Will Democrats Control The Legislative Agenda On Guns?
BY Herschel Smith
Although recently set back at the national polls, Democrats could still dominate the legislative agenda on guns and other crucial issues for the next 10 months if the Republican leadership allows a long-term continuing resolution to pass, Gun Owners of America warned members Monday in a national action alert. If that happens, GOA cautioned it will “allow the repudiated Democrats currently in control of the Senate (until January 5) to make all of the spending and policy decisions [and] set policy and spending until the end of the fiscal year (September 30, 2015).
Will the GOP go along to get along like they always do? Codrea concludes:
That makes a recent “rare Capitol Hill appearance” suspect when the purpose of Christie’s visit was to encourage newly-elected lawmakers to “embrace compromise and common ground.” If those representatives heed the governor’s advice, they will pass the long-term CR GOA warns about, and give the Democrats what they want on all other issues as well, including and especially on guns.
Read all of David’s piece and share the link with others. As for the legislative agenda on guns, it’s like everything else. The GOP is in control of the House. It’s that simple. The GOP could stop anything they wanted, dead in its tracks, and without delay. Nothing happens on Capital Hill without GOP concurrence. So David is right to point out that the real threat lies within the GOP lack of will and principle.
On November 19, 2014 at 10:27 am, Kaiser Derden said:
seriously ? they think the lame duck Senate can pass gun control ? so far the GOP House has stopped everything … quit crying wolf … this is just a fundraising stunt …
On November 19, 2014 at 10:45 am, 191145 said:
You may be right . But the dems do have control of the senate till January and “if” repubs let them have long term cr, then it is possible dirty harry could push gun, mag bans with UBC’s and get it just to spite the American people for this last mid term defeat ! IMO.
On November 19, 2014 at 10:52 am, Herschel Smith said:
You’re confused on any number of levels. First of all, I have never given one penny to any political campaign and have not recommended anyone else do this in this article. Fundraising has nothing to do with anything. That’s a misdirect and not germane to the post. Stay focused.
Second, you underestimate the degree to which the GOP can cave. Before being thrown out, Eric Cantor wanted to cave on universal background checks, so did Boehner and a number of Senators (like McCain and Graham and Cornyn). Finally, the GOP will cave on immigration by not doing anything to stop it. They don’t have the guts. That’s merely one example but the GOP is as gutless as any people we’ve ever seen in the history of the world.
On November 19, 2014 at 3:04 pm, Archer said:
As has been implied, the GOP – while in power – doesn’t have to push “gun control” for us to get “gun control”. Or “immigration reform”, or single-payer healthcare, or any other “Progressive” policy change.
They just have to not actively oppose it.
Don’t underestimate how painfully easy it is to convince a lazy or spineless individual to do nothing.
On November 21, 2014 at 10:39 am, Ned Weatherby said:
NSA spies on everyone – including congressmen. Obama knows their dirty little secrets. Since power corrupts, I have little faith that GOP isn’t populated with pervs, and the film is in the hands of the Dems. Ever wonder why little changes towards the benefit of liberty? I could be way off base, but one wonders…