The Unfolding Wickedness Of The Deep State

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 9 months ago

Mark Tapscott:

Virtually everybody in the nation’s capital is waiting either in fear or in eager anticipation for the upcoming investigative report of Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

Horowitz is among the most respected and effective IGs ever appointed, but former President Barack Obama, who nominated him in 2011, may consider that decision among the most regrettable from his eight years in the White House.

Here’s why: The Inspectors General Act of 1978 authorizes the IGs and their investigators and auditors to obtain and examine any official document necessary to carrying out their responsibilities in fighting waste, fraud and corruption in government. Presidents appoint IGs — but those IGs report to Congress, making them an important component of congressional oversight of the executive branch.

But a few months before Horowitz was sworn into the job in 2012, Eric Holder, Obama’s attorney general and previously deputy attorney general under President Bill Clinton, gutted the IG act provision that mandates their access to all necessary documents. Holder acted at the behest of then-FBI Director Robert Mueller and others at the bureau.

Holder — who would subsequently be held in contempt by Congress for refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents in the “Fast and Furious” scandal — thus forced Horowitz to request in writing any documents he sought from the bureau.

There then ensued a three-year struggle in Congress and the media that culminated in Obama having no choice but to sign the Inspector General Empowerment Act of 2016, which removed all doubt about the IG’s access.

During the three years between Holder’s blatant subversion of the 1978 Inspectors General Act and passage of the 2016 law, James Comey succeeded Mueller as FBI chief. He continued, however, to wall off Horowitz’s access to documents essential to doing his job until the new law was passed.

Horowitz has been investigating the FBI’s conduct in its investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server and email system to conduct official business as America’s chief diplomat. He’s also probing the bureau’s investigation of allegations of collusion between President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and elements linked to the Russian government.

In the course of those two investigations, Horowitz has obtained and reviewed an estimated 1.2 million documents. There is an old saying in Washington that “things that go around have a way of coming back around.”

As more facts are uncovered about the lengths to which former FBI Director James Comey, his then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and a half-dozen other pro-Hillary Clinton bureau insiders went to protect the Democratic nominee in her email scandal, the least discussed element is Obama’s role in the affair.

But former Attorney General Michael Mukasey and former U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy make persuasive cases that protecting Obama in the Clinton email scandal was key to the FBI’s clearly bungled investigation.

Remember Comey’s July 2016 nationally televised announcement that he would not recommend prosecution of Clinton despite her “extreme carelessness” in handling super secret classified national security information?

One of the drafts of Comey’s announcement referred to Clinton emails between her and “the president.” But, as McCarthy recently pointed out, “a revised draft of Comey’s remarks was circulated by his chief of staff, Jim Rybicki. It replaced ‘the president’ with ‘another senior government official.'”

Mukasey recently explained on “The Ingraham Angle” why that change made a huge difference in understanding the Clinton email scandal:

“President Obama was sending messages and receiving messages on Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Jim Comey knew that, and when President Obama went on television and said, ‘There’s no issue here, she didn’t really intend to cause harm,’ what he was really saying in essence is, ‘You’d better let her off, because if you wind up accusing her, you wind up accusing me.’

“Comey followed that lead. And the notion that this was somehow something that he had to do for the welfare of the country, there’s a lot of disingenuous claptrap.” In other words, preserving Obama’s “plausible deniability” was priority number one.

Several observations.  First of all, regardless of the involvement of the IG as we speak, Holder and the DoJ still hasn’t been held accountable for Fast & Furious, and probably never will be.  Moreover, we will likely never read all of the documents pertaining to that scandal.  I think Tapscott’s assessment lacks the moderation this fact demands.

Second, if the IG investigation means turning charges over to a court, the progressives own most of the judicial system.  Nothing will be done.  If the IG investigation means turning the findings over to Congress or the Senate, we all know with surety that nothing will be done.  The current Legislative Branch in the main contains the most self serving gaggle of spineless vipers ever to slither the earth excepting the deep state itself (Of course, there are good men like Louis Gohmert, Walter Jones and Thomas Massie, but they lack the power to make a difference).  Finally, many members of the Legislative branch are themselves in the deep state or the coverup (e.g., John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Richard Burr, etc.).

Third, I don’t believe for one second that priority number one for all or even any of their actions was protection of Obama.  Comey and McCabe are attempting to throw each other under the bus, and you must remember that there is no honor among criminals.  Self protection was the goal of their actions, not some sort of honorable, altruistic self sacrifice.  Thus I reject Tapscott’s main presupposition.

However, he has done a good job of connecting the dots.  Read the balance of the report.


