’t being followed here.

Thus this is alignment with wickedness.  Of course, destruction of U.S. military capabilities may be their intent.

Was anybody other than me aghast at the terrible state of the NG troops sent to D.C. recently?  Those boys and girls had better hope they never face combat.


  1. On January 26, 2021 at 11:25 pm, The Wretched Dog said:

    Lived through this. Retired in 2013, and I am sure it is much worse now.

    I said in January 2017, and I will say it now – President Trump should have fired every flag or general officer on inauguration day; every one. (Just about) every one that made two-, three-, of four-stars under Obama wasn’t trustworthy.

    Yes, I know there are/were a few exceptions. I never met a single one, and I served on general-officer level commands my last decade of service, including three times in Iraq. I would have fired GEN Casey, for example – and said so at the time. They made him Chief-of-Staff of the Army as a reward for not winning. Him of the “diversity is our strength” mantra.

    Only reason I made O-6 was because I was on the last separate USAR-AGR promotion board (Active Guard / Reserve – the small cadre of full-timers in the National Guard and Army Reserve); thereafter they were combined with the Active Army. I doubt, if I had stayed in the Active Army all those years ago that I would have made O-5.


    P.S. “The military has no mechanism to actualize fidelity to one’s oath; we discuss and teach what to do, even how to disobey ‘illegal’ or ‘immoral’ orders that violate the Laws of War; we do not have an equivalent mechanism to do so for questions of constitutional excess. Orders are presumed to be legitimate, and therefore constitutional.”


  2. On January 27, 2021 at 12:47 am, A. Landmesser said:

    Anyone who reads the Constitution knows what is legal and moral and what is not. The question is whether you have the honor and fortitude to stand up for that knowledge or say “I was only obeying orders.”

  3. On January 27, 2021 at 2:32 am, John said:

    It sounds like a military meatgrinder for forces being trained for regime protection who they will put, totally unprepared into battle with combat trained troops. I would caution any youngsters you care about who are looking to sign up.
    Give it some time and we will be seeing them put in situations like the first year in the Korean War; poorly trained and led with worn out gear that had maintenance and replacement funding
    cut to the bone to fund spending waste at home.

  4. On January 27, 2021 at 9:17 am, Ned said:

    TPTB are now just tossing the frogs in the boiling water. Still many won’t notice.

  5. On January 27, 2021 at 9:39 am, Fred said:

    The long march is complete. The dot mil is the last institution. The entire national security infrastructure has been turned facing inward. You are the target. Enjoy COIN in conus against you.

    Never forget, commies use humiliation. They feed off of it like a blood sucking tick. Most Americans still don’t understand that the Left is at war while they vote and watch TV. The left has been working systematically to build armies for use against you. They are very good at this after a century of experience. They have street armies, militarized police, and now they run the DoD. And just because they are doing this SJW to the rank and file in dot mil doesn’t mean they won’t have committed units of hard men, leftists one and all, to go after dissenters which are normal people. Americans still have no idea what’s coming.

    The bolsheviks are going to white genocide you. You won’t even whimper a little.

  6. On January 27, 2021 at 10:42 am, bob sykes said:

    I should imagine that people who think the Biden administration and Democrat Congress are illegitimate would welcome the destruction of the military.

  7. On January 27, 2021 at 1:28 pm, MTHead said:

    Wow, I thought joining the military and swearing an oath to defend the constitution of this United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. WAS, making you part of an extremist group?
    I mean it don’t get much more extreme than nuke-subs, right?
    And those are hardly the place for an ensign that feels dressing as the Chachita banana girl will improve their life!
    But then we all know it ain’t about improving anything. It’s about bringing us down to the point communist China thinks they have a fighting chance against us.
    Usher in Joe Xi-Den. Hoe Duc Harris!

  8. On January 27, 2021 at 2:51 pm, Bram said:

    As a former Marine (and National Guardsman) this would really upset me if I still wanted our federal government to have a strong and effective military.

  9. On January 27, 2021 at 4:38 pm, J J said:

    @Bram- Exactly!

    Reading foolishness like this about the military’s long decline from warriors to social justice monitors always makes me think about the Kurt Schlichter essay “Hillary’s Hipster Army Prepares for the Second Civil War.”

  10. On January 27, 2021 at 11:16 pm, Ron Bass said:

    In high School we would never let the “nerds” take over the school and allow them to abuse us. i read a great article about how the “left” views things as being some kind of “High School” operation. I will look for it and post the link here if I find it. In regard to the Military BHO purged the Military when he came into office. Trump was not prepared . He needed a war time consiglierre with him.

  11. On January 28, 2021 at 2:32 am, Hudson H Luce said:

    They’re running out the people who know how to do things, and replacing them with politically correct people who probably don’t know how to do things. And the politically correct tend to get into arguments amongst themselves, tend to split into factions, and tend to not be able to form a cohesive force. Again, If you look at who actually does the work, I think you’ll find very few “hard Left” people. What the “hard Left” will produce there is mostly politics and “management” – but if you don’t have people who know how to get the things done that “management” needs done, those things won’t get done. And if it’s not PC to get rid of incompetents, then you wind up with a lot of them – plus incompetent people tend to attract and get along with other incompetent people – and hate people who *are* competent with a passion. PowerPoints only go so far, in the end you need competent people.

  12. On January 28, 2021 at 2:59 am, Jimmy the Saint said:

    @Hudson: History strongly suggests otherwise. Helots did the important work that kept Sparta running, and they stayed slaves. Roman slaves outnumbered the legions, did the work that kept the Republic/Empire running, and stayed slaves. Ditto Japanese peasants vis a vis the samurai. Yeah, all those systems *eventually* collapsed, but they outlived many, many generations of slaves.

    Incompetent, yet ruthless people can force others to accomplish a great deal on their behalf.

  13. On January 29, 2021 at 1:58 pm, Mack said:

    I’m constantly referencing The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude.

    Perhaps some of you should read it:

  14. On January 30, 2021 at 9:55 pm, X said:

    ‘Was anybody other than me aghast at the terrible state of the NG troops sent to D.C. recently? Those boys and girls had better hope they never face combat.”

    If, by “combat,” you mean Omaha Beach or Chosin, they are never going to face that. Their job is imperial policing, and that includes policing the soon-to-be-disarmed “deplorable” subjects right here in North America, not just a bunch of towelheads in an overseas desert.

  15. On February 1, 2021 at 1:58 pm, Sanders said:

    This started a long time ago. I remember when Reagan was President, and we were ordered to no longer sing dirty cadence – in an Infantry unit. They told us at the time the order came down from higher-higher.

    So, somebody, somewhere was offennnnnded and was able to get that order sent down the line. Appeasement is to acknowledge defeat.

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