The Militia Is Powerless
BY Herschel Smith
“As long as the courts back the coup, any Trump supporters who take to the streets and exercise a very literal interpretation of their Second Amendment rights—to form a militia and fight government tyranny—don’t stand much of a chance,” Pearl asserts, just like he knows what he’s talking about. “The federal government is usually hesitant to use force against armed groups like the Bundys, but those groups never pose an existential threat to the dominant regime.”
“If it were really a high-stakes situation where they thought their regime was at risk, they would’ve been toast,” Pearl’s advisor, University of Chicago law professor Tom Ginsburg assures him.
I’m always astonished at the degree of confidence the progressives have in the government, the ability to maintain order, and the viability of the military and LEOs as stability operations in a country as vast as the U.S., and where every citizen must be assumed to be armed with multiple firearms.
These “scholars” don’t understand the concepts of 4th generation warfare. So let’s pose a thought experiment. Suppose someone were to destroy the Catskill Aqueduct, the Catskill/Delaware UV disinfection facility, or New York City water tunnels 1, 2 or 3? Not the entire thing, but just a portion, thus flooding vast portions of land, possibly urban terrain, collapsing interstitial earthen structures, and preventing water to the approximately ten million New York residents who depend on that route for water supply?
It would take the entire U.S. Marine Corps to conduct viable stability operations to New York, and many of the enlisted Marines would refuse to do it. This is just New York, not every other major urban center or the rural lands of America. Note well. I’m not advocating such a thing. In fact, I specifically advocate against something horrible like that. But civil wars and insurgencies are ugly things, and if we’ve learned nothing else from Iraq and Afghanistan, we’ve learned that the counterinsurgency theorists had it all wrong and vastly overestimated their capabilities.
These “scholars” should be careful what they ask for, and if anyone is investigated for sedition or put on any lists, it should be the progs. They hate America. We patriots are the most patient and patriotic people around. But don’t doubt for a minute that the U.S. government always did and even now governs America because the people themselves keep it in power. The U.S. government only exists by the permission of the American citizens. The day that is no longer the case will be hellish for everyone.
On January 29, 2017 at 11:12 pm, Frank Clarke said:
MBV gagged over a scene in http:.// where revolutionists execute the wife and child of an FBI agent — because he could not condone such a thing, but the truth is that in a revolution ghastly acts will take place and they are beyond the ability of moral leaders to prevent.
Any new civil war will be a black period in our history, because it WILL Include ghastly acts. That is why we strive so hard to prevent it. ‘Preventing it’ may also be beyond our ability.
On January 30, 2017 at 7:40 am, Danny Ray said:
I would like to make a correction, you state that many of the enlisted Marines would refuse to do it. I can assure you also many of the Commission and warrant officers would refuse to do it also. The previous administration decapitated the military but changed nothing in the rank-and-file. This is the United States not some Third World nation where there is a class difference between officer and enlisted. Other than that I agree with every word you wrote
On January 30, 2017 at 12:57 pm, henrybowman said:
If militias are so toothless, why do progressives and Bush-league neo-cons continue to persecute them?
On January 30, 2017 at 2:27 pm, Jack Crabb said:
Exactly, henrybowman. (Great nickname, too!)
On January 31, 2017 at 3:28 pm, Billy Mullins said:
Unfortunately, Herschel, from many talks with active duty Armed Forces members, enlisted, warrant and commissioned, I am not all that confident that sufficient numbers of AF members would refuse to comply to make a difference. Many of the members with whom I have spoken expressed an explicit trust in the chain of command such that even though from their “limited perspective” a given order might SEEM not to be lawful, their trust in the chain of command NOT to issue such orders would preclude said orders from actually BEING unlawful. They would, then, OBEY ANY ORDER coming from the lawful chain of command because they coould not conceive of the chain of command issuing an UN-lawful order.
I also despair of most active duty members even hearing about OK. If they are caught browsing to the OK website or talking to their comrades about OK, they are in trouble. Many (most?) simply do not wish to involve themselves in such potentially hazardous. conduct.