Obama Visits An American Mosque

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 8 months ago

Obama visited an American Mosque.  Here is a video of his speech.  He said all sorts of things that were lies.  In fact, most or all of what he said was false.  For instance, Islam cannot coexist at peace with any other ideology.  It is an invasive parasite bent on the destruction of the host.  We’ve discussed this at length before.

But there is one lie in particular that deserves discussion so that you understand just how misleading his speech was.  It is this.

“Now, a lot of Americans have never visited a mosque, and to the folks watching this today who haven’t, think of your own church or synagogue or temple and a mosque like this will be very familiar. This is where families come to worship and express their love for God and for each other,” he said. “…So the first thing I want to say is two words that Muslim-Americans don’t hear often enough, and that is thank you. Thank you for serving your community.”

In my many articles on rules of engagement in Iraq, I dealt with the issue of lack of permission to fire on Mosques even when they knew of sniper hides in Minarets, fighters who ensconced there, and heavy weapons cached there.  Our ROE has always had a Western bent.  We see things through Western eyes, and often from a Christianized perspective.

Thus, the building where the church meets (the church is the people) is a place of “worship.”  Without knowing anything about Islam, we assume that a Mosque is a place of worship.  But to the Muslim, it is much, much more than that.  It is the literal means for the spread of Islam through all means governed by the Mosque, and the “all means” to which I refer means everything.

The Mosque is the center of community, the weapons armory, the place for distribution of wealth, the location to meet other Muslims, the place where politics is taught – in short, the be all and end all of the Islamic strategy for conquest.  Let someone who knows more than I do explain it better, John Guandolo.

Many Americans believe a mosque or Islamic Center is simply a “Muslim church.”  This could not be further from the truth.

In Islam, Mohammad is considered the al Insan al Kamil – the perfect example of a man.  Anything he did is considered the example for all Muslims to follow for all time.  Muslim men can marry girls as young as six years old because Mohammad did.  Mohammad beheaded Jews at the Battle of the Trench, so this is an “excellent example” for Muslims to follow.  And Mohammad built mosques.

Islam defines itself as a “complete way of life (social, cultural, political, military, religious)” governed by sharia (Islamic Law).  There is no separation of politics, religion, or military operations.  Mohammad was a political, religious, and military leader.  The mosque was and is a place where politics, religion, community, and military affairs are all combined.

Mohammad used mosques as a place for the community to gather and learn about Islam.  It was a place to store food, water, weapons, and ammunition.  It was a place where jihadis lived and trained.  It was also the place where battles were planned and the place from which battles were launched.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s (MB) strategic plan for North America entitled “An Explanatory Memorandum” was discovered during an FBI raid in Annandale, Virginia in 2004 at the home of a senior Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood leader.  This document was entered into evidence in the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial ever successfully prosecuted in American history – US v Holy Land Foundation (HLF), Dallas, 2008.

Regarding mosques/Islamic Centers, An Explanatory Memorandum states:

“Understanding the role and the nature of work of “The Islamic Center” in every city with what achieves the goal of the process of settlement (Civilization Jihad):  The center we seek is the one which constitutes the “axis” of our Movement, the “perimeter” of the circle of our work, our “balance center”, the “base” for our rise and our “Dar al-Arqam” to educate us, prepare us and supply our battalions in addition to being the “niche” of our prayers. (emphasis added)

“This is in order for the Islamic center to turn – in action not in words – into a seed ‘for a small
Islamic society’…Thus, the Islamic center would turn into a place for study, family, battalion, course, seminar, visit, sport, school, social club, women gathering, kindergarten for male and female youngsters, the office of the domestic political resolution, and the center for distributing our newspapers, magazines, books and our audio and visual tapes…Meaning that the “center’s” role should be the same as the “mosque’s” role during the time of God’s prophet…when he marched to “settle” the Dawa’ in its first generation in Madina…From the mosque, he drew the Islamic life and provided to the world the most magnificent and fabulous civilization humanity knew. This mandates that, eventually, the region, the branch and the Usra turn into “operations rooms” for planning, direction, monitoring and leadership for the Islamic center in order to be a role model to be followed.”

