Henry Repeating Arms On Dick’s Sporting Goods
BY Herschel Smith
I had found wording to the effect that Henry Repeating Arms had taken a position on Dick’s Sporting Goods, but was unable to find an authoritative source or URL for this position. I wrote them and got this reply.
Thank you for your inquiry regarding Dick’s Sporting Goods and for your enthusiastic support of the 2nd Amendment. Henry Repeating Arms has been and always will be an ardent and steadfast supporter of the Second Amendment. Our reputation speaks for itself. We share your concerns about how Dick’s is conducting itself. We are disappointed by their recent actions and puzzled by recent reports. Please note that we do not sell directly to Dick’s or to their Field & Stream stores and that we never have. We sell our firearms to federally licensed wholesale distributors who then, in turn, sell to retailers, a two-step distribution system. Manufacturers who have recently stated that they will stop selling their firearms directly to Dicks cannot control what the distributors sell to Dicks – and neither can we. We are attempting to gain some clarity from Dicks regarding these recent reports and their long-term position on firearm sales. As we continue to investigate and monitor their actions, and as we await more clarity from Dick’s, we are evaluating our options through the two-step distribution system. In the meantime, we have removed their stores from our list of recommended Henry dealers.
Best Regards,
Patrick Hall
Customer Service Manager
Henry Repeating Arms Company
59 E 1st Street
Bayonne, NJ 07002
Thank you for your response Mr. Hall. I think Dick’s position is clear and I would be very surprised if anything changes. I think sufficient clarity is available now to make a decision, and so we just watch to see what gun manufacturers do with this information.
Thanks again.
On May 17, 2018 at 12:33 pm, Jack Crabb said:
“Manufacturers who have recently stated that they will stop selling their firearms directly to Dicks cannot control what the distributors sell to Dicks – and neither can we.”
Really? You don’t have distributor agreements or contracts? Any distributor that buys form Henry is allowed to do whatever they want? Sell Henry goods for any price they want? Sorry, I don’t believe you, Patrick Hall. Sure sounds to me like your finger is in the air testing the political winds from the tone of your wishy-washy, we-want-it-both-ways statement.
On May 17, 2018 at 5:02 pm, RegT said:
I don’t have a clue how many Henry rifles Dick’s normally sells, but it could be a large part of Henry’s bottom line. I can understand them not wanting to lose even 10% or 15% of their market, if that is what Dick’s provides.
That being said, Barrett and Springfield (IIRC) have openly stated they will no longer do business with Dick’s, and although Barrett may get most of his sales from Uncle Sam, he is willing to cut out California law enforcement as well as other states due to their attacks on the Second Amendment. It would be nice to see Henry follow their lead, instead of pretending they have _no_ control of who sells their guns.