84-Year Old Korean War Veteran Gets Red Flagged By Idiot Waitress

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 9 months ago

Via WiscoDave, this sad news from the land of controllers.

An 84-year-old former police officer and veteran of the Korean War, who was working as a school crossing guard, was fired and had his guns confiscated after a waitress overheard parts of a conversation he was having with a friend inside a diner.

Stephen Nichols got the job as a crossing guard because he loves kids, and after his wife passed away, he needed something to occupy his time and his heart.

While he was at a local diner, Nichols was speaking to a friend about a school resource officer who was constantly leaving his post to go get coffee in the morning. Nichols said he was worried that somebody would come and “shoot up the school” while the officer was on one of his coffee runs.

That’s the part of the conversation that the waitress overhead and what she reported to the police.

Now, Nicholas has lost his job, and his guns and gun license were seized under “red flag laws.” All because some waitress in a local diner overheard part of a conversation that was taken out of context, and then reported it to the authorties.

Now this man’s life is ruined.

Nichols said the waitress made a complaint to Tisbury Police about what she overheard and on the strength of that, Saloio and another officer relieved Nichols of his crossing guard duties while he was in the midst of performing them and subsequently drove to his home and took away his firearms license and guns.

“He came up and told me what I said was a felony but he wasn’t going to charge me,” Nichols said of Saloio.

The confiscated guns were later turned over to Nichols’ son-in-law, Nichols told The Times.

Asked if he was given a letter or any paperwork for the seizure of his license, Nichols said,

“No he just told me to hand it over so I took it out of my wallet and handed it to him.”

Nichols said he has been licensed for firearms since 1958.

He said he didn’t receive any paperwork or receipts for the seizure of his guns, either.

In a lengthy interview with The Times, Nichols explained his concern about Tisbury School.

“When I was in the United States Army, and it wasn’t just me, it’s anybody who’s in the United States service, if you are on guard duty for eight hours, you didn’t leave that position,” Nichols said. “And I’m just so accustomed to that, that when I see someone who’s suppose to be protecting kids…leave the school unguarded — if you’re on guard duty, you stay there.”

Tisbury School Principal John Custer told The Times he was familiar with Nichols as a crossing guard but when asked if he knew of the Nichols’ situation, Custer responded by saying crossing guards are “hired, trained and scheduled, entirely by the police department.”

He identified the school resource officer as Scott Ogden. Asked if anyone had complained about Ogden going on coffee breaks, Custer said,  “none whatsoever.”

A message left for Ogden at the Tisbury Police Department was not immediately returned.

Linda Jean’s owner Marc Hanover said he’s known Nichols for decades and vouched for his integrity. He described the situation as “absolutely outrageous.” He said he believes one of his servers “overreacted.” Hanover said he spoke with the restaurant patron who had conversed with Nichols at the time of the alleged threats.

“He assured me there was never a threat made,” Hanover said. [MV Times]

The friend, who was speaking with Stephen Nicholas at the diner, said at no time did Mr. Nicholas make a threat. He said this whole thing is “absurd.” Nicholas was actually expressing concern over the children’s safety, and now he’s been fired and his life’s work of being a police officer has been disrespected and dragged through the mud.

All because some stupid nosy waitress overheard parts of a conversation and reported it to the “gestapo authorties” in tyrannical Massachusetts.

Due to community outcry, he has gotten his job back.  But not his guns.  Because.  Controllers.  Because.  “All of your guns are belong to us.”

It’s difficult to tell who the biggest putz is in this story.  The idiot who did the reporting to the cops, or the cops.  Let’s settle for both.


  1. On October 16, 2019 at 11:10 pm, George said:

    Just more evidence that the powers that be will be coming after all of us. One at a time.

  2. On October 17, 2019 at 12:56 am, skybill said:

    Hi All,
    The Beat Goes On!!… Steveie is lucky!! This will take some time to play out but in ‘ASS-A-2-SHITS” unless there is some major, quick community outrage, his guns are ‘Toast!!”..
    As far as I am concerned…, all those states identified as “Behind Enemy lines” by the Late Patriot Mike Vanderboegh are places to be “FROM!!” e.g. N.Y., N.j., assachewshits, and a few others…
    We have reached the “Tipping Point!!” … Mr. Nichols complied…. mitigating circumstances surfaced and noted a “Nosey” waitress as the “culprit” going off “Half Cocked!!!” Note a very good term I learned years ago watching old Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, William Boyd, George “Gabby” Hayes and Lash Larue movies!!! That’s what she did and now the “BACK Lash!!!
    GOT GUNZ………….OUTLAW!!!!!!!!!,

  3. On October 17, 2019 at 8:25 am, Fred said:

    Any dumb bint, anywhere, anytime. This was a very successful outcome for the State; Watch what you say, don’t trust anybody, feelings are more important than facts. The Nazi communists are winning, big time.

  4. On October 17, 2019 at 8:30 am, Michael (from Utah) said:

    Unfortunately, this is exactly why I watch what I say in public and TO WHOM I say it. I also tend to talk relatively quietly because I don’t want others to hear what I think.

    Sad, very sad, but the reality of the time we live in.

  5. On October 17, 2019 at 8:56 am, Fred said:

    You don’t think it’s too late to put suffrage back in the bottle do you? Same with the bobcat story today. If your a woman, mind your business, submit to your man especially where he is submitted to Christ, and keep your mouth shut and mind your business. These two stories are WHY God put men at the head. Your job is to serve him, not your feelings.

    Next time I hear two women talking about a sale at the dress store I’m calling police on them. That’s how ridiculous this feelings based rule is.

  6. On October 17, 2019 at 3:57 pm, J said:

    Is it Nichols or Nicholas? My God, are you not journalists?

  7. On October 17, 2019 at 4:06 pm, Heywood said:

    Any of you remember what living in America was like? Me neither.

  8. On October 17, 2019 at 11:49 pm, tiny town said:

    Well, his guns were turned over to his son in law. But those and the “license” MUST BE RETURNED to the rightful owner immediately!
    Also, said waitress must be reprimanded and made to bear the cost of the law enforcement action and ANY charge the victim feels appropriate to be made whole again. Lastly, the police officer and his supervisor must resign immediately. NOTHING this man said was a felony. The amount of wrong in this sad story is unbearable. Public shaming isn’t enough of a penalty for busybody waitress and law enforcement. They should be drummed out of town and made to bear a scarlet letter to signify their trespasses.

  9. On October 18, 2019 at 8:13 am, ExpatNJ said:

    Does the Waitress – or the diner’s owner – have any legal liability in this matter?

  10. On October 18, 2019 at 9:29 am, revjen45 said:

    Sue the bitch!!

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