[ … ]

… the Islamic Law of Sacred Space makes clear that when Muslims build mosques they are claiming ground for Islam.  Specifically, a radius of up to three (3) miles from the mosque belongs to Islam.  This explains why the Muslim Brotherhood, with funding from Saudi Arabia and others, are building huge mosques in the middle of nowhere in America.  They are claiming ground for Islam.  Now all they have to do is occupy that ground.

You can think of Muslim homes as patrol bases and observation posts, and their Mosques as Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) in a worldwide conquest for your politics, your wealth, your children, and ultimately your soul.  Mr. Obama is lying to you.  Mr. Obama isn’t stupid – he knows that he is lying.  It’s important for you to know it too.


  1. On February 4, 2016 at 5:15 am, Francis W. Porretto said:

    Mr. Obama isn’t stupid – he knows that he is lying. It’s important for you to know it too.

    An important truth…but it raises the equally important question: Why do so many Americans swallow the lie, even if they must swallow hard, and treat Islam as “just one more Abrahamic religion” when every element of its scriptures and Muslims’ conduct past and present reveals it to be nothing of the sort?

    In reality, turning your back on a Muslim is among the most dangerous things you can do.
    In reality, Muslims regard all other persons as inferiors who deserve to be subjugated.
    In reality, importing Muslims to your nation is a form of national suicide.

    And a reality deliberately ignored or effaced has a way of biting us in the shorts.

  2. On February 5, 2016 at 7:59 pm, Ned Weatherby said:

    I agree, Francis, that Obama is not stupid. Almost everything he has ever done while in office (save several slip-ups due to a teleprompter) are carefully planned. I think that most people who say he’s stupid don’t really get the big picture. That being said, this being his last year in office, he may pull some insane crap that even his handlers don’t approve of…

  3. On February 4, 2016 at 11:15 am, Ned Weatherby said:

    No doubt he knows he’s lying. As long as he has sycophantic followers he will continue spouting lies – from you can keep your policy to Islam is the religion of peace.

    A local expert on Islam commented recently that whether or not Obama is a Mohammedan or not, he certainly behaves like one. That and a sociopath.

  4. On February 4, 2016 at 11:24 am, Fred said:

    Willfully bringing those who have declared war on us here to America is treason.

    “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War
    against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and

  5. On February 4, 2016 at 12:02 pm, Whirlwinder said:

    The mosques are our barracks, the domes are our helmets, the minarets are our bayonets and the faithful are our warriors. Erdogan the Turkey tyrant said this. He also said that there is neither radical nor moderate in Islam; Islam is Islam. We need to burn this into our memories and also note that Islam is at war with America. Shouldn’t we be fighting them?

  6. On February 4, 2016 at 3:41 pm, Archer said:

    [Islam] cannot hide behind our 1st amendment and claim religious freedom.

    Quite right. The common understanding is, “Your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose.” Religious freedom (which is really just the inability of the fedgov to authorize an “official” state religion) ends as soon as it starts adversely affecting others’ lives, property, or freedom. They are free to believe that their “religion” demands they forcibly convert, subjugate, or kill all non-believers, but the second they attempt to act on those beliefs — even to prepare to act on those beliefs — their claim to religious freedom ends.

    As a Christian, my religious teachings also demand I convert non-believers, but I’m called to do so through ministry and spreading the Good News, not through subjugation and death. Indeed, my God desires to have all His children with Him in Heaven, but according to Scripture nobody can enter the Kingdom of God except through faith in Jesus Christ, and the act of killing God’s children before they accept Christ as their Savior — which by definition denies their path to Heaven — is, to say the least, counter-productive.

    Therefore, I wholeheartedly reject the notion that my God and Allah are the same entity worshiped by all Abrahamic religions. The only beings in Judeo-Christian literature who would call their followers to enslave and/or kill God’s children before their path to Heaven is realized are the denizens of Hell, up to Satan himself.

  7. On February 4, 2016 at 7:14 pm, Kerry said:

    Well, why is there a problem? The ‘church’ Barry spent 20 years in, not remembering a single thing the not so reverend Wright said, probably “is” just like a Mosque.

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