  1. On April 30, 2018 at 8:05 am, H said:

    An IG or other government auditor’s role when he comes across something he thinks is criminal is to make a referral to the appropriate prosecutor’s office, which Horowitz is reported to have done after releasing his first report on McCabe.

    But it amounts to the same thing as you suggest, unless Sessons is playing 4D chess instead of post turtle, and there’s some evidence for that in terms of his claims that 2-3 prosecutors outside of D.C. have been assigned this work. One theory is that he knows he has to win the PR battle before it’s possible to win the the progressive packed court system, and he’s using demands of the Congress for information to manage the revelations about these prosecution efforts.

    Otherwise, unless the IG has found evidence that one of these swamp creatures was smoking marijuana….

  2. On April 30, 2018 at 9:59 am, Gryphon said:

    “unless Sessons is playing 4D chess instead of post turtle,”… Yeah, Right. Sessions, Trump, (((horowitz))) and Everyone inside the Beltway is a Part of the Treasonous, Deep State “Corporation” government that long ago Usurped the Constitutional Republic.

    All of this is for “Show” politicians and bureaucrats (and military officers, too) struggling to Gain, Maintain, and Exert Power over the Largest Part of the Swamp as possible. None of them have the slightest bit of Morals, Integrity, or Self-Respect; the only thing that is interesting Now is how Openly they are Fighting among themselves, oblivious to the Fact that increasing numbers of the People can see the Corruption.

    Forget the Rope and Lamp Posts, it’s Woodchipper Time.

  3. On May 1, 2018 at 2:01 pm, Foot in the Forest said:

    Hey Gryphon I say we should keep both the lamp post and the rope. Let the bastards hold onto the rope as long as possible while being fed to the chipper. We will need to make the chipper as quiet as possible to hear the blubbering and screams.

  4. On May 1, 2018 at 2:38 pm, Watauga said:

    The ONLY times in history when Presidential scandal has turned into something criminal at the highest levels were when Republicans/Conservatives were alleged to have committed crimes or assorted misdeeds. This goes back throughout U.S. history, but look just since WWII–McCarthy was destroyed by lies; Goldwater was destroyed by the infamous LBJ TV ad; Nixon was destroyed by stupidity/loyalty (his misdeeds were nothing compared to Obama’s actual crimes); Reagan was nearly destroyed by Iran-Contra; and W was destroyed by an all-out Progressive-Fascist attack that started with his election to a first term. Compare the fraudulent election of JFK, his misdeeds in office, his misdeeds in a hundred bedrooms, and his stupidity (e.g., Bay of Pigs, Coup in South Vietnam); LBJ’s almost daily lies, deceits, and overreach (Constitutional violations); Clinton’s crimes, including rape and other forms of sexual assault, as well as perjury; and Obama’s use of the Constitution as his personal toilet paper. Now, DO YOU REALLY THINK ANYTHING WILL STICK TO OBAMA, BIDEN, CLINTON, HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER Obama administration criminal or evildoer?

  5. On May 1, 2018 at 4:02 pm, Fred Seymour, Jr. said:

    and JFK was destroyed by a bullet to the head.

  6. On May 1, 2018 at 4:06 pm, Watauga said:

    Only because he and his brother RFK betrayed those who gave them the election (the mob and the Cubans). The Progressive-Fascist media and cultural elite have glorified the King as the leader of “Camelot.” So, no, JFK was not destroyed by the Deep State. The Deep State worships any Leftist Kennedy and even forgives them homicide and rape. And the point, in the end, is that nothing will stick to the Obama gang of thugs. He’s the messiah to the elite, and they will glorify his name at all costs.

  7. On May 1, 2018 at 10:45 pm, Chet said:

    I, like most others don’t have all the “facts”. Nor do we need “all-the-facts” to make a determination of who is willing to defend our Constitution (or what’s left of it) and who is out to destroy it and move the USA to a Marxist dictatorship.

    The “Deep State” is only a smoke and mirrors name for the true globalists who want to construct a one world government control over everyone on this planet.

    What we do have, us, deplorable nationalists are names of people in our AO that support the globalists. Why do they still draw a breath? We are told to start “local”. Well, then why aren’t we hearing about thousands of local progs/commies/marxists found with their throats slit?

  8. On May 2, 2018 at 9:23 am, Buckaroo Banzai said:

    Watauga, you are half right. JFK and RFK did indeed betray the mob (and specifically, Meyer Lansky, who was the mob boss that mattered) but more importantly, JFK stood in the way of the Israeli nuclear weapons program. That’s what signed his death warrant. Read Michael Collins Piper’s “Final Judgment” for further details.

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