Setting The Right Priorities To Defend The Second Amendment

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago

Harold Hutchison at Ammoland.

When it comes to defending our Second Amendment rights, there are a lot of potential fights. We are seeing attacks on multiple fronts, along with efforts to move forward on some other issues. But what should be the biggest priority? Do we fight bump stock and suppressor bans? Do we focus on getting judges who will enforce our Second Amendment rights? What about the many fights at the state and local levels of government?

We have to understand that there is only so much time in the day, and only so many resources. What legislation do we push? We could focus on constitutional carry in a state, but it would mean we ignore other Second Amendment issues, like maybe passing state-level protections against corporate gun control by banks and companies like Salesforce.

Similarly, at the federal level, given the current situation, we can’t really pass pro-Second Amendment legislation. But what can be done is to keep the confirmation of judges who will uphold Heller. Another thing that the Senate can do: Hold hearings. It might seem like a show, but with proper work, those hearings can put pressure on companies like Salesforce. In addition, there is always the chance to force votes on vulnerable anti-Second Amendment Senators.

But it also comes down to making decisions. President Trump did go along with an administrative bump-stock ban that was more about being seen to do something than actually addressing a problem. He’s also making some comments on suppressors as well. But at the same time, he is making the kinds of judicial nominations that will keep our Second Amendment rights safe for decades – unless the Supreme Court is packed.

It’s another way of setting priorities in defending the Second Amendment. Do we fight a short-term skirmish over bump stocks and suppressors, or do we focus on getting judges who can throw out anti-Second Amendment laws passed in places like California and New Jersey? Reasonable Second Amendment supports can make arguments either way.

As Duane Liptak said on this site a while back, those who choose to primarily focus on judges are not thrilled with the suppressor comments or the bump stock ban – but they are dealing with a political landscape as it is, and adjusting their tactics and strategy to deal with it. We are at the mercy of events, too.

[ … ]

Defending the Second Amendment is more than just saying “No.” Often it’s about making hard choices about what legislation to push – or whether efforts need to be spent on other issues. Second Amendment supporters need to keep that in mind, or we could lose our rights.

Funny, that.  I thought I was at the mercy of a sovereign God.  As it turns out, it’s something pedestrian like current events.

Now I’m not kidding when I say this, but when I first read the commentary I skipped back up the top to see if Sebastian was writing for Ammoland now.  It sounds just like something he would say.

There is no need for the controllers to work on much of anything.  All they have to do is shout “boo,” and the retreatists run home and cry, “Hold me uncle Bob, I’m askeered.  Give the bad man what he wants so he’ll go away.”

There isn’t anything so difficult in saying ‘no’.  It’s easy.  It takes no work – it takes a single breath, or a single commentary, or a single letter, or a single act of civil disobedience.  It takes little time, it takes no money, and it requires no refocus of attention from the more difficult things like repeal of intolerable acts against us.

But we live in such a cowardly culture today that supposed gun rights defenders willingly give away recognition of right after right, virtually inviting more intolerable acts, for no gain whatsoever and nothing won, as if that is somehow wise and scholarly.

What a sorry ass world we live in.


  1. On June 18, 2019 at 1:17 am, Miles said:

    If you have a problem – as I do- with the author on Ammoland, why are you taking the opportunity to smear someone who didn’t write it as opposed to the actual author?

    It looks to me to be personal animus in disguise.

    If you have such a problem with your belief of how Sebastian’s might think about something, why aren’t you taking it to him on his blog and getting the answer from the horse’s mouth?

    That’s why I’m HERE as opposed to talking behind your back on mine.

    I expected better from a person who is so open about their hardline Christian principles. Motes and Logs, you know?

  2. On June 18, 2019 at 1:55 am, Dan said:

    The only rights (1st, 2nd or any of the others) anyone has are those rights they are willing to fight for, die for and KILL FOR. The people in power…both in government and in the media/private industry want us enslaved. And the ONLY thing that will stop them in that quest is if their
    Krebs Cycle is suddenly and purposefully brought to a halt. THAT is the ugly bitter truth about freedom. There are ALWAYS people seeking to end personal freedom. And the ONLY thing they respect is violence….violence done unto THEIR BODY.

  3. On June 18, 2019 at 8:16 am, Fred said:

    Hutchison and his whiny lamentation are not really helping things. Although he is correct that the gun rights ‘movement’ is floundering. Again, I’ll be voting for the craziest leftist Democrat that comes along and look forward to the day when ‘everybody’ blames ‘everybody’ for going to sleep again under a Republican president and ‘everybody’ wakes up and fights for gun rights again against the Democrats. If you’re a bat guano crazy leftist Republican (and who among you isn’t?) than please don’t be insulted that I won’t vote for you, it’s simply that your voting minions and pro gun lobby are stupider than a box of rocks, or traitors all.

    How many newbies have you taken to the range this year? You know, schools out, lots of teens with free time, right?

    How many politicians have you met face to face using your real name and full address leaving them with a surety that they have met a man, a man who is not enamored with their station, a man who will not bow down? The shock on these vipers faces is so telling in many ways. They, I would venture, have NEVER been told, No, face to face by a mere peasant. You should do this, if for no other reason the tourist experience of it. It’s a hoot.

  4. On June 18, 2019 at 11:06 am, billrla said:

    Fred: I beieve you are absolutely correct. Telling your local politician “no,” could very well cause him or her to go into a non-reversible slide into mental incapacity.

    Everyone here should try it! Tell a politician “no,” and see what happens.

  5. On June 18, 2019 at 1:03 pm, Gryphon said:

    “Just Say No” appears to be the main method that the average Gun Owner is using against the communists. No ‘bump stocks’ turned In, No Magazines turned in, no “assault weapons” ‘registered’, in States that have enacted these types of Non-Constitutional “laws”.
    What this method will do, is eventually show the (((controllers))) that We the People will Not be Disarmed without a Fight, and they will have to Decide once and for all >IF< they think the Weapons can be Confiscated by Force.

    And from what we've seen so far, Yes, they ARE that Stupid….

  6. On June 18, 2019 at 2:45 pm, Fred said:

    “Yes, they ARE that Stupid….”

    @Gryphon, yep, they will never stop.

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