John Cornyn: Gun Rights Traitor

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 11 months ago

Fox News:

Backed by the National Rifle Association, the Senate’s No. 2 Republican leader is introducing legislation that would reward states for sending more information about residents with serious mental problems to the federal background check system for firearms purchasers.

[ … ]

Jennifer Baker, spokeswoman for NRA legislative affairs, said the bill took “meaningful steps toward fixing the system and making our communities safer.”

By law, federally licensed gun dealers must conduct background checks on firearms purchasers.

Among those barred from buying guns are people legally determined to be “mentally defective” and those who have been committed to mental institutions. But states are not required to send those records to the background check system, which is run by the FBI, and its database is spotty.

Cornyn’s bill would increase grants under the government’s main law enforcement program by up to 5 percent for states that send the federal system at least 90 percent of their records on people with serious mental problems. States providing less data could see their grants from a broad range of justice programs penalized by the same amounts, at the attorney general’s discretion.

This asshole has tried this before.  But I don’t believe for one moment – I am not even tempted for a nanosecond to believe that maybe, maybe, just perhaps there is some way  – that this will have any effect on crime whatsoever.  And when is the last time you witnessed empowerment of the federal government with anything have good consequences or result in greater recognition of rights?

We’ve discussed how mental health (however that happens to be defined at the moment) has no correlation at all to violent behavior, and how mental health professionals simply cannot use their pseudoscience to be a predictor of violent behavior.  We’ve shown this again, and again, and again, and again.

Furthermore, I’ve warned former military never to engage the services of so-called mental health professionals.  You’ll never get your gun ownership rights recognized again.  As for those who believe in the so-called mental health “sciences,” you may as well believe in voodoo and bow down and worship totem poles or cut your wrists like the prophets of Baal for a god who isn’t there.  The mental health “sciences” is the refuge of collectivists and scoundrels.

Recall Menckenlite’s comment:

Control freaks love psychiatry, a means of social control with no Due Process protections. It is a system of personal opinion masquerading as science. See, e.g., Boston University Psychology Professor Margaret Hagan’s book, Whores of the Court, to see how arbitrary psychiatric illnesses are. Peter Breggin, Fred Baughman and Thomas Szasz wrote extensively about abuses of psychiatry. Liberals blame guns for violence. Conservatives blame mental illness. Neither have any causal connection to violence. The issue is criminal conduct, crime. Suggesting that persons with legal disabilities are criminals shows the nonsensical argument of this politician and his fellow control freaks. Shame on them.

Crime happens because of evil, not “mental health” issues.  As for Cornyn, you see what voting GOP has done for you, just in case you had any last thoughts about voting your way out of this mess.  As for the NRA, does it surprise anyone that they support this bastard of a bill?


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  1. On August 6, 2015 at 8:04 am, Gary Griffiths said:

    Another troglodyte NAGR that sees no reason that the adjudicated insane shouldn’t have free access to firearms. They are just as deceitful as the Everytowners who rant about Universal Background Checks when what they’re after is Universal Registration.

  2. On August 6, 2015 at 3:59 pm, Breathial said:

    Do you INTENTIONALLY miss the point? Since “insanity” can be arbitrarily assigned, anyone can have their God-given rights revoked at the whim of the government. This was a standard tactic in the Soviet Union; ‘you disagree with Stalin so you must be crazy.’

    Disagree with the War On Drugs? We’ll Adjudicate you as insane.

    Criticize our corrupt government, you’re now insane.

    Get it yet?!?

  3. On August 6, 2015 at 7:34 pm, Breathial said:


  4. On August 6, 2015 at 8:04 am, Martin Cohn said:

    Corndog is a damn RINO and he and the NRA can go fuck themselves. When are people going to figure out that the NRA just wants your $$$.

  5. On August 6, 2015 at 7:45 pm, Breathial said:

    Which is why they’ve not received one thin dime from me. I recognized the stench of corruption on them.

  6. On August 6, 2015 at 10:37 pm, will_ford said:

    Gun Owners of America! Period

  7. On August 6, 2015 at 8:23 am, Kevin Riley said:

    John Cornyn lost me permanently when he would not stand up and support Ted Cruz.

  8. On August 7, 2015 at 7:31 pm, DAN III said:

    Ted Cruz, husband to Goldman-Sachs managing director Heidi, son to Cuban father and thus not a natural born citizen ineligible to be POTUS, but running for POTUS anyway. You mean THAT Ted Cruz ?

  9. On August 6, 2015 at 12:37 pm, Blake said:

    What astounds me is that the NRA seems to think the State can be trusted to be an “honest broker.”

    As soon as some sort of “mental capacity to own a firearm” bill is passed, the definition of what constitutes “mental capacity” will be changed.

  10. On August 6, 2015 at 12:44 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Of course it will.

  11. On August 6, 2015 at 5:05 pm, Blake said:

    Interestingly enough, my NRA renewal is due. I called the NRA and told them I would not be renewing and why. I plainly told the nice lady I spoke with the NRA should not be anywhere near Senator Cornyn.

  12. On August 6, 2015 at 5:26 pm, FiftycalTX said:

    Gee, you LEFT OUT the part about taking away ATF’s ability to classify vets that get “assistance” with finances as “unfit” and prevent the same fate for social security receipients. I wonder why that is? Oh, that’s right, you luv to suck NAGR and Pratt’s NRA hate. But hey, what do you need when you are the “righteous” warriors and need to line Pratt’s pockets.

  13. On August 6, 2015 at 9:00 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    No one knows what you’re talking about or to whom your comment is addressed. Clarification is needed before any discussion can take place. Until then, you are having a conversation with yourself on some unknown subject.

  14. On August 6, 2015 at 8:38 pm, Paul X said:

    Actually it used to be the case that having the state maintain a list of names of people who cannot own a gun, was uncontroversial. There now (finally) seems to be an increasing number of people who understand the drawbacks of this view, and who worry more about government with an increasingly lengthy list, than they do about the odd nut with a gun. Being shot by a crazy person must be about as probable as being hit by a meteor. Government is a protection racket, folks. They work in their own interest, not in ours.

    Oh, and psychology certainly is pseudoscience. It is the modern-day version of phrenology.

  15. On August 7, 2015 at 11:19 am, dan said:

    He fits the inside the belt way NRA .A rated pro gun politician….that is the problem with the NRA’s rating system…trusting RINO politicians ….the NRA really needs to clean itself up and only support those that OBEY the Bill of Rights…and after i vote against the Constitution rate them F..immediately….imho

  16. On August 7, 2015 at 5:57 pm, dan said:

    Sponsored and backed by the NRA…….who are the real enemies of this Republic….since ANY compromise among politicians and gun rights groups , on the Bill of Rights , as we have seen for the past 30 years ..only brings law abiding gun owners..yet another loss of freedom and liberty, and brings all of us much closer enforcing the true meaning of the founders requirement for a free state…..imho

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