Alabama State GOP Lawmaker Proposes Statewide Database For Gun Permit Holders
BY Herschel Smith
News from Alabama (via David Codrea).
An Alabama state lawmaker has introduced legislation that would create a statewide database for Alabamians with concealed carry permits.
The process that the state implements currently isn’t secure enough, according to state Rep. Proncey Robertson (R). Currently, the application process for a concealed carry permit is overseen by each county’s sheriff’s office.
“When you go in there and you give them your personal information, addresses, Social Security numbers, date of birth, all this sort of stuff to put on that, it’s sitting there in a very nonsecure location,” Robertson told an Alabama Fox affiliate.
The bill would also allow Alabama residents to be issued lifetime concealed carry permits.
BamaCarry, a pro-gun group in the state, is against the proposed bill.
“They need to back off of trying to regulate people who lawfully carry weapons,” Eddie Fulmer, a member of BamaCarry, told the network.
He couches it in such protectionist terms, doesn’t he? Lifetime permits. Nonsecure. All an excuse for more regulation.
Sometimes I seriously wonder what’s wrong with Alabama. I know Mike Vanderboegh had problems with Boss Hogg, and even more problems. But there’s more you should know from David Codrea.
And how are the excuses being made for it any different from arguing for national records consolidation?
Anybody else getting a little tired of Fairfax giving green lights and promoting existing Intolerable Acts?
So your NRA supported this? You don’t say? Some astute reader should make a list of the gun control the NRA has supported, for example, AWB, the NFA, the Hughes Amendment, the GCA, the bump stock ban, red flag laws, UBCs, etc., etc., with URLs to prove it all.
Any takers? Fill up the comments with URLs of NRA gun control. Have at it. Let’s have the full list of crap they have supported.
On February 24, 2020 at 11:04 pm, Steve Miller said:
I’ll start with Karl T Fredericks congressional testimony in favor of that abomination known as the 1934 National Firearms Act:
On February 25, 2020 at 11:22 am, Fred said:
Watch the whole thing. It’s only 4 min. And listen all the way to the end, he proclaims these gun controls in the name of all 5 million NRA members.
Mr. (“Call me Chris” (*spit*)) Cox explains the governments current plan to control you. (Yes, I’ve met him, he’s a statist government operative.)
On February 25, 2020 at 3:09 pm, TRX said:
> make a list
I’ve done it before. It doesn’t do any good. The True Beleivers have drunk the Kool-Aid, and they either deny the NRA did any such things, blame it on “the old NRA”, claim it would never have happened if people would give the NRA more money, or insist that the NRA is the *only* 2nd amendment advocacy organization, and even if it has problems, we have to support it or They’ll Come To Take Our Guns!
On February 25, 2020 at 10:58 pm, Wes said:
Been done before other places, or when there was no open-records exemption for release of the list. First thing that happens is it’s leaked, then published under guise of some open-records statute, and permit holders are targeted at their residences.
And no one in .gov is going to do a CARVER matrix over concern of violating a gun-owner’s rights at any level.