Best And Most Succinct Explanation Of The Coup I’ve Seen
BY Herschel Smith
This is what they had planned, as well as what went wrong in their plans (via WRSA).
The plan was simple.
Saturate the media with polls showing a blue wave and an inevitable victory. Discourage people from voting in person. And then, after tabulating the paltry votes of those who defied the media to vote in person, dump all the tampered, altered, and harvested ballots for Biden in key cities.
Even before Election Day, the Democrats knew their plan was going awry. Suddenly, instead of urging their base to use mail-in ballots they were, just as loudly, telling them to vote in person.
Why? Too few Republicans were voting by mail and too many were going to vote in person.
If the Election Day numbers tilted too decisively to President Trump before suddenly going Biden’s way, the election would look rigged, and there would be an outcry from Republicans.
Despite last minute efforts urging Democrats to vote in person, that’s exactly what happened.
Once again, Democrats had overreached, committed a massive crime, and have been left with no choice except to ride the tiger. That’s what happened last time when the Obama administration allied with the Clinton campaign to eavesdrop on its political opponents. And then doubled down with investigations and indictments, not of the perpetrators, but the victims.
Despite the blatant irregularities in key battleground states, they’re doubling down again.
The American Coup is underway. In classic Leninist fashion, its initial goal is to control the propaganda and the process. The media has declared Biden to be the winner while mass celebratory gatherings cheer the new order. Big Tech censors any skepticism about the election.
And the same faction that declared four years ago that casting doubt on an election was patriotic and the best defense of democracy now claims exactly it’s treason.
The only Democrat rule is that it’s patriotic when they do it and treason when their opponents do. That’s not how ‘democrats think. It’s how dictators rule.
All of this is a sideshow. What really matters is the process, not the propaganda. The propaganda is meant to divert attention from how implausible the media’s numbers are.
Republican turnout rose, instead of falling, in in-person voting, and the GOP also went into Election Day with clear leads in mail-in ballots in key battleground states, including Wisconsin and Michigan. The tide of Biden ballots that arrived during the night resulted in implausible turnout figures. The photos, videos, and whistleblower accounts of poll and postal workers tampering with ballots didn’t take long to show up. And just as quickly to be censored.
The odd numbers mostly came out of urban areas run by notoriously corrupt political machines. And the race between those trying to steal and unsteal the election began with a power struggle. In Philly and Detroit, efforts were made to keep Republican observers out of view.
In Philly, it took a court order to even get the observers within sight of the ballots, while the city continued to fight the ruling. In Detroit, windows were covered up with cardboard, and Republican observers were locked out. Potentially tens of thousands of ballots were illegally transposed with no Republican observers. In Pennsylvania, Democrat operatives had been illegally given access to rejected mail-in ballots so that they could arrange for provisionals. And back in Detroit, workers were told to backdate ballots that had arrived after the election.
In Wisconsin, thousands of witness statements may have been illegally altered.
Meanwhile the glitches, errors, and irregularities began piling up.
He encapsulated it very nicely. Once in, they had to “ride the tiger.”
Professor Mann of Penn State was trying to prove something he couldn’t prove about global warming. Most people misunderstand the intent of his seminal (but falsified) paper.
He wasn’t really trying to prove that the globe was warming, although that was one outcome. He was trying to prove that there was correspondence between tree ring data and global temperature (which would then allow him to show global temperature rise). Since global temperature has only recently been measured and tree ring data has been around for much longer, he wanted to show similar graphs.
The trouble for Mann was always that it was false. The tree ring data stayed on course in a relatively similar direction, while global temperature actually decreased during this tree ring data graph. He had to “hide the decline.”
So that’s what he did. For years he refused to release his raw data. Unfortunately for him, it was leaked and researchers finally saw what he had done. He adjusted the data to hide the “hockey stick” decline in global temperatures. He was, and always will be, a complete fraud, just like his global temperature model.
Joe Biden is a fraud, and the hockey stick vote tally, common around the country in swing states, is one more instance of the Mann proposition: If you can’t be truthful and win, just lie.
