Governor Greg Abbot Announces School Safety Plan And Proposed Changes To Gun Laws
BY Herschel Smith
Via The Texas Tribune, here is the plan (PDF).
Here are my problems with it. Money, money, money, money, money, and more money.
And a hefty dose of predictive behavior modification from the department of pre-crime. And then there is this special program.
The Telemedicine Wellness Intervention Triage and Referral (TWITR) Project has created a model for identifying students at risk for committing school violence and intervening with those students before acts of violence occur.
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Students are identified by trained school staff and screened for risk-based behaviors by Licensed Professional Counselors in schools then provided psychiatric services by Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) over a telemedicine link. Two telemedicine psychiatry sessions are provided through the project. If, through the assessment, a student is identified as requiring mental health care, either a referral for individual and/or family counseling is made or the student is referred to a medical school department of psychiatry for additional telemedicine psychiatric services
How nice. The village witchdoctor will take a child aside, regardless of whether approved by parents, if s/he meets some criteria set up by … the village witchdoctors.
There is also a proposal to protect the identity of “tipsters.” Great. I can’t see such a thing being abused by school kids at all.
There’s more, from “red flag” laws to “Strengthening the Safe Firearm Storage Law.” It’s a statists wet dream come true.
On May 31, 2018 at 12:47 am, DAN III said:
Whatever happened to just readin’, writing and ‘rithmatic ?
On May 31, 2018 at 12:14 pm, moe mensale said:
As nasty as it all sounds, I think Abbot did the “DC Two-Step” and gave himself a couple of outs. I don’t think he’s going to do much of anything to endanger the mid-term elections.
“”If there is consensus on some laws that could be passed, I am open to calling [a special session],” Abbott said.”
“Some of the money Abbott proposes to use is his to give out now, and some programs will be funded by federal dollars. But much of what he’s pitched would require action from the state’s lawmakers — who won’t reconvene in Austin until January 2019 unless Abbott calls them back earlier.”