Fidel Castro Dead, Good Riddance
BY Herschel Smith
I see that the evil despot Fidel Castro is dead. Good riddance. I’ll toast his demise with a good glass of wine tonight. He is in hell now, an appropriate place for him to spend eternity.
Like all communist dictators, he enriched and engorged himself and his cronies while the poor people of Cuba starved to death and perished in filthy hospitals. The people of Cuba couldn’t enjoy the God-given right of self determination and worship as they saw fit, and couldn’t work without having to give the majority of it to the awful men who ruled over them. It’s fitting that the only two world “leaders” who mourned Castro’s death are the awful Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau.
Donald Trump does much better, and Ted Cruz spews venom at the memory of Castro. I grew up with the Castro regime, but it you’re young and don’t know about the man, you can learn all you need to know about him to interpret the rest of his life and work in three words. Armas para que?
The Cuban revolution was no American one, and Castro’s embracing of communism after convincing the world he was a freedom fighter should remind all who can think of the “fool me once” adage.
As should Castro’s pointed question when making his case that the people no longer had legitimate need of guns, and that his administration should be the only ones wielding a monopoly of violence.
Read the rest of David’s piece for an eye opener concerning a previous position take by Guns Magazine. David also points out that “Castro moved against private gun ownership the second day he was in power. He sent his thugs throughout the island using the gun registry lists — compiled by the preceding Batista regime — to confiscate the people’s firearms.”
Very well. That places him squarely in the camp with ISIS and the Northeastern and West Coast democrats.
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