Bank Of America Simply Hasn’t Shown Enough Contrition For The Gun Controllers Yet

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 2 months ago

Charlotte Observer:

Rather than weaseling out with the excuse that this deal (and who knows how many more) was already in the works, Bank of America must pull out of this agreement and deal with the consequences. The bank can use this moment to show true corporate leadership and create a template for bringing about real change in a post-Parkland world.

[ … ]

Here’s what Bank of America can, and should, do to honor and expand on its Parkland pledge:

First, the bank must promise to donate any profit it earns from its financing agreement with Remington to survivor groups that help gun violence victims pay the catastrophic medical bills they face. If the bank bails Remington out from bankruptcy, the least it can do is help those who are suffering the consequences of its products.

Second, the bank must go beyond assault weapons and commit to end all business relationships with gun makers period. After all, handguns are responsible for 65 percent of firearm murders in the United States.

Third, after decades of providing financing that has allowed gun makers to pump more guns into our communities, Bank of America must help clean up its mess by partnering with gun violence prevention organizations and sponsoring voluntary gun buy-back programs all across the United States. What better way to live its values of public safety than to actively take guns off of our streets?

There is a reason this editorial was sent to The Charlotte Observer and they printed it.  The Charlotte Observer is progressive, and BoA executives all live in this area since the BoA home office is in Charlotte.

It’s never enough, is it?  A progressive corporation who hates liberty deals a blow to gun manufacturers, and yet the controllers want more, and more and more, until BoA is illegally reneging on contractual obligations, banning all gun makers, and purveying bigotry towards gun owners as well.

You see where this is going, do you?  Semi-automatic weapons is just the latest boogey man.  They want them all, bolt action rifles, handguns, everything.  Everything.

This particular controller is being a little impatient, but he wants to strike while the iron is hot.  Even if it doesn’t work out for him, it’s just another lesson in the fact that there is no point of intersection for us, no point at which we can compromise, nothing in common, and nothing worth giving away to the controllers.

This is all-out war with them.  See it that way, whether you want the war of not.  It has come to your doorstep.


  1. On May 13, 2018 at 11:42 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    Re: “It’s never enough, is it? A progressive corporation who hates liberty deals a blow to gun manufacturers, and yet the controllers want more, and more and more, until BoA is illegally reneging on contractual obligations, banning all gun makers, and purveying bigotry towards gun owners as well.”

    It is well to remember that, in the vocabulary of the left, of the Cultural Marxists – the word “enough” doesn’t exist. That is the reason they have taken over so much of the modern world in their century-long march through the cultural institutions of the West.

    Whatever else they may be, the forces of the political left (Cultural Marxists) are relentless, implacable and display an enviable sense of unity and purpose in their aim – which is the destruction of western civilization.
    They’re committed and that commitment, allied with the basic cowardice and disunity of modern traditionalist people, has allowed the Left to advance so far so fast.

    As an aside, those very same qualities have made the Left an ideal ally of the Muslims, hence the Red-Green alliance we now see before us.

    The Cultural Marxists are collectivist utopians. Communism seeks a perfect new man. When humanity, in all of its flaws, fails to satisfy the commissars of the revolution and of political-correctness, the urge to cull the flock begins, which is why communism leads inevitably to the gulag, torture chamber and the firing squad.

    No dissent can be tolerated, all must join the hive – all must join the collective.

    The full weight of the collectivist state is indeed formidable, but there exists a signal weakness within the utopia envisioned by the Marxists – the entire system is based upon a lie – i.e., that humanity is perfectible.

    The Christian worldview teaches that we humans are flawed and fallen, but not the neo-Marxists. They seek an unattainable perfection, and in failing to find it, must resort to ever-greater fanaticism to justify their actions. A fanaticism which seeks to destroy the imperfect in order to find an earthy paradise which does not exist. A fanaticism which finds permission in its atheism to commit the vilest and most-evil acts against their fellow humans.

    The reason why traditionalists are now backed into a corner, is that the Cultural Marxists have been on the attack for one-hundred years, whereas traditional people, despite some temporary victories and successes, have largely been on the retreat. Because traditional people have been unwilling to defend what ought to be defended, they have been pushed to the margins of the very civilization they did so much to create.

    Obviously, if the traditional peoples of the West hope to survive, let alone prosper in any way in the future, they will sooner or later have to stand and fight. One can only retreat so far, before there is no place left to run.

  2. On May 14, 2018 at 9:12 am, DAN III said:


    Folks, you DO understand that until these “progressives”/”socialists”,/”marxists”/”statists” or simply communists, are terminated with prejudice by traditional Americans, the tyranny and subjugation will continue.

    “The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and tyrants.” – – Thomas Jefferson, 3d President of the United States

    Do you possess the moral courage to do what must be done WHEN the time comes ?

  3. On May 14, 2018 at 10:12 am, moe mensale said:

    Sounds like Igor the Gun Controller is telling BoA to conspire with other banks and organizations to commit violations of 15 USC Chapter 1 regarding restraint of trade.

  4. On May 14, 2018 at 11:19 am, DAN III said:


    When did the law start applying to banks and politicians ?

  5. On May 14, 2018 at 11:35 am, Bill Robbins said:

    BofA and other virtue-signaling financial institutions and investment firms have opened for themselves a nice wriggly can of worms.

  6. On May 14, 2018 at 11:51 am, Hiram said:


    They do NOT want our guns per se. Guns are just the first step. Once they have the guns they will come after anyone who does not toe the party line. They can and will attempt to load us up on the shower train or some modern semblance of the same.

    Common sense is self defense – BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY

  7. On May 14, 2018 at 12:59 pm, Fred said:

    “If the bank bails Remington out from bankruptcy, the least it can do is help those who are suffering the consequences of its products.”

    I completely agree with this statement. So each criminal who is thwarted must also pay the average damages of those who are harmed by the use of criminality. Therefore every good with a gun is now paid to save a life. I really like this plan, sign me up. For each defensive use vs. an assault my back of the napkin number would be a 30:1 profit ratio for the BofA cut yearly, to run the program. It’s a gun control loophole and, would we really need the police anymore?

  8. On May 14, 2018 at 3:11 pm, NOG said:

    Just another power hungry fascist. He demands everything his way. No. Your move. I looked up this guy on google. First picture up is him kissing his boyfriend. If he really believes he has all the answers, I want him to go to Saudi Arabia with his boytoy and stand on the main street and kiss him. Surely he can tell the Saudis how they must change to suit him.

  9. On May 14, 2018 at 8:02 pm, 300 Winmag Shooter said:

    Remember, these communist run banking cartels need us, we dont need them. Cancel the cards you have with them, and never forget – you can eventually stick it to them by throwing the bill in the trash when youre ready to go wild weasel.

    The other thing to remember, is that even important banking tools eventually stroll out at night to empty trash, check mail, and other mundane tasks, and are subject to the same laws of physics as the rest of us. Tick, Tock.

  10. On May 15, 2018 at 9:32 am, Gryphon said:

    NOG – These (((bolshevik))) communists/progressives are nearly All preverts/child molesters of some sort; it is an exposure of how their Mental Illnesses control them, they have No Identifiable Moral Standards, and therefore, they Hate those of Us who Do.

    Bullet to the Back of the Head is the Only thing that will Stop them…

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