On November 10, 2020 at 1:25 am, Matth said:
The scale of the questionable numbers is massive. Unlike anything I ever thought I’d see.
To get an idea of how crazy some of the polling numbers are, take a look at Cumberland County, Maine. Highly suspicious.
First, the county is quite small, with Portland being its largest city. Its population has risen from about 265,000 to a little less than 300,000 over the past twenty years. It skews heavily Democrat in elections. These are the results in thousands of the past four elections (Dem/Rep):
2008: 105/56
2012: 100/57
2016: 102/57
2020: 129/59
Does that seem legitimate? I suppose it’s possible that 25,000 people, more than 10% of all votes cast, could have decided that this was the election they were going to cast their first vote in, and they all decided to vote for Biden.
I can’t imagine why there would be such a huge scale of fraud committed in Cumberland County, but I really find those numbers impossible to believe. If it happened in Portland, how widespread was this?
On November 10, 2020 at 6:48 am, Jimmy the Saint said:
“If you can’t be truthful and win, just lie.”
As more than one coach has said: “If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.”
On November 10, 2020 at 8:28 am, Fred said:
The Left is in a war. The Right is still figuring politics as usual. The Left will win. They are serious. The Right are a bunch of whiners.
On November 10, 2020 at 9:10 am, George_Banner said:
This -IS- a war.
Not all wars are like the depictions of Waterloo or Iwo Jima.
This -IS- a war.
We fight or we give in.
Me thinks a good portion of the right has already given in.
My point is this can’t be solved in any other way than through violence.
Because the left is already using violence.
The Steal is violence.
And the fraud is a war against the right.
If we don’t fight we are surrendering to them.
And the only solution is to slap them so hard their teeth fall off.
Will we?
On November 10, 2020 at 12:43 pm, MTHead said:
I would posit that they had no choice but to do it the way they did. Trump had 20,000 people at rallies. Biden could get 20 people in a room.
The thing no one could know was how many people were going to turn out for Trump?
They had to wait for the poles to close in order to know how many votes to manufacture. As the standard amount of voter fraud, (so called computer glitches) wasn’t going to get it this time. It failed them with Hillary.
Voting has barely mattered for years. This one seals it in futility.
On November 10, 2020 at 4:50 pm, Jimmy the Saint said:
@ George:
“This -IS- a war.”
Wars require at least two sides to be fighting; otherwise, it’s just a massacre.
“We fight or we give in.”
The non-Left has been giving in non-stop for going on 60 years. Do you really think it’s going to stop now?
On November 10, 2020 at 6:00 pm, Arkindole said:
This is a bit different.
It’s like a) finding out that someone is banging your brother’s wife, or b) finding out that someone is banging your wife.
Disenfranchising every person in that 71 million vote count, and doing it in plain sight by shitheads in worthless co-dependent shitholes is, in point of fact, banging your wife.
On November 10, 2020 at 6:18 pm, George_Banner said:
@Jimmy the Saint
So far, this does look like a massacre.
[Q] The non-Left has been giving in non-stop for going on 60 years. Do you really think it’s going to stop now? [/Q]
No, not really.
I have hopes.
But no, not really.
And even if The Steal is reversed and Trump gets four more years . . . is the right going to start reversing the 60 years of decay and will a rightist and anti-leftist movement going to take over the country and turn back the clock of moral and intellectual decay?
I doubt it.
Too many people seem to be in “just do whatever you want and leave me alone, I’m tired of this entire BS” mode.
And maybe we have to fall into the collectivist abyss and 100 or 300 hundred years in the future crawl back up into the light and re found America after an ocean of blood, ruin and suffering erased most of the 1st iteration.
Maybe Ayn Rand’s “Anthem” shows the way it till be and who knows how long it will take.
Maybe civilizations do get old and tired and just give up.
I see the country cultural and political resources about 90% gone to the left.
How do we come back from that . . . ?
What comes after Trump?
Sorry. More questions than solutions.
Except for shooting back. If . . . we do . . .