Cal State University San Bernardino Cop Pulls Gun On Fellow Officer Over Disagreement Over Enforcing Mask Rules
BY Herschel Smith
San Bernardino police are investigating an incident involving a Cal State University San Bernardino law enforcement officer shown on surveillance video pulling his gun and pointing it at a fellow officer.
The officer who the gun was pointed at has now hired a local attorney to represent him.
“When he told me the story, and I later realized it was on video, I could not believe it,” said attorney Tristan Pelayes, who said the officer in question is a sergeant with the department.
The incident is alleged to have happened on campus on Sept. 15. The surveillance video shows four police officers standing around having a discussion when one of them pulls his sidearm and points it toward one of the other officers. The gun was pointed at the other officer for approximately one second.
“Everybody had just gotten to work, and the sergeant in question was telling my client that the officers needed to enforce the (COVID-19) mask requirement on campus,” said Pelayes.
“My client questioned the authority for that. For instance, if we were to arrest somebody or escort somebody off the campus, what is our legal authority for that? Apparently, that conversation led to the sergeant losing his temper, and ultimately pulling a gun on my client.”
The video, provided by Pelayes, did not have any audio attached to it. Pelayes said his client accessed the surveillance video himself and used his cellphone to record a copy of it.
Pelayes said his client filed an internal complaint against his sergeant, and filed a report with San Bernardino police.
A San Bernardino police spokesperson verified that a report was taken and is being investigated as a misdemeanor charge for brandishing a weapon.
Pelayes said it should not be investigated as a misdemeanor, but rather as a felony charge for assault with a deadly weapon.
“For brandishing, I could have, for instance, a gun in my waistband. And (if) I lift up my shirt just to show you I have a gun, I just brandished a gun. But if I pull that gun out and actively point it at you, now that turns into an assault.”
A spokesperson for Cal State University San Bernardino issued a statement that read: “We are aware of the incident and an internal investigation is ongoing. Thus, we have no further comment at this time.”
Pelayes said what he saw on video is the most outrageous and egregious act that an officer can commit on a fellow officer.
Yea, stupid line. Change it to “the most outrageous and egregious act that an officer can commit on any innocent man, woman or child.”
What a swell bunch of people. Just marvelous. Heroes of the community.
On October 30, 2020 at 4:58 am, Johno said:
Herschel, in the last 2 years there have been 2 Queensland coppers sacked and charged with serious assault for threatening members of the public with their Glock pistols. With both officers, they were each involved in a seperate suspicious death in custody, prior to the dismissal incidents. With a sergeant, he was charged with murdering a prisoner, but the police union went on strike until the Labor state government threw out the seperation of powers principle, instructing the DPP to drop the murder charge! The prosecutor resigned his job in disgust. With the senior constable (equiv to corporal), he left his camera on and recorded himself threatening a motorist with “making you my next death in custody, I’ve done it before.” Now nothing new here, standard Queensland bulls’ tactics, but they were both dumb enough to threaten people on camera with their gun, and after conviction, lost all their police superannuation too! Because police forces in Australia are either state or federal, not local or county like the US, and Commonwealth forces worldwide talk to each other, they can’t get a police job, or get a gun licence or a security job, how sad!
On October 30, 2020 at 6:38 am, Mark Matis said:
Never forget the three “Ss”…
On October 30, 2020 at 7:57 am, HadEnuff said:
Sarge should have been shot or, at the very least, gotten a beating.
On October 30, 2020 at 10:19 am, Ned said:
Luckily the discussion wasn’t with a mere “civilian,” or there would likely be a fatality involved.
The masks (which won’t stop a virus, and which are essentially fomites, making them worse for you and everyone around you) and the tyrannical enforcement is bad enough. Give morons with guns enforcement authority and you get this.
On October 30, 2020 at 10:59 am, 15Fixer said:
… frikken “Only Ones” with the proper training, self-discipline, and supernatural ability to read minds and distinguish intent in a fraction of a second……… yaright……
On October 30, 2020 at 1:10 pm, Fred said:
This proves not only the illegality of the mask mandate retardation, but the immorality of it. And it proves that it’s all about power and enforcement outside of law, but also outside of any morality whatsoever, let alone God’s Holy Law.
It’s not about a virus, it’s about control.
On October 30, 2020 at 7:54 pm, 15Fixer said:
… what Fred said….
On October 30, 2020 at 8:42 pm, George_Banner said:
Unfortunately as it may be and unreasonable as it may seem it so happens that the authority we give to cops ends up with the requirement that cops be almost saint like so as to prevent the remedy being worse than the disease.
Most aren’t.
Most are pretty good.
But saints are scarce.
Non saints, sin.
And when cops sin the result can be horrifying.
Add the omerta law among cops that can not be denied and the unlikelihood of any of the “there will be a thorough internal investigation” to bring about any satisfaction to the community and you have the potential for a loss of confidence and what we have today.
I once read the opinion of a SWAT commander that said “if you get a visit from the SWAT team, to me, you are a sh!t bird”
Unless the SWAT team gets the wrong address or carries out a home invasion that the occupants have no way of knowing who is invading them and have a split second decision to make and afterwards “the suspect opened fire on the SWAT team” and so on and so forth.
On October 31, 2020 at 6:39 am, Boib in NC said:
@ Fred…exactly right. Fauci is a criminal fraud, as are his cohorts, Birx, Redfield, and Tedros.
On October 31, 2020 at 6:43 am, Bob in NC said:
“One of the people infected was a local television reporter, who tweeted that he was wearing a mask the entire time.. “
On November 1, 2020 at 7:58 am, Joe Blow said:
This individual demonstrated their lack of fitness to posses a handgun. Not only should they be fired from the force (with cause), but their license to use and own a handgun should be revoked as well.
Learn to code. You obviously don’t have what it takes to be a cop.
On November 1, 2020 at 1:04 pm, Ron P said:
License to own and use???
On November 1, 2020 at 5:36 pm, Hudson H Luce said:
The RT-PCR tests are catching a lot of people who are post-infectious and treating them as “cases” – see
On November 2, 2020 at 6:58 am, Johno said:
Meanwhile across the Pacific, some Aussie cops exposing bullsh*t with Coronavirus restrictions;
On November 3, 2020 at 9:56 pm, Danny said:
Thought exercise, not saying its applicable is this instance but I am open carrying in NC (legal) and someone threatens me with bodily harm. I point at but dont touch my sidearm – brandishing? If not, so why is me pulling my shirt up exposing my sidearm “brandishing?” I call bullshit on the author’s point – just